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Dee74 09-29-2016 04:57 AM

Welcome to you sinkingfeeling and anyone else who is setting up for a first weekend sober :)


Hawkeye13 09-29-2016 04:59 AM

I'm in
Don't go Whiskey--your sobriety is more important.
I had to step back from social things for awhile until I got stable in being sober
so it won't be forever, just until being around drinking friends doesn't trigger you.

I'm in for a sober weekend too!

Lightning Bug 09-29-2016 05:05 AM

Whiskey, if you go and find yourself obsessing over the open bar, just go. Fake kidney stones, tell them you have a hot date, explain that your boss is expecting you to show up at work. Or just go, no explanation necessary. Whatever you choose to say don't feel bad about it. There is an bar and the Macarena- no one will notice you sneaking out. Don't risk your sobriety.

brynn 09-29-2016 05:29 AM

I'm in for another awesomely sober weekend!

Congrats petals!

Behappy1 09-29-2016 05:37 AM

I am IN!! Homecoming for my 15 year old twins this weekend! Super excited for them AND the difference between this year and last year is that I won't be rushing home after the football game or the dance to drink! (This is so pathetic as an accomplishment - but it's true.). I think on Sunday we will go to church and just chillax.

Venecia 09-29-2016 05:45 AM

Great to see new sober friends here!

Terrific opener, Dee. Thank you for sharing that insight with us.

My advice on weddings, which are always a tough issue in early sobriety. Work on your exit strategy now. Make it your primary strategy, not your Plan B. Don't look at it as "if I don't feel comfortable, I'll leave by X o'clock." Make it, "I'm staying until X o'clock and then leaving." Whatever X o'clock is, it should be early. It helps to be rather rigid about your approach. Stay in a different hotel than the others -- it helps keep you in a more secure place, emotionally. Have a snack before the wedding so you're not hungry when the post-ceremony festivities begin. Drink lots of water.

Hope that's helpful.

happyandfree 09-29-2016 06:07 AM

Good morning eveyone!
Dee, thanks for the beautiful intro. I love the analogy to the Japanese bowl, mended with gold. That is what we become....transformed beautiful people doing the very best we can to repair some of the wreckage of our pasts. We can move forward with pride.
welcome to all newbies....stick around, this is a very good site.
have a great day everyone!

U75 09-29-2016 06:17 AM

Little did I know, every time I tried to put a broken dish or vase or lamp back together I was practicing an ancient Japanese custom. Of course, I don't have a lot of spare gold lying around, so I use krazy glue. That counts, right? :turn:

Anyway, I'm in for the long haul this weekend. Are we still using Ken's bus, or is Dee towing us all through the weekend with his scooter? Might get pretty crowded, but we're all friends, right?

Peace weekenders. Have a great sober Thursday/Friday!

U75 09-29-2016 06:40 AM

Okay, my day started out with some serious trauma. When I don't ride in the morning, I get up at 6, go downstairs and start the coffee, and then take a shower. By the time I'm out of the shower, the coffee is done and I have a fresh pot waiting for me while I make the kids' lunches.

This morning was the same, but when I got back into the kitchen to pour my first cup, I lifted the carafe, and there. was. nothing. in. it. The machine said it was on; the green light was blinking merrily away, but I knew that it was suffering. It was making this heart-rending clicking noise, trying its best to fire up the heating element to give me my morning cup of motivation. But nothing was issuing forth.

I tried everything to revive it. This included cursing at it, first softly and then loudly. Then I mashed all of the buttons (mixed with a healthy dose of cursing). Then I unplugged it and counted to ten and plugged it back in (whilst cursing under my breath), and then mashing the buttons again, this time mixed with both tears and cursing. Inexplicably, none of that worked. All the F@#$&ing thing did was morosely click-click clickety cliiiiiiick.

I'm not a coffee connoisseur. I don't sit around and talk about roasts or go to coffee shops or any of that crap. I simply NEEED it in the morning to function. It has to be strong, and it has to be mixed with copious amounts of cream and sugar (I like to call it "rocket fuel"). Without it, I'm slow. I'm incapable of higher cognitive functions, such as stringing words together in a coherent sentence.

Somehow, I managed to make lunches and get the kids out the door. I even managed to drive to work without careening off the road, and now am at my desk having finished my first cup of the day, and about to go get another.

As you all settle in at your desks/places of employment/kitchen tables wherever this morning, please raise a cuppa Joe in remembrance of a fallen comrade. My coffee maker. You served me faithfully for years. Tonight, I shall toss you in the trash while I unwrap the new model I will pick up today. Do you think I can find one that's wifi enabled?

emme99 09-29-2016 06:42 AM

I'm in :)

Originally Posted by Zanna (Post 6153496)
life is far too short, to spend waiting for withdrawals to pass.

