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Venecia 09-30-2016 05:32 AM

Days that end in "y" are so much better sober.

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. MB, I hope you're feeling better soon.

happyandfree 09-30-2016 05:33 AM

Good morning everyone!
Midnightlbue, I hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you had something bad.
Weasel, Fridays aren't going to get me anymore either...and I'm still cautious cause Friday was my day to party....but, I do love weekends now since there are no more hangovers and I can actually enjoy life.
OK-easy day at work today and then let the weekend begin!

Zanna 09-30-2016 05:41 AM

I've been walking around all morning, thinking it was Saturday! Not sure what to make of that, as Fridays have always been my downfall. No intentions of drinking - just finding it interesting, that my brain is telling me that I can relax as I have Friday out of the way. (If that makes sense). Regardless, as far as I'm concerned it's Saturday and no danger of wanting booze :)

MLD51 09-30-2016 06:01 AM

Good Friday morning! I just read all the posts I missed yesterday -
Congratulations on 5 months, Sim!
And I hope you feel better soon, MB. Getting sick on top of everything else you are going through... I can't imagine. But It might be your body's way of making you slow down a bit.

Great bit about Fridays, Ken. Fridays are just another day to me now.

Have a great day, everyone!

Quincy 09-30-2016 06:11 AM

I'm in and looking forward to a clear headed, quality restful, non-embarassing, guilt free, fun weekend. How am I going to achieve this? Simple... don't drink. Like many have said, "It is simple, but not always easy". Hope everyone keeps it simple.

On another note, I am heading back to the lake this weekend to go fishing. Last weekend I was convinced on Saturday that the guy fishing down the way must have caught the last fish in the lake because I didn't catch any. However, on Sunday I did have a fish on , but it got away so I know there is at least one more fish in the lake.

Having a plan is discussed here a lot. So, I have put a fishing plan together which should be successful. If I don't catch anything then my back up plan involves the local market that has Salmon on sale this weekend.

Soberwolf 09-30-2016 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by Venecia (Post 6154979)
Days that end in "y" are so much better sober.

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. MB, I hope you're feeling better soon.

I can't believe I thought what day doesn't end in Y :lmao

Good one Ven :hug:

U75 09-30-2016 06:34 AM

Morning Folks. Last day of September. Gotta get my time in for the month (I'm only a few days behind). October is going to be an insanely busy month for me, both personally and professionally. By far the most stressful and challenging stretch since I've been sober. I'm scared, but I'm also looking forward to the challenge, in a way. This summer has been all about developing the tools to deal with life without booze, and now I'm looking forward to put them to the test.

Anyway, on to more important things. I brewed up my first pot in my new coffeemaker this morning after my bike ride. Fantastic coffee, but I forgot that I was out of cream, so I had to use milk instead, which is weak-sauce. Oh well, I'll get back on my game soon enough.

I love all the new people in the thread. Welcome new and old. Someone asked what the point of this thread was, and Ken answered that the point was to get us all through the weekend. This is true. We are always there with some advice or simply a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen when it's needed. But, there's another aspect to this thread that I especially love. It's been kind of a decompression zone for me. It's a place where we can jump in and talk about what's going on in our lives; what we did today; or (if you're me) post goofy pictures of unicorn masks. Discourse about our paths to sobriety is important, of course, but this thread has always been great for me as a place to simply connect as people.

Peace weekenders. Have a fantastic sober Friday!

U75 09-30-2016 06:45 AM

Ugh. It's about to rain again. It has been a really wet month around here.

MLD51 09-30-2016 06:53 AM

I just heard on the radio that this has been one of the wettest Septembers ever over here in my part of the state. I guess last year was a bit wetter, but not by much. Today it's nice here, no rain. So you should see clearing soon, U75.

MidnightBlue 09-30-2016 07:03 AM

Hi, all, again)

I am feeling better compared to yesterday. Even got some food. Still have fever though.

Marty - I think you are right about my body forcing me slowing down. It's like when the level of stress and pressure goes to red zone and my mind can't handle it, the more basic mechanism takes over.

U75 - Enjoy your coffee!

Have a great Friday, weekenders)

Soberwolf 09-30-2016 07:53 AM

Sun's out in London again it started raining while I was waiting in the barbershop and I was in my workout gear as I planned exercise after getting my haircut but before I was out the sun was beaming again

Here's a pic from today were going into October with sunshine - I don't remember any September/October like this

edit I forgot I took it on my mobilia il post it later

joandmelandhan 09-30-2016 08:38 AM

Wow that Friday night with no kids av wants me at the minute. I'm telling on it. Cunning, sneaky nasty voice......I may shock it and hit 2 AA meetings in one day. No matter what i won't drink today guys......x

U75 09-30-2016 08:40 AM

Stay strong, Jo. Use that no-kids opportunity to do something unusual. Get a project done; take a long bath; go read at a coffee shop, whatever. Start the pattern of associating those kid-free nights with something other than drinking.

