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kinzoku 01-26-2016 07:24 AM

I Lie
So I tell people I have a stomach condition and that is why I dont drink. I think there is nothing wrong with this. It hurts noone and makes any discussion or persuasion attempts moot.

I used to think that I needed to be honest but really no. My sobriety is my own goal, no-one needs to know why I chose not to drink.


Anna 01-26-2016 07:31 AM

I agree that it's nobody's business if you don't drink. And, I don't tell people that I don't drink. Lying was connected to my drinking, because I was always trying to hide my drinking from my family. The lies were constant. So, for me, I knew that I wasn't going to lie anymore when I stopped drinking.

doggonecarl 01-26-2016 07:35 AM

Say whatever you want.

Are you really asked that often? I haven't drank since Sept 2010 and I might have been asked once why I don't drink. One time. I don't remember my response but I probably told the person that I quit drinking. Nothing I'm ashamed of.

I have been asked a number of times, would I like a drink. "No, thank you" has always sufficed.

kinzoku 01-26-2016 07:37 AM

I'm asked less than I expected, and the first few months of my sobriety were pretty quiet. Now I go out again and have been travelling so I'd say I'm asked at least once a week.

If I make a new close friend I tell them and I told my girlfriend and my parents. Strangers though, naw.

No thankyou does NOT always suffice in my experience, but backpackers and expats be a crazy bunch.

Croutie 01-26-2016 07:38 AM

I agree with you 100%. It's nobody's business.... I seen nothing wrong with it.
I think each person has to do whatever it takes to maintain their soberity, and if that is what works for you Kinzoku, more power to you.

Anna 01-26-2016 07:40 AM

Originally Posted by kinzoku (Post 5762440)
No thankyou does NOT always suffice in my experience, but backpackers and expats be a crazy bunch.

I tried to remember that I don't owe anyone an explanation.

biminiblue 01-26-2016 07:44 AM

I don't explain to casual acquaintances. I also don't like breeching my integrity by BSing someone for no reason.

Part of my new sober life is knowing what is good for me and what isn't. Lying is a very slippery slope for me. It doesn't affect the casual acquaintance, but it affects me. No means no. No explanation needed.

Cobrakai 01-26-2016 07:47 AM

Originally Posted by kinzoku (Post 5762425)
So I tell people I have a stomach condition and that is why I dont drink. I think there is nothing wrong with this. It hurts noone and makes any discussion or persuasion attempts moot.

I used to think that I needed to be honest but really no. My sobriety is my own goal, no-one needs to know why I chose not to drink.


I think it's brilliant. I'm going to borrow it. Agreed that it's no one's business but yours, and whatever gets them off your back.

ScottFromWI 01-26-2016 07:52 AM

For me it rarely even comes up as a topic of conversation. Certainly people will ask me sometimes if I'd like a drink and I usually just ask for a water or something else and that's the end of it. On the rare occasion that I've been asked why I don't drink I just say because I choose not to, and no further explanation is needed.

Delilah1 01-26-2016 08:02 AM

I have actually had some health issues in the past few months, so I have just said I am no longer drinking to have a healthier lifestyle, which actually is the truth.

JohnQPublic 01-26-2016 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by Anna (Post 5762430)
I agree that it's nobody's business if you don't drink. And, I don't tell people that I don't drink. Lying was connected to my drinking, because I was always trying to hide my drinking from my family. The lies were constant. So, for me, I knew that I wasn't going to lie anymore when I stopped drinking.

What Anna has said here sums it up for me. Its no ones business. I personally found that a duplicitous nature was connected to my drinking. Hiding it or mitigating its effects from family friends even myself became second nature for me. That's why for me, not that it has to be this way for anyone else, I have to try to be as honest as I can as much as I can because lying was strongly connected to my drinking. But you know saying you don't drink due to medical reasons is a good thing to tell people and its also true. Keep it up. You don't have to answer to anyone else. My best. John

Soberwolf 01-26-2016 08:37 AM

I just say I don't drink

greens 01-26-2016 09:29 AM

I'm with you kinzoku some close friends know the real reason why I don't drink but there's no need to tell random people or acquaintances.

totfit 01-26-2016 11:15 AM

I just say, "It doesn't agree with me". No big deal and totally the truth.

Berrybean 01-26-2016 11:26 AM

I reckon my cousin's doing the same.

Fair enough. Whatever keeps you sober I suppose - you're honest with yourself, and have been honest with your nearest and dearest.

Dee74 01-26-2016 03:01 PM

If thats whats comfortable for you, go for it.

I was like Anna tho - lying & making up stuff was so much a part of my old life I had to strike out a new way in recovery.

If you're hanging around people for whom 'no thank you' is not enough then maybe you be hanging around the wrong crowd, Kinzoku?


Carlotta 01-26-2016 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 5763030)
If thats whats comfortable for you, go for it.

If you're hanging around people for whom 'no thank you' is not enough then maybe you be hanging around the wrong crowd, Kinzoku?


