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Weasel1966 03-19-2015 12:39 PM

Ccam... I had the pork chop last time and also the MELITZANOSALATA and the meatball app... A lot of food and was sooooo good.

bigsombrero 03-19-2015 12:42 PM

Good call on "letting it go", Weasel. Not a fun way to find out the news, but then again....not your monkeys. Sounds like the work you did indeed resulted in some positive upswings in the workplace. That's pretty fantastic! And to add to additional positives, you must be a pretty valuable member of the team for this to take place. Those of us who get to "veteran" status at our companies often don't get the high praise and bright lights that newbies get. Just runs with the territory and I know the feeling. Wise move for you to stay the course and move on towards more important things (like dinner options!)

strategery 03-19-2015 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by Ruby2 (Post 5269835)
Weasel, I know we aren't supposed to tease you but you are teasing us with these dinner hints. Do tell!

Did someone say teased weasel? :)

Weasel1966 03-19-2015 12:54 PM

That pic never fails to make me laugh strat!!!!! :lmao

Gilmer 03-19-2015 01:02 PM

Splurge, Weasel!

Ruby2 03-19-2015 01:19 PM

But never tease a Weasel, now this is good advice! A weasel will not like it and teasing isn't nice. One of my favorite books as a kid which has all sorts of other fine silliness but somehow the Weasel part is what stuck with me all these years later. Dinner sounds delicious!

Hi PK!

aistar 03-19-2015 01:20 PM

I'm not Hindu but it's our traditional new year too! And I'm gonna spend it hier on SR!
(I don't think i'm ready to go out and party yet. )

Gilmer 03-19-2015 01:27 PM

Good plan, Aistar!

I am cramming for a quiz I have to take tonight. I have to know a bunch of bizarre formations of a lot of different verbs, each one with a different set of microscopic dots and dashes representing vowels!

I have been trying to memorize this stuff for the last two days. Most of the time at the eleventh hour I can wake up early and my mind is in the groove for maximum absorption. Not this time, though. I'm like a block of wood!

Ruby2 03-19-2015 03:05 PM

Good luck Gilmer! That sounds kind of brutal.

saoutchik 03-19-2015 03:19 PM

Hi everyone, I'm in.
Felt a bit like a Lurker as I've started reading this thread about 5 times but each time I read a few posts I get a phone call or an urgent email. Done a single complex (by my standards)deal instead of lots of small ones and nowI keep getting questioned about it. People keep thinking they'be spotted a flaw in my calculations when I'be spent a couple of weeks on it.

Looking forward to the weekend

Lake District looked good Mecs - I think I'be been to Lake Windermere, a long time ago. Was it the place that Donald Campbell crashed attempting the world water speed record?

strategery 03-19-2015 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by LBrain (Post 5269636)

Strat - seeing that guy dancing made me think of the Flyers dance guy. This guy is at every flyers home game and his seat is top row on the very end. When I had season tickets I was across the way. He dances at every break. He has become part of the experience now.

He is amusing to watch. Thank you! You should see this guy from Columbus....
I almost get a Jack Black vibe.:lmao:

LBrain 03-19-2015 03:32 PM

welp, I took the ride to costco - 30 mile round trip again. Was able to cash in my credits for the year - came to 190 bucks. Counting the ink cartridge I had filled and a new mattress cover, I came back 60 bucks short... doh! I did find "authentic Irish style bangers". So I got a pack of them - not on the list.
We are supposed to get another 3 to 6 inches of snow tomorrow morning. It should be melted away by Sunday. I heard people already calling it the 'onion snow'. I hope so. Usually an onion snow comes last week in March.

oh jeeze, I just saw the cbj guy - Flyers guy is much better. But I bet he gets the chicks for sure.

cardoon 03-19-2015 03:41 PM

Have I said I'm a farmer? We played the beautiful weather today and got a ton of field work done. Yes, I used to drink and farm and I never got much done. Well, I got a lot done but never the "nice to haves". Different story now. Brain- we're waiting for a bad patch of weather too. I'm so glad I now have the energy and impetus to play these weaner windows to the max. In this racket it's the difference between success and mediocrity. Weasel- I admire anyone who can play the office politics; that's just not my game. Hope all are well.

ArtFriend 03-19-2015 04:06 PM

Hey ya'll....... SMU was ROBBED today!

strategery 03-19-2015 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by ArtFriend (Post 5270356)
Hey ya'll....... SMU was ROBBED today!

Who do you have winning it all Art?
I have Gonzaga winning against U of A.

By the way, I am so glad you've joined us Artfriend!

trachemys 03-19-2015 04:19 PM

Of course I'm in. I'll be scarce as I'm working all weekend. Good thing is I get to work a golf tournament Saturday. Staying busy will help me.

ArtFriend 03-19-2015 04:21 PM

I dunno... I kind of follow certain teams that I know. I want an underdog Cinderella team to win!

strategery 03-19-2015 04:25 PM

Definitely can relate Art with wanting an underdog to win it. I'd love to see Gonzaga finally net a tournament. They've always been an underdog.

