SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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Kris47 12-05-2014 05:01 PM

We're with you..........................

luvmygirls 12-05-2014 05:06 PM

Just checking back in to see how your ER visit went. The episode you described sounded terrifying...take good care, and (((hugs))).

Nic233 12-05-2014 07:20 PM

Sending all of my love and prayers ... Please get well again xxx

matilda123 12-05-2014 08:29 PM

Thinking of you, Pach, and your courage. You are an inspiration to us all!

Saskia 12-06-2014 05:29 AM

Pach, we are all thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better. We will be here with open arms, ready to support you when you come back. Sending prayers for your recovery during this challenging time.

Kris47 12-06-2014 07:34 AM


We're all hoping things are going a little better today.

Sending Light and Love!

Pach 12-07-2014 04:08 PM

Much, much better!
Dear SR Friends,

Welp, I went into detox. I had no problem getting to my car, driving over to the hospital, saying, "I'm an alcoholic, and I need help", and I waited about an hour for someone to come and admit me. It was great! My docs and nurses took every edge off that I needed off, I ate more than I do at home (love cooking) and the food was great. The greatest thing, however, was that I felt safe. I was, safe. I was, medically taken care of. The episode I'd had where my legs wouldn't work and my brain thought the lights were off in my room while I was disoriented and the lights were actually ON, was extremely dangerous. The first thing they noted about me was how committed and strong I am, and that they know I can do this after leaving. So I stayed 3 nights, 4 days, and I feel like my old self again. They also gave me more support information than I know what to do with LOL.

Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts! You know I couldn't read them in there, all you get to keep is your skin, what's inside of it and your glasses. I do understand, I guess. There were people in there with umpteen years of worse problems than mine, and it was quite humbling indeed.

I learned so much about myself and about who I am, especially when speaking with the doctor and those who really enquired about my past, present, and things in general.

I am going to an AA meeting tonight, I plan on 90 in 90 days :) Right now I have a potato-asparagus-broc-cheese gratin baking away in the oven. After my munchie from that, I'll go for a bike ride and to my meeting.

I couldn't have done this without all of you!


GroundhogDay 12-07-2014 04:21 PM

Wow, well done!

Dee74 12-07-2014 04:21 PM

Really glad to hear you're doing ok Pach :)


venuscat 12-07-2014 04:23 PM

So so happy to hear this Pach!!!

This is the beginning of the rest of your life ~ so so proud of you girl!!!

I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed by (happy) emotions right now.
Huge hug!!!!

Love V xx

Mark1014 12-07-2014 04:26 PM

Excellent news Pach!

I've been watching and waiting for you to check in. Your post is officially the highlight of my day. I'm so happy for you and look forward to seeing you around.:You_Rock_

Pach 12-07-2014 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by Saskia (Post 5056481)
Pach, yes, as you've discovered, alcohol can last awhile. The day before I started an outpatient addiction treatment program I had 2 glasses of wine (my idea of tapering, lol). The next morning, they did a drug test and my BAC was 0.01. Though that's not high, I was floored that it even showed up from 2 glasses the afternoon before!

You sound like you have a lot of strength and I believe you can and will do this! You will find lots of good support here.

I should have had my BAC measured when I went into detox. It is finally out of me and I never want it again ... yuck.

Hevyn 12-07-2014 06:22 PM

Pach, I'm late to the party - but want to welcome you too. :) I just read through the thread and I'm so glad you joined us and got the help you needed. You found the best place for friendship & encouragement.

SoberLeigh 12-07-2014 06:27 PM

Great news, Pach. Glad things are going better.

Stay close. We are here for you.

Jsbodhi 12-07-2014 06:56 PM

Hi Pach,
Nice to meet you xoxo, you did so well <3

Pach 12-07-2014 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Frixion (Post 5056800)
Wow you are inspiring Pach, seeing that you are going and getting help really inspires me. After you get medical care you may consider AA. I went to my first meeting on Tuesday and now I don't feel so alone. They will welcome you, and you will feel welcomed.

Excited to continue to read about your journey of sobriety!

Frixion, I tried to find an AA meeting in my area, but being on a Sunday I couldn't find one unless I had to drive 10 miles. I just don't have the right info page, I guess? Plenty for tomorrow and during the week, however. Doctor gave me a little "safety net" medication to ward off cravings for a month, so we'll also see how that goes! Thank you for keeping up with Pach ;) :grouphug:

Pach 12-07-2014 07:13 PM

Hey, what do you any of you know about the drug Neurontin 100 mg? I was given this in lieu of Valium (good)....but do any of you have any experience with this drug?

Anxious to Drink: Gabapentin Normalizes GABAergic Transmission in the Central Amygdala and Reduces Symptoms of Ethanol Dependence This article is about Neurontin aka Gabapentin. What do you think? It is intended to ward off cravings ... Anyone tried this?

Thank you.......................



Pach 12-07-2014 07:19 PM

Anxious to Drink: Gabapentin Normalizes GABAergic Transmission in the Central Amygdala and Reduces Symptoms of Ethanol Dependence This article is about Neurontin aka Gabapentin. What do you think? It is intended to ward off cravings ... Anyone tried this?

KenL 12-07-2014 08:20 PM

Just glancing it over, Pach, it looks like it just reduces the anxiety a person may experience during alcohol withdrawal. It seems that in their study they have found that Gabapentin lowers the transmission of GABA. It seems that drunks have a higher rate of GABA transmission which results in higher anxiety during withdrawal. At least, in drunk rats, for sure! It doesn't seem to indicate a decrease in cravings. Not sure but that's my take away from what little is on that page.

Keep getting better! You're worth it!

Pach 12-07-2014 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by KenL (Post 5063721)
Just glancing it over, Pach, it looks like it just reduces the anxiety a person may experience during alcohol withdrawal. It seems that in their study they have found that Gabapentin lowers the transmission of GABA. It seems that drunks have a higher rate of GABA which results in higher anxiety during withdrawal. At least, in drunk rats, for sure! It doesn't seem to indicate a decrease in cravings. Not sure but that's my take away from what little is on that page.

Keep getting better! You're worth it!

Hey Ken,

Well, the Dr. told me it would reduce my cravings for alcohol, when used after detox and in addition to AA, etc. Something about the brain receptors and neurotransmitters weren't controlling the seratonin and thiamine, renduring my body useless. I have taken 2 100mg tablets so far, and honestly, Ken, I feel so normal, don't think about a drink and my bursitis pain (I happen to have terrible bursitis front and back in both hips) is GONE....oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh WOWW!!!!!!!!! I can SIT without PAIN! And now, yes, just a tad drowsy but I'm putting that down to being in detox and loud walkways. It was very emotional for me, too, as I couldn't explain to my family and friends where I disappeared off to for 4 days. And I won't. My biz.

In any case, it is working for me big style. It is recommended 3x per day, but I will take it at night only, as that is the only time I am home. I cater in the mornings and teach in the afternoon so no way will I take this then, nor would I need to. I was a moonstruck drinker lololol haha! :Flower: :Flower111

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