I have yet to be asked why I don't drink. It could be because I socialize with a more mature crowd and with people who tend to mind their own business or simply that I don't hang out with heavy drinkers in places or at events which center around getting intoxicated.

MIRecovery 01-26-2016 03:16 PM

It is not something I need to worry about because for the most part I don't go to places where people are drinking. I just don't like to be around alcohol and people that are drinking

Nowwhat11 01-26-2016 03:19 PM

I get asked a lot and blame fitness/health. I just mentioned that in another response elsewhere but I found that the "honesty" was helping everyone else but me. Not a subject I want to talk about and no one is owed any more explanation. Do what's good for you and don't worry about anyone else.

least 01-26-2016 03:19 PM

If I refuse the offer of a drink, and am asked why not, I ask them if it bothers them that I don't drink. :) They usually don't have an answer to that so they let it go. :)

Zeroine 01-26-2016 03:29 PM

I'd call this a white lie and think it's up to you whether you do it or not. If you choose to, I don't personally think it breaches integrity. I see it as just a social technique, on a par with expressing interest in what someone's saying when if you were really going to be authentic you'd yawn and walk away.

Having said that, like others I've found that if I say I don't drink I don't tend to get asked why. If I say I don't eat meat, however, I may get harangued for ten minutes!

rahrah 01-26-2016 03:52 PM

"It interferes with my sobriety." Is what I said the last time someone questioned WHY I wasn't having a drink.

But next time I may change it up and say 'It interferes with my SANITY!!!' as I stare wide-eyed at them....that might shut them up! lol

Thumpalumpacus 01-26-2016 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by MIRecovery (Post 5763046)
It is not something I need to worry about because for the most part I don't go to places where people are drinking. I just don't like to be around alcohol and people that are drinking

So far, this early in my recovery, this has been my approach ... but I know I will have to get out and resume a full-blooded life, and it may be difficult, because this area has so many heavy drinkers.

I'm not sure how I'll handle it, so this topic is definitely useful for me. Thanks to all for your great posts.

SoberinSyracuse 01-26-2016 04:05 PM

Alcohol addiction is a medical issue, and people are often private about their medical issues. In fact, it's considered awkward to discuss them openly in public.

Zebra1275 01-26-2016 05:27 PM

I'm old enough that it's not much of an issue in my age group.

SoberLife90 01-26-2016 06:34 PM

I personally wouldn't lie about it. I would just say I don't drink and leave it at that.

kinzoku 01-26-2016 06:58 PM

Im happy this generated a discussion.

I think a lot of people have great points. I'll expand on why I say the stomach thing.

When I meet new people they sometimes ask why I don't drink, they sometimes dont. I usually don't offer any info unless asked but if pressed I say I have a bad stomach. Truth is, I have a host of chronic conditions which mean that I shouldnt drink, have caffeine, or eat spicy food in anything other than moderation. But thats not why I dont drink.

In my opinion telling people I have a problem with alcohol opens the door for further discussion that Idont want to have with strangers.

I hope a new person reading this thread gets some good ideas as I think this question is a hard one in your early recovery so kudos to everyone who answered!

Oh and I'll add if someone kept pestering me I'd cut them out of my life quick, I've found that has never happened once I've said I don't drink.

Dropsie 01-27-2016 04:26 AM

I was thinking last night how stupid drinking really is, and how terrible it is for your health -- moved up to a level one carcinogen.

So not drinking really should be the norm, not the exception.

I sometimes say, I just don't, in the same way I don't smoke; but that always generates a discussion. So if its folks I might want to have that discussion with, I might answer that.

But I think if you limit to to its bad for my health, or doesn't agree with me, all of that is true as others have said. its the extra details about your stomach that creates the possible deception, and do you really need it... On the other hand, as you say, its really true..

There is also this "sober-just-cause" movement going, which I think is a great thing for young people.

We have to break the perception that drinking is normal and sobriety is odd!

FormerWineGirl 01-27-2016 10:46 AM

Say what makes you comfortable. I do think that a younger person would probably feel the need to provide an explanation more so than an older person. Personally, I am at the age where I feel that my life and my choices are my business. That said, I'll come clean and tell you that I have used a medical excuse before, to a few people who were more than acquaintances and knew I drank, but not close friends. This was a year and a half ago when I quit drinking. Now I would not feel the need to do that. Sobriety, as well as age, has made me more comfortable in my own skin. What you say now may not be what you choose to say a year from now. As long as you don't drink, its all good. ☺

SoberinSyracuse 01-27-2016 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Dropsie (Post 5763879)
...So not drinking really should be the norm, not the exception.

We have to break the perception that drinking is normal and sobriety is odd!

Actually, not drinking is the norm in my peer and professional circles. It's going out of style, like smoking did. It's becoming fashionable to be gluten-free, exercise 7 days a week, and drink nothing but 80 oz of filtered water a day. I blend in much better now.

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