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MIRecovery 01-02-2015 06:41 PM

Felt like smacking someone
My lord people can be dumb. There is a guy I know from church who knows I'm an alcoholic because of AA meetings at the church. I think he is in very early stage alcoholism but that is beside the point.

I ran into him in the local party store and he is a talker. He is going on and on about how he only drank beer and how he paced himself and did drink liquor and how much he loves just drinking beer and what kind of beer he was drinking.

I almost slapped him and said, "Do you think I give a flying f### about how much fun you had drinking? " It is one thing if an individual does not know that I'm an alcoholic but this guy does.

Accepting the things I can not change is easier some days than others:gaah

mistory5 01-02-2015 06:44 PM

I would of told him straight up to keep it moving , not interested in what you talking out the side of your neck.

Briar 01-02-2015 06:51 PM

Sounds like a big fat wad of overcompensation and denial right there, but that's just my take.

MIRecovery 01-02-2015 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by mistory5 (Post 5112901)
I would of told him straight up to keep it moving , not interested in what you talking out the side of your neck.

I will think of a thousand things I should have said over the next day or so but I never seem to be able to say just the right in these situations

MIRecovery 01-02-2015 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Briar (Post 5112918)
Sounds like a big fat wad of overcompensation and denial right there, but that's just my take.

I believe you are 100% correct. Thanks my blood pressure just dropped 10 points

mistory5 01-02-2015 07:00 PM

I know so well about the " what I should of said" convos with myself after the fact. That's ok though. Thank God we have SR to let it all hang out, even if it is after the fact.

resolute50 01-02-2015 07:08 PM

He was trying to impress

trachemys 01-02-2015 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by MIRecovery (Post 5112923)
I will think of a thousand things I should have said over the next day or so but I never seem to be able to say just the right in these situations

How about: "When you get tired of drinking like that, call me.""?

Soberpotamus 01-02-2015 07:20 PM

Sounds like he was minimizing his own consumption, limiting himself to beer and such, in order to appear less offensive to you.

Pondlady 01-02-2015 07:23 PM

Could have been a little justification going on? " I only drink beer." " I paced myself."

Doesn't make it any less annoying.

ScottFromWI 01-02-2015 07:41 PM

It sounds different from the sober side....but I am certain I justified my drinking like that back when I was drinking too. Glad you had the wisdom to know the difference!

wendell 01-02-2015 07:50 PM

What a simple concept so hard for me to grasp at the moment when needed most. Thanks for the reminder

Dee74 01-02-2015 08:09 PM

I get that a lot - people seem instantly on the defensive about their own habits when they meet someone avowedly in recovery.

I figure it's really got nothing to do with me - unless they ask for I just smile politely.

It's not worth getting het up over MIR :)

how are things otherwise, man?


Altoids 01-02-2015 08:15 PM

Ack! How rude! Sounds like you handled it perfectly.

Wastinglife 01-02-2015 08:20 PM

Wow, what a douche-bag. Trying to get under your skin sounds like. But who knows, maybe the dude is an alcoholic himself and just throwing a 'smoke-screen'. I used to brag about drinking and how I could throw back as much as I want and go about my day. I was a hopeless alcoholic the whole time.

Don't waste any more energy thinking about it.

awuh1 01-02-2015 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by trachemys (Post 5112983)
How about: "When you get tired of drinking like that, call me.""?

This is by far the best response, but with these types I will sometimes just abruptly turn and walk away.

God grant me the serenity to take trachemys advice.

NoelleR 01-03-2015 05:15 AM

You know the Motel 6 motto from the commercials....? "We'll leave the light on for you."

Well, there's an old AA motto/saying you could use (mumble to yourself, or out loud to him)........: "We're saving a seat for you."


Fly N Buy 01-03-2015 05:39 AM

Soon after my sobriety, A "friend" stopped by my shop to visit. Now I have known this guy for many years. He knew I was about 30-40 days into sobriety. Recently he had gotten his first DUI. By grace, I never have.

So - he asked how it was going. Briefly, I told him I simply have accepted I cannot drink normally. Tried, tried and tried many years.

He looked at me and smiled - Ya know, we all have to learn how to live in moderation - he said!

Incredible - This dude drinks Wild Turkey by the daily. Now he has an interlock on his car and was telling me it might be a little embarrassing taking clients out to lunch in his car........

Self centeredness had no boundaries. I am sure when I was in my cups others thought the same of me, but WOW>>>>

Thanks for the thread MIR
peace to all

sugarbear1 01-03-2015 05:41 AM

:) love and tolerance is our code, even when we are confronted by our old drinking selves. :)

LBrain 01-03-2015 05:43 AM

step 10

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