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ICanDoBetter 03-02-2016 03:32 AM

Day 22 - my three week-aversary :-)
Yesterday was chaotic as expected, including an introverts nightmare in a loud and crowded social setting full of virtual strangers in the evening. I was spent til we got home and went to bed early to avoid he urge for a beer to unwind. But not before I laid out everything for the pool this morning as I was to go swim this morning. Well... I overslept. Not altogether uncommon for me but it is the first time I have overslept since beginning this journey. While I'm not happy it happened, I at least know that it is because my body needed the rest and not because I drank too much and missed the alarm. And since I didn't get there, I've spent the last half hour snuggling with the dog and sipping coffee. :-)

So today is a typical day of work, where I'm finally getting caught up - feels awesome! Perhaps this evening I'll sneak away to the gym for a lovely meditative class I haven't gotten to take for a while, or perhaps I'll hit the pool after work to make up for the missed swim workout. Shall decide on that soon.

So.... Three full weeks of sobriety under my belt feels pretty good... And today I will not drink.

MikeM 03-02-2016 03:47 AM

Congrats! Feels great, doesn't it? We're both on day 22! :)

Soberwolf 03-02-2016 07:12 AM

you are awesome ICDB

ICanDoBetter 03-02-2016 03:56 PM

Thanks all :-) I left the house this morning feeling I had forgotten something ... En route to work I realized I hadn't out a stone in my jar, do I got to do that when I got home from work :-)

PurpleKnight 03-02-2016 04:41 PM

Fantastic!! :You_Rock_

advbike 03-02-2016 05:23 PM

Oh that's so awesome! Three weeks is huge..

Jsbodhi 03-02-2016 07:11 PM

Very well done! Don't beat yourself up for oversleeping, you obviously needed the rest xoxo

ZenLifter 03-02-2016 07:37 PM

Good for you! And I strongly relate to the introverts nightmare you describe. Such situations really exhaust me. Could be why you needed the extra sleep :)

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