MLD51 09-30-2016 08:44 AM

I had to retrain my brain to deal with "no kid" nights differently too. Instead of seeing it as an opportunity to drink, I now see it as freedom to go get a pedicure, go to a movie alone, go for a really long walk, eat fun stuff the kid won't touch, stuff like that.

MLD51 09-30-2016 08:45 AM

Also meetings. Meetings are always good.

saoutchik 09-30-2016 09:30 AM

Welcome to Weekenders Caramel

MidnightBlue, I am pleased you are feeling better

Nearly going home time, since I have got to come in tomorrow morning I am not going to stay late

SoberWolf, I did not know it rained today, it is lovely now

Some poor chap has been trying to get us Londoners to talk to each other on the London Underground rail network and has chosen my stop - Old Street - to base his operation from. I am afraid that I am one of those curmudgeonly Londoners that are determined to nip this sort of thing in the bud. I can't be talking to strangers first thing in the morning, even accidental eye contact must be avoided at all costs or else civilisation will crumble

American behind London Tube Chat badges reveals why he wants to get commuters talking*

U75 09-30-2016 09:49 AM

I wholeheartedly concur with you, sao. I lived in New York for 1.5 years, and had to commute every day from the Bronx to mid-town. The thought of engaging in polite conversation with others on the train for no reason is simply outside the realm of possibility.

Soberwolf 09-30-2016 10:00 AM

It was brief Sao but enough to wet the roads etc il be honest I was all ready to get exercising after I got out of the barber and when I saw the rain I just thought I'm only in shorts & a T-shirt lol but as you know how London weather goes by the time I was out of there the sun was shining hard and I got to exercise legs are feeling it but no pain in my knee :)

Just want to say to anyone guests Inc on thier first sober weekend that if you think you can't get through this then think again ask questions get involved send a pm try out the chat room & know you can get through this we are evidence that it is so so possible - hang in there newcomers x

joandmelandhan 09-30-2016 10:02 AM

Settling on cooking a really nice meal and hitting a meeting. The urge has passed nicely but I'm taking no

Ruby2 09-30-2016 10:49 AM

Hey everyone.

Jo, I'm glad the urge passed. I have a hard time when the kids are gone in the evening. I usually try going to an AA meeting. Or meeting a friend for ice cream. It's a treat to have time just to myself. I don't have to drink to fill it, just because being by myself feels odd.

U75, I'm glad your coffee maker is a success. I drink my coffee black so none of that cream OR milk, thank you very much. It's good that you had the summer to work on your sobriety. We'll stick with you through your busy season.

It's been raining or drizzling here for the past three days. I don't actually mind it. Kind of peaceful. I wish it would continue tomorrow so I don't have an excuse to not do housework and indoor chores. And baking. My kids want to bake cookies. Rainy weather is perfect for that.

Gilmer 09-30-2016 10:59 AM

Hell has frozen over!

I just went out and 1) weeded and 2) sprayed insecticide on my lackluster azaleas.

I do see some healthy new growth on them since the last time I applied it.

Soberwolf 09-30-2016 11:09 AM

Awesome Gilmer x

MidnightBlue 09-30-2016 11:24 AM

SW - still waiting for that pic)

saoutchik 09-30-2016 11:42 AM

Enjoy your fishing Quincy

7.30pm here, it has been dark for more than 40 minutes, ugh. By the time it gets to 1pm Saturday I will have worked 55-57 hours this week plus about 3 hours in commuting, too much really at this point in my life, I enjoy pressure in short bursts but not over sustained periods, I do not want to go back to old habits.

At least I am not "working" as such tomorrow, we are having the concrete floors polished and I am only there to open and close the building plus keep an eye on the contractors. The fact that it is being done at all is a result of me cajoling my boss. Got some potential customers taking a look round next week and I want us to look professional

Crazy Golf in half an hour!

Weasel1966 09-30-2016 12:14 PM

Good luck Sao!!!!

Ruby2 09-30-2016 12:42 PM

Good luck Sao on the crazy golf. Bring a book and a cup of coffee tomorrow and relax while the floors are polished.

This day is creeping by very slowly.

Soberwolf 09-30-2016 12:54 PM

Enjoy your crazy golf Sao

Here you go Midnight the sunshine while I was out today cant believe December is only 90 or so days away

U75 09-30-2016 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by Ruby2 (Post 6155373)
This day is creeping by very slowly.

I'm fairly certain it's actually moving backwards.

steve-in-kville 09-30-2016 01:37 PM

Great thread!

Gonna be a rainy weekend. Got some DVD's from the library to watch. Hogan's Heros, Dragnet, etc. Trying to be a productive father, husband and overall human being.... not cooped up in the bedroom drinking all day.

LBrain 09-30-2016 01:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
welcome steveinkville, wherever that is...

the rain slowed some, I dug out the 'weeds' that grew in where the rabbit dug out the grass, planted grass seed there, along the back side, and out front where it died this summer, every time I put grass seed in the front, it's like throwing money on the ground... having a big slope with no irrigation that gets baked by the sun... not to mention the builders took all the soil and sold it... bastiches

ah, Dragnet, in black and white no doubt... hmm I just realized it probably was in color, we never owned a color tv set tho

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