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MariahGayle 02-12-2016 05:37 PM

came to join the crowd here. Coming up on 90 days on Tuesday.....took the training wheels off a couple weeks ago when I quit taking anabuse....feeling strong/committed & grateful to be sober! Happy Sober Week-end everyone!

Trees39 02-12-2016 05:39 PM

It's hot. Cicadas are in full force.

brynn 02-12-2016 05:41 PM

So, tomorrow is the birthday party where I have to see the ex. I've been dreading it for weeks ugh! With my luck I'll probably wake up with a pimple and be bloated!! Not that it matters...I mean, he's seen me at my's just human nature to want to look smokin hot when you run into an ex, right? Oh...and I will look hot.... Skin tight shredded jeans and tall boots! :)

brynn 02-12-2016 05:43 PM

Hi MG! Congrats on 90 days! :). How are your grandsons?

Jsbodhi 02-12-2016 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by brynn (Post 5793512)
So, tomorrow is the birthday party where I have to see the ex. I've been dreading it for weeks ugh! With my luck I'll probably wake up with a pimple and be bloated!! Not that it matters...I mean, he's seen me at my's just human nature to want to look smokin hot when you run into an ex, right? Oh...and I will look hot.... Skin tight shredded jeans and tall boots! :)

* snap and ghetto headshake*

Jsbodhi 02-12-2016 05:49 PM

Hi MG!! Xoxo

LBrain 02-12-2016 05:50 PM

WELCOME TO THE WEEKENDER THOSE POSTING FOR THE FIRST TIME HERE. I lost track after so many pages and lost avatars for quick reference.

And 'new' returning weekenders. For some reason I can't see avatars and all that jazz.

So I'm sitting at a red light waiting. Finally it turns green. As usual I look left and look right before I pull out. The car coming from the right appeared to be not slowing down. So I wait. I could tell the people behind me were getting impatient because I didn't pull out after the light changed. I started inching out thinking, "This clown isn't going to stop..." Sure as bleep, he cruised straight through a red light oblivious to it. A few minutes later I'm behind this guy waiting for the light to change. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a big ass glass of beer he just picked up from the center console. Yeah, a glass. The kind you get when you order the tall one in a bar. And his passenger was seen with a 16 oz can preparing to pour into a glass. I guess they are too high brow to drink straight from can while driving. Before I saw the beer thing, I noticed this beat up blue ford taurus proudly displayed michigan wolverines stickers across the back in multiple places. Not that it makes a difference, they were definitely proud of MU.
Had I known they had tall ones going I would have considered getting t-boned so I could cash in and get the new pick up truck and new house and boat...

not really...

LBrain 02-12-2016 05:54 PM

way to go MG - stay close if you get wobbly without the training wheels...

on the way home tonight I stopped to get movie tickets for Monday. So far we have the theater to ourselves. Seats are arranged in pairs like a love seat, electric recliners. Got the choicest seats.

MLD51 02-12-2016 05:56 PM

Hey there, Mariah! Yay for you on 90 days!

brynn 02-12-2016 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by Jsbodhi (Post 5793531)
* snap and ghetto headshake*

Damn straight, girl!

Jsbodhi 02-12-2016 06:01 PM

Brain!! A glass haha! Omg!

brynn 02-12-2016 06:02 PM

Ive been texting with 56 all day and now he wants to talk! Like actually talk on the phone blah! I hate getting trapped in a conversation like that...if it isn't going well I hate making up excuses to get off the phone.

I used to put booze in Sonic cups for driving. Good disguise and it won't spill!! (Yes, I now that sounds awful but I did drink and drive...disgusting).

Jsbodhi 02-12-2016 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by brynn (Post 5793569)
Ive been texting with 56 all day and now he wants to talk! Like actually talk on the phone blah! I hate getting trapped in a conversation like that...if it isn't going well I hate making up excuses to get off the phone.

I used to put booze in Sonic cups for driving. Good disguise and it won't spill!! (Yes, I now that sounds awful but I did drink and drive...disgusting).

I call them randomly Brynn- usually catches them by surprise- I just like voices :)

MLD51 02-12-2016 06:09 PM

I can honestly say I never actually drank while actually driving. But I sure did drink first and then drive. Never ever again. Honestly - even if I were to drink again (not gonna happen) I would never drive after drinking. I learned my lesson on that. My next DUI would be a felony. And I know a couple of people through AA who have really sad stories of killing people while drinking and driving. I'm eternally grateful I never hurt anyone - I'd seriously want to die if I did. So - no more of that nonsense!

Jsbodhi 02-12-2016 06:13 PM

I was never a drinker and driver- not exactly sure why, I just didn't.
Well, not entirely true- I'd wake up in the morning to go to work and I'm sure I'd have blown over a few times.

MLD51 02-12-2016 06:34 PM

9:30 on a Friday night and I've already been in bed for a half hour. Oh, how my life has changed! For the better!

Jsbodhi 02-12-2016 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by MLD51 (Post 5793635)
9:30 on a Friday night and I've already been in bed for a half hour. Oh, how my life has changed! For the better!

I've been in bed all day :/
Still in bed!!! Thinking of going for a drive or something though, I'm afraid I won't sleep since I've just been laying here all day!

Well I did get groceries and pick up keys from a client- but that's literally all I've done

gettingsmarter 02-12-2016 06:41 PM

Good evening all. Chill'in watching movies with a belly too full of pizza. Stay safe and sober everybody.

My pig wants everyone to know he loves laying on his favorite pillow next to his daddy.

happyandfree 02-12-2016 07:00 PM

Hi pig!
Wow, am I ever glad this week is finally over. It was a long one.
hey, it's 7:45 and I'm in bed. Nothing wrong with that! I couldn't be more content.
Brynn...I bet you'll look fantastic tomorrow. Cool boots and all. Will you be with someone for moral support? It may be hard seeing the ex but it's a good thing to do. Then it won't be such a big deal.
I ate a bunch of candy today. I had it in my office and couldn't stop...yuck. Am going off sugar again tomorrow. I have no control over it...just like booze. big plans for the weekend. Will work on my quilt project tomorrow. Potluck party tomorrow night. Volunteer work on Sunday. I've got to get the quilt done this weekend.
Time to see what's on tv.

gettingsmarter 02-12-2016 07:10 PM

HAF I lost it with sweets today too. Got into the the Resee's at the gas station. As long as it's not booze I don't feel too bad. It does kinda feel like the same compulsion. Oh well. I'll be joining you on the no sugar.

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