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MovingForward1 08-05-2017 11:01 AM

In the hospital now
Been here a couple of days.

I (so stupidly)did the home detox so many times in the past. Please please don't try it. I have a lot to handle, but the earth kept rotating and the sun kept rising.

Just to be clear, and NOT to diminish anyones personal experience. I'm not talking about a few days of feeling like crap. I'm talking about vomiting beyond control for 14-20 hours straight. Tremors borderlining convulsions. Blood pressure through the roof. That's just naming the first 40 hours or so.

I came to the hospital this time. Was immediately admitted to ICU. Everyone has been respectful and nice and helpful. They have an addiction specialist coming to talk to me sometime today.

This disease has been the ugliest roller coaster ride for me and I'm ready to get off the ride. If you're in any mood for an eye rolling moment, read my old threads.

Thank you SR!!! For all the continued support.

Jezzi 08-05-2017 11:03 AM

Good to hear you're in good hands. I wish you all the best, keep us posted :)

Opivotal 08-05-2017 11:22 AM

Glad to hear you sought medical intervention, MovingForward1.

Sounds like you have a plan this time. Good for you!

Mummyto2 08-05-2017 11:36 AM

Glad you got professional help, hope your on the mend soon

MidnightRider 08-05-2017 11:42 AM

Hey There!
Glad you made the RIGHT choice and are at the hospital.
Hope you are feeling better ...

WME3 08-05-2017 12:08 PM

Glad you are where you need to be! Same happened to me - ended up in ER after huge bender after a lot of "controlled drinking". I can't tell you how important it was to me to get into the rooms of AA first day I was out, get a temporary sponsor, and commit to 90 meetings in 90 days. It may be for you as well. Wish you the best my friend!

Hope1989 08-05-2017 12:24 PM


What you have done is very brave!!! Keep fighting!

I'll keep you in my blessings.

RuneStone 08-05-2017 12:29 PM

You did the right thing going into the ER. I suffered through detox on my own and would not recommend it.

Berrybean 08-05-2017 12:31 PM

Glad you're in safe hands.

Prayers going out for you, and best wishes for your continued sobriety and recovery.


MovingForward1 08-05-2017 12:36 PM

Thanks all for the support. I've joined the August class, hope it's turns into one tool of many for my sobriety

nova84 08-05-2017 01:04 PM

Wishing you well MovingForward1 💜

lilymaz 08-05-2017 01:08 PM

Thanks for the reminder of just how dangerous messing with alcohol can be. So glad you joined us in the August class. You are in good hands in the hospital thank goodness. Feel better soon!

loulou1981 08-05-2017 02:06 PM

Atleast ur in the right place & getting the help u need. Keep posting when ur upto it

MovingForward1 08-05-2017 03:47 PM

Frustrated and want to leave, of course they won't discharge m me, not tonight

It's not alcohol at this point
I want my house
I want my dogs
I want a real shower
I want real food

IN a previous life, I ripped off my monitors, pulled my own IV out waked out. Let the nurses know it was running all over the floor. I was stil half drunk so the had cops meet me outside, with car keys in my hand.

I'm staying tonight, but so incredibly agitated.

Thanks for listening

Hevyn 08-05-2017 03:51 PM

MovingForward - I'm so glad you sought help & are safe. You have your whole life ahead - one lived free of alcohol & the misery of drinking. You can do it - you sound ready. All those things you're wanting right now will be waiting for you. :)

Dee74 08-05-2017 04:25 PM

I'm glad you're in the hospital - sounds like the best place to be for now MovingForward.


AnvilheadII 08-05-2017 04:30 PM

please stay and let the process take it's course. you were in a bad bad way, a smoke isn't going to fix things.

have you thought about a PLAN for assuring successful sobriety?

resolute50 08-05-2017 04:53 PM

Thankful you are safe.
I hope you'll be ready leave the hospital soon.

PhoenixJ 08-05-2017 05:34 PM

I hope you the best and that you recognise the 'next time' phases has nearly closed the account. Support to you.

2muchpain 08-05-2017 05:49 PM

Real happy to see you found a safe place to be. I've been to ICU more times than I can remember, so I it's not a fun place. Plus I also smoke so I know how you feel. Did they give you a patch?
Regarding missing all those things; sounds like you have a nice thing going for you. Those things will not be going anywhere. I hope you stay as long as the people think you should stay. Take care. John

MovingForward1 08-05-2017 06:24 PM

Thank you all. I worked on a plan with an addiction specialist/ councilor. It will include one on one therapy and I'm going to give meetings a go again. Also met with a nutritionist and have a lot of changes in that arena too.

WME3 08-05-2017 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by MovingForward1 (Post 6562367)
Thank you all. I worked on a plan with an addiction specialist/ councilor. It will include one on one therapy and I'm going to give meetings a go again. Also met with a nutritionist and have a lot of changes in that arena too.

Good for you! Hang in there and just do the next right thing! 90 meetings in 90 days helping me so much!

2muchpain 08-05-2017 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by MovingForward1 (Post 6562367)
Thank you all. I worked on a plan with an addiction specialist/ councilor. It will include one on one therapy and I'm going to give meetings a go again. Also met with a nutritionist and have a lot of changes in that arena too.

That's great news. John:c011:

Zebra1275 08-05-2017 07:20 PM

Glad to hear that you sought out medical help.

Hevyn 08-06-2017 06:28 PM

Let us know how it's going, MovingForward. We care.

Delilah1 08-06-2017 11:31 PM

I'm so glad you are in a safe place, and healing. I'm looking forward to hearing about your visit with the addiction specialist tomorrow.

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