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PennyLane76 01-24-2016 09:23 AM

Like the name, didn't want to be close to real name which is rare.

least 01-24-2016 09:28 AM

It comes from the verse in Mathew. "That which you do unto the least of these, my brethren, you do unto me."

Inchworm 01-24-2016 09:31 AM

I seem to move forward in my recovery veerrryyy slowly.

Meraviglioso 01-24-2016 09:43 AM

I remember the old thread too and loved it then. It is interesting to hear about everyone's user names. Mine is also a song. I try to remain positive as much as I can and this song is a great reminder of that.

Here are the lyrics in Italian with the English translation:

E vero, credetemi è accaduto/ it's true, believe me, it happened
di notte su di un ponte/ one night on a bridge
guardando l'acqua scura/ while I was looking at the dark waters
con la dannata voglia/ feeling the damned impulse
di fare un tuffo giù uh/ to dive into them
D'un tratto qualcuno alle mie spalle/ suddenly someone behind me
forse un angelo/ perhaps an angel
vestito da passante/ disguised as a passer-by
mi portò via dicendomi/ took me away saying
Così: Meraviglioso/this: wonderful
ma come non ti accorgi/ can't you see
di quanto il mondo sia/ how the world is
meraviglioso/ wonderful
Meraviglioso/ wonderful
perfino il tuo dolore/ even your sorrow
potrà guarire poi/ could heal someday
meraviglioso/ wonderful
Ma guarda intorno a te/ take a look around you
che doni ti hanno fatto:/ at all the gifts they offered you
ti hanno inventato il mare eh/ they invented the sea for you
Tu dici non ho niente/ you say you have nothing
Ti sembra niente il sole!/ does the sun seem nothing to you
La vita,l'amore/ and what about life, love
meraviglioso/ wonderful
il bene di una donna/ the love of a woman
che ama solo te/ who loves only you
meraviglioso/ wonderful
La luce di un mattino/ the light of the morning
labbraccio di un amico/ the hug of a friend
il viso di un bambino/ the face of a child
meraviglioso/ wonderful
meraviglioso/ wonderful
Ma guarda intorno a te/ take a look around you
che doni ti hanno fatto:/ at all the gifts they offered you
ti hanno inventato il mare eh/ they invented the sea for you
Tu dici non ho niente/ you say you have nothing
Ti sembra niente il sole!/ does the sun seem nothing to you
La vita,l'amore/ and what about life, love
meraviglioso/ wonderful
La notte era finita/ th night was over
e ti sentivo ancora/ and i could still feel you
Sapore della vita/ taste of life
meraviglioso/ wonderful

Ultramarathoner 01-24-2016 09:54 AM

I set a goal to run an Ultramarathon.

I changed my name on here a year or so before accomplishing the goal to help drive my goal- and the way I chose to see myself- into my subconscious.

Soberwolf 01-24-2016 09:58 AM

Mine came through the story of two wolves

Which one wins ? the one you feed = Soberwolf

nova84 01-24-2016 10:08 AM

The Latin meaning of Nova is 'New'...which struck a cord with me as I embark on this new beginning. I was born in 1984 x

gettingsmarter 01-24-2016 10:25 AM

Before alcohol had sloooowly reduced my ability to think clearly to that of a stain on a couch cushion, I was a pretty creative and sharp guy. My goal has always been to get that back. So I'm gettingsmarter.

Soberpotamus 01-24-2016 10:29 AM

The hippopotamus is one of my favorite animals.

thomas11 01-24-2016 10:33 AM

huh, I'll give you an idea of how "creative" I am. Mine is someone's middle name with two numbers after it. That's it.

RattleAndHum 01-24-2016 10:40 AM

I'm a big U2 fan. Rattle and Hum is one of their albums, a movie of their live performances in the late 80s, and a lyric from "Bullet the Blue Sky." Listening to them brings me back to a time of innocence for me.

Cool thread idea.

letitgo 01-24-2016 10:54 AM

Great idea.

I stole it from my daughter's favorite movie Frozen. Its was the antithesis of my life before sobriety. Through my recovery i have been able to embrace this and use it to help me through times of anxiety and depression. No more bottling it up literally and figuratively.
Great idea for a thread :)

Awesome thread.

Hercules 01-24-2016 11:06 AM

Hercules the strongest man on earth that's the strength I felt I need to beat my alcoholism...

amazingjoy 01-24-2016 11:08 AM

My daughter's name starts with J and she uses amazingj as a screen name for games. When I was picking a name I pictured how joyous one might feel living sober and then the name amazingjoy just hit me...inspired by my daughter and it inspires me to think of her and the joy that comes each morning when I wake up feeling good!

lovingit 01-24-2016 11:28 AM

I didn't know there was a term for it at the time, but I was full on "Pink Cloud" when I named myself.

Thumpalumpacus 01-24-2016 11:33 AM

Mine's a permutation on an old Air Force nickname.

oldsoul1122 01-24-2016 11:42 AM

In numerology 1122 is an old soul.

Upward2Enlightenment 01-24-2016 11:58 AM

I wish mine had some deep meaning ... but, I've been screwed up most of my life and I'm from Delaware.
Now I go by what the people in my class started calling me ... Up ... because one said that is the direction I'm heading.

csaw1112 01-24-2016 11:59 AM

Mine is portions of my real name and the #s are my birthday.

Weatherman77 01-24-2016 12:05 PM

When I was first facing the seriousness of my drinking: "You don't have to be a weatherman to see which way the wind is blowing."

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