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Stu1988 02-08-2015 11:01 AM

Shamefully Admitting
I think it's good to tell everything and get it out in the open I guess it will help with recovering form events from the past.

So I was a barman and in that time I was stealing drinks when I could like when I went to clean down the bar would sneak in some shoots and also me and the chief would take a jug of beer to the kitchen and drink.

Am not proud of what I did but the drinks wouldn't stop there I would drink on break after work also staying up all night to drink then turning up for work the next day that's how I got fired in the end I stank of whiskey.

But know a little over a month in I've started a gym also got back in contact with friends whom I'd lost contact with due to myself pushing them away so life is better without drinking.

It is hard sometimes tho like I've said before especially when I think about what I've missed out on like relationships and promotions but more will come along if I stay sober.

I've talked about some of this before but just wanted newcomers to know it will get better we must think on the positives and the world of opportunities out there.

I hope this helps.

PurpleKnight 02-08-2015 11:11 AM

Thanks for sharing your story Stu!! :)

For me Sobriety definitely was a better alternative than continuing to drink, more opportunities started to arise and things began to happen again for the better!!

Keep pushing through!!

Wholesome 02-08-2015 11:13 AM

I remember when I used to bartend I almost always drank the whole shift. I also used to get my dealer to drop in and sell me some coke. It went on for years..... You are working in a culture of alcoholism.

Soberwolf 02-08-2015 11:14 AM

Thank you Stu you are awesome bud

Della1968 02-08-2015 11:34 AM

I truly found when I stopped that good things started happening. I used to think I was cursed but it seems to have been the booze....go figure!

ScottFromWI 02-08-2015 11:45 AM

Thats a great story Stu, glad to hear things are working out for the best for you. I snuck my drinks even when I was at home and purchased them fair and square ( which was every day ) so I know the feeling. The best part is we don't need to feel that way ever again!

Axiom 02-09-2015 08:51 PM

I feel you man.

I was Bartending up until the end of my drinking. Always thought I would sort it out when I stopped bartending. Turns out alcohol caught up and ran me over first.

Drinking was a huge part of the job. I wasn't strong enough to stay sober and keep doing it.

Hope you stick around buddy.

Zenchaser- we had a barstool saved for ours. Brought in a lot of business =)

Stu1988 02-10-2015 06:18 AM

Thanks for the replays everyone it means a lot.

Nowsthetime 02-10-2015 06:29 AM

Hi Stu.

Thanks for sharing your story. I also used to bartend and I drank every shift I worked. Sometimes I would blackout but I would do the drawer and never made a mistake. It was like autopilot. So scary. I did sooooo many shots... I did things I am not proud of.

That time in my life fueled my alcoholism and I'm glad that I got out of that scene.

Count on us for support. We are here for you.

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