This reminds me of yesterday when I was sitting at work unable to concentrate with a headache, nauseous and dizzy, that all my mornings are spent feeling like that, but they don't have to be anymore :)

Have a great day everyone~

LBrain 09-29-2016 07:00 AM

maybe you shoulda had a cup of coffee before you tried to make the coffee U...:sly:

I'll tell ya what I hate... when I forget to make sure the carafe is empty first and discover coffee all over the counter top... the wife is famous for that...

U75 09-29-2016 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by LBrain (Post 6153713)
maybe you shoulda had a cup of coffee before you tried to make the coffee U...:sly:

I'll tell ya what I hate... when I forget to make sure the carafe is empty first and discover coffee all over the counter top... the wife is famous for that...

Something something Chicken; something something Egg.

I'm famous for not putting the carafe firmly under the spout so as to engage the no-drip mechanism, causing the mixture of hot water and grounds to back up and well up out of the basket and flood the entire counter with hot, fragrant coffee-mud.

Pinky1 09-29-2016 07:30 AM

last weekend and wasting yet another 5 days of my life recovering from it,

Pinky1 09-29-2016 07:35 AM

Originally Posted by Pinky1 (Post 6153745)
last weekend and wasting yet another 5 days of my life recovering from it,

I have no idea what happened to my message was replying to zanna and most disappeared. Phone playing up will try later

tekink 09-29-2016 07:44 AM

Welp, I have a long weekend this week, today is technically friday! Pool party tomorrow with some friends, it's a dual birthday party (one of which is mine (but late)). I'm not worried, everyone knows I've quit drinking and I'm not the only one at the party who has so I'll have a safety buddy and I feel good about it. I'm going to be around alcohol all of my life so I need to adjust to being around it and not drinking.

ardy 09-29-2016 07:53 AM

thank you Dee.. what a great bit of thought.. we had a great weekend lots of out doors and sun and families and Harvest Fest.. and then Ed passed out on Monday and fell from the ladder he was on...he will be 62 very soon .. and the time I will have with him I know grows shorter... thank you for the support don't know what I would do with out all of you..

Ruby2 09-29-2016 08:05 AM

Dinomyte start to the weekend thread!

Thank you Dee for the intro. I'm always glad when people can see the beauty in objects that have been used and treasured. They are far more interesting in my eyes for the patina that comes with age and use. I sometimes mistrust squeaky, shiny new things (unless it's electronics). We are more interesting for what we have gone through because in stopping we are forced to actually think.

I do love ladybug's puzzle analogy. That's awesome.

Happy Birthday to your daughter VQ.

Gilmer, good to see you.

I'm going back to putting my nose to the grindstone. Oh, U75, my coffee maker with the timer and the this and that stopped working. I replaced it with a bare bones Mr. Coffee. It goes on and it goes off. Oh, and drip stop. Can't live without the ability to take that first cup before the pot is done brewing.

LadyBee 09-29-2016 08:08 AM

This will be my first weekend. We have a group of people we visit and they all drink. That's what we do, hang out by a fire and drink. I won't be going this weekend but it won't be an issue because I also have Bipolar Disorder and they are used to me cancelling. I tell people if they need a definite answer the answer is no because I'm unreliable. I don't work so it's pretty much like every other day. I'll probably try to find a new Netflix series to binge watch :)
I had my first drinking dream last night where I got mad about something and ran to the store. It was nice to wake up sober.
And I think I'm the only person left who drinks instant coffee :)

Pinky1 09-29-2016 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Zanna (Post 6153496)
Not brave enough to ask Dee's permission though but in all honesty, last weekend and wasting yet another 5 days of my life recovering from it, have made me realise, life is far too short, to spend waiting for withdrawals to pass.
I'm done with drinking x

I know exactly how you feel. I was day 6 feeling good then drank Saturday night wine (lots🙁) fetched more for Sunday night then got a stash in and drank Monday and Tuesday day/evening and wasted my only 2 days off work!! Had withdrawals Wednesday felt like crap all day. Feel better today and determined like you am not wasting any more time. I had loads planned I wanted to do on my days off. I can't get those days back but I can not waste anymore of my precious time to drink. Good luck to a sober weekend! 👍 x

tekink 09-29-2016 08:24 AM

Originally Posted by Pinky1 (Post 6153796)
I know exactly how you feel. I was day 6 feeling good then drank Saturday night wine (lots🙁) fetched more for Sunday night then got a stash in and drank Monday and Tuesday day/evening and wasted my only 2 days off work!! Had withdrawals Wednesday felt like crap all day. Feel better today and determined like you am not wasting any more time. I had loads planned I wanted to do on my days off. I can't get those days back but I can not waste anymore of my precious time to drink. Good luck to a sober weekend! 👍 x

I'm finding my WDs worse each time I relapse and quit again. It's really helping me shut the AV dead in it's tracks. This time insomnia hit when it hadn't affected me before, I already have insomnia and coming off alcohol in the past tended to ease it in the early morning. I'm still waiting for that one to happen. This last quit my WDs increased two fold it seems. However I'm not craving this time so it's a step forward and a step back because those cravings frustrate the heck out of me.

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