Good to see you Trach! :hug: I hope you'll have some time to hang out here for a bit with us over the weekend.

I wish they did this again this year. This is from last year's tournament.

LBrain 03-19-2015 04:30 PM

good to see you trach...

trachemys 03-19-2015 04:38 PM

I'll be around. Still recovering from last weekend. Came in from work, started dinner and laundry and made a cup of earl grey. Lot's to do the next few days.

Verte 03-19-2015 04:58 PM

Hi Trach, I'm so very happy to see you.

Well, I was just the subject of the most disastrous/productive professional evaluation meetings of my life. Disastrous because I cried. Productive because I did it my way. No more contorting to others' ideals. The trick for me will to keep my job and be productive. Life is hard. But I will not drink over it.


bigsombrero 03-19-2015 05:12 PM

Geez, Verte, sorry to hear you felt low during the meeting. On the flip side, glad you are feeling positive about yourself and motivated! I always hated employee evaluations. Giving them stinks. Getting them stinks. As recipients, we brush over the good stuff ("yeah, yeah, I know I'm good with customers") and suffer for weeks over the perceived criticisms ("the boss says I am progressing faster than he thought! Is that bad? Should I quit? Do they want to fire me?")...all in all it's not super fun. Not saying that you're being too hard on yourself, Verte, as I have no idea what your meeting entailed. Just throwing some chatter on the wall for chatter's sake.

Had dinner early. That means I had dessert early too (I gotta stop with the ice cream). Holding with my plans, that will mean an early bedtime as well. I've already put coffee in the coffee pot and set the auto-brew for 3.30am. I have cut up some pineapple and made squeezed fresh orange juice that I will drink as I stumble out the door with my backpack in the darkness to catch the cab at 4am.

The big thing now: I have 2 laptops. One of them is set up for work and work ONLY. The other one has tons of movies, podcasts, and other stuff to kill time. I want to bring them BOTH with me, so that I can work on Friday from the hotel and also kill time with movies during the evenings. But, bringing 2 laptops for one weekend seems like technology overkill, even for me. Uuush!

Jen73 03-19-2015 05:15 PM

Hi guys, stopping in to say hello and hope this weekend is better than today!!! Another weekend went by and crazy how the world is turning faster and faster. Pretty soon, its going to be 2016!! LOL!!

Nonsensical 03-19-2015 05:19 PM

In! :a122:

Just back from visiting Mama Nons in Florida. A few interesting things happened, but I will post about them tomorrow. I am beat from the travel day. Be well all!

waywardson8260 03-19-2015 05:20 PM

Just letting everyone know I'm set for another sober weekend.

LBrain 03-19-2015 05:20 PM

there's always hoops this weekend Big... maybe the embassy has a big screen up for the expats...

Verte, sorry to hear you had a rough one... shake it off...

jerri11 03-19-2015 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by Weasel1966 (Post 5269391)
Feel like I got punch in the stomach. A coworker that I am close with is moving to another team. That may not sound ,Ike much but I don't get close to to many people. We have forged a great working relationship and even got together outside work. He never said a word until he announced it. He said he couldn't. Well. That may be true but it still hurt.

Still upset but what's there to do. Got ready for a story grooming meeting. Let me get back to work.

I know this feeling. There's been lots of shuffling and upheaval at my job this past year. I work from home in a completely different state from the rest of my co-workers, so you'd think I'd feel more insulated from it, but I don't. When the man who was my manager for over 10 years announced he was quitting last year, I cried the whole rest of the day. I hated it. But I moved on, and ended up taking on a lot more responsibility and got a promotion. So it worked out in the end.

melki 03-19-2015 05:48 PM

Weasel, your story struck a cord with me. It's painful when you put on more value on a relationship than the other person. I've recently been burned like that too. It will pass in time.

MesaMan 03-19-2015 06:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I got a bazillion Corporate Stories, but I'm in too good a mood to tell them.

My Pea Soup is 'A Rumor In It's Own Time', so I made it for Din-Din. Garlic Bread. Tea. Basketball. Some cool/Cold Weather moved out as Skies now get clear.

Some Wisenheimer Pals and I came up with an imaginary Pill some time ago: '****itol'. The last 2 Syllables are pronounced as 'it all'. Fill in the first Syllable. This imaginary Pill was to be taken when you just want to express a lil disgust with Life in general.-)

Hopefully, nuffin' goin' on that a lil Texas Blues and a Puppy Pic won't cure. That's a Hot Dog Squeeky Toy, BTW... :mischievo

'La Grange' ~ Billy Gibbons ~ Live At Daryl's House


melki 03-19-2015 06:14 PM

Verte :grouphug: You should be proud you stayed true to yourself.

Don't know about you, but I'm experiencing a lot of growth lately, and it's often painful.

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