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matilda123 11-21-2014 04:32 PM

Could use a virtual hug
Shopping in the toy section of target and just rounded the corner and was hit with the baby stuff and with an unexpected and powerful wave of grief. My partner and I tried for 5 years to have a bAby and, 5 miscarriages later, quit trying. That was a few years ago, but the grief still hits me. And the guilt. While I didn't drink while pregNant I can't help but wonder if my years of drinking caused me to be unable to hold a pregnancy. Just feeling very sad😪

Gilmer 11-21-2014 04:35 PM

I'm so sorry, Matilda. :hug:

least 11-21-2014 04:36 PM


Notimetoloose 11-21-2014 04:50 PM

(((Matilda))) probably had nothing at all to do with....please don't do that to yourself.

Anna 11-21-2014 04:54 PM

Ah, Matilda, I think it's so easy for women to blame themselves for everything. I'm sorry that you are feeling down and I am definitely sending you lots of hugs.


Conquest 11-21-2014 04:56 PM


matilda123 11-21-2014 05:02 PM

Thank you for the virtual hugs. I'm actually in my car right now, shaking. I wanted to pick up a bottle of Sauvignon blanc so bad that I didn't trust myself and just left my cart in the middle of the store. In neArly eight weeks of sobriety, this is the most tempted I've been to drink. Actually, I'm not sure I would have but i could feel the old, familiar pattern: hard feeling comes up, I immediately wAnt to drink it away. My partner is gone tonight too which, in the past, would be a perfect storm. I plan to stay close to SR tonight.

phoebe64 11-21-2014 05:03 PM

:grouphug: So sorry you are feeling down.

Soberwolf 11-21-2014 05:11 PM


HeartsAfire 11-21-2014 05:13 PM

You're absolutely doing the right thing by posting here and for getting yourself out of a dangerous situation. I hope you see what successes you've had this evening. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you've demonstrated incredible strength.

I'm so very sorry for your losses.

Many, many, many hugs to you, Matilda.

Lusher 11-21-2014 05:29 PM


Inchworm 11-21-2014 05:33 PM

((((((Matilda)))))) Lots of women who have never dhad a drink have had miscarriages. It is very insightful of you to see the trigger, hear the AV, and ask for love!

Dee74 11-21-2014 06:01 PM

(((Matilda))) I'm sorry for your pain but there's some great advice here :)

Noone knows how our lives will turn out....but I really believe if we stay sober we'll be ready for all and any opportunities :)

prayers of healing and peace to you Matilda :)


luvmygirls 11-21-2014 06:24 PM

Oh Matilda, I am so sorry. I can't even imagine how painful that must be. The good news is, you didn't drink. Congratulations on 8 weeks, that is truly amazing. :)

Dainty1982 11-21-2014 06:35 PM


This is not a hug. But holy moly does it make me smile, hope it makes you smile as well. But also sending you a virtual hug from NZ x

growpath 11-21-2014 06:43 PM

sending virtual hugs your way (((((o)))))

Hevyn 11-21-2014 06:45 PM

:hug: One from me too Matilda. You're among friends who care.

gypsytears 11-21-2014 06:46 PM

Sendings hugs your way. Grief comes unexpectedly sometimes. You're doing a good thing waking away from the cart and checking in here. Lots of people sending you good vibes.

Impurrfect 11-21-2014 06:47 PM

(((Matilda)))) - I'm sorry for your pain, but am so very proud of you for posting here and not drinking.

Hugs and prayers,


Verte 11-21-2014 07:01 PM

(((((Matilda))))) :grouphug: Stay here. Stay close. This is an excellent plan. Hop on Weasel's Weekender thread if you have the inclination. There is a lot of sober friendship and sharing all weekend long.

You are doing a great job. It is only natural that the 'surface is scratched' once we stop numbing painful experiences with alcohol. There is so much that is beautiful along with the painful. Remember this.

Stay logged into SR until your eyes are snapping shut and you are ready to sleep. I did this for a very long time and it helped with the moments I was scared or uncertain. Everyone here has been there. You are among friends. And I am sorry for the pain you are experiencing. Bravo for feeling. :hug:

MythOfSisyphus 11-22-2014 12:30 AM

Virtual hugs inbound!:a122::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Tonyac45 11-22-2014 04:53 PM

You have my hug sweetie...things will get better...just stay focus

EndGameNYC 11-22-2014 07:14 PM

Hi Matilda.

I could hardly continue to visit SR with all the sadness, pain and regret were it not for the tremendous support people so willingly give to each other. I can't know your experience, but I do identify with your sadness, your grief.

There were plenty of healthy babies born before we accepted that drinking and smoking during pregnancy was not a good thing to do. And plenty of otherwise healthy women have miscarried or given birth to children with physical and psychological challenges.

I've been married, but never had children. I was always told I'd make a great father, but I think it's truer to say that I'll make a very good old man. My mother tells me that it seems that I was born to take care of other people's children.

We can't make everything right in each others' lives, but we can be there for each other when needed. You and many others have done a very good job with that.

ubntubnt 11-22-2014 07:34 PM

Here is a hug coming all your way from China - and this one is a Kick ass Kung Fu hug.

mistory5 11-22-2014 08:59 PM

That was so strong of u matilda to ask for help right away , right when the AV tried to hit you below the belt...AV is the devil. but u kicked its but. I only have 6 days but I know AV is patiently waiting. Thx for showing me what to do when it hits. I can't thx you enough for standing up and not drinking. I will think of u often.

Mags1 11-22-2014 09:09 PM

Hugs and love, Matilda xx

razor15 11-22-2014 09:39 PM

No, it was not you.

Tang 11-23-2014 12:26 AM

My thoughts go out to you.

You can't know whether drinking contributed to the event some years ago, but if it makes you feel better I have a friend who has never touched alcohol in their life and still went through pregnancy issues similar to yours.

I think a lot of us blame past events on our drinking, so you are very much in similar company with that.

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