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Thatdeliveryguy 09-09-2014 01:58 PM

Hopes dashed in one single instance
Well, this morning my wife and I went to orientation for the sandwich making job, and around 1 hour in they started talking about the drug test, I was fine with that till they said no drugs that would prevent you from operating heavy machinery the actual contract takes it further and says " any drug that is narcotic or might make you tired or could potentially impair your ability to operate machinery". Boom dead on the spot a bit disheartening.

Ok, so on to my next step, my wife did get the job and will start on Saturday. I have a phone interview with unemployment this afternoon, and hopefully I will be placed on unemployment and get some of the back pay they owe me.

I am 1 week cigarette free, 2 weeks alcohol free and not gambling. I feel like I am finally starting to get things under control.

I did talk with my doctor and got a little berating, " Jeremy unless I say so never ever take yourself off the medication, its not safe nor is it prudent" she also wants me to come in and explore less sedating options. She wasn't happy at all with my instant cessation from psych meds, she thinks that over the long haul I am convincing myself to not take the meds, she is right on some level. However, if Saturday is an example of med free life, I need to keep talking myself into compliance.

So still applying for jobs online today, trying to not get down on myself, and I now know my wife has work which places us in a good position. If I get unemployment we make rent and things get better.

Hope all is well with everyone, stay strong folks, proud I made it a week smoke free too, still getting all grumpy and angry at times over that, but holding course here.

JasonNorth 09-09-2014 02:06 PM

Good luck Mr. Sounds you have a lot to deal with so you are doing really well.

Make sure you make a big fuss of your wife on her first day at work. cook for her or something.

Anna 09-09-2014 02:11 PM

I'm sorry about the job, Jeremy. But, I'm glad you're moving on and applying for benefits. I hope you continue to search for a job that works for you. And, I'm so happy you're listening to your dr. :)

jryan19982 09-09-2014 02:12 PM

Just dont make a sandwich probably!

Stay strong yourself, it is awesome when pieces start falling into place.

suki44883 09-09-2014 02:16 PM

Just dont make a sandwich probably!


Dee74 09-09-2014 02:25 PM

I know it's a disappointment but it's good your wife found something Jeremy.
I know you will too- don't give up :)


Funtimefranky 09-09-2014 02:37 PM

Hello, I've read some of your threads and was sad to here about the job. What a bummer! Things will work out. You are doing such a great job, I enjoy your posts, keep it up.

Thatdeliveryguy 09-09-2014 02:41 PM

I am worried about the money, I might not make rent, but I am doing ok otherwise. I am glad I am smoke free things taste better.

jryan19982 09-09-2014 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by Thatdeliveryguy (Post 4889229)
I am worried about the money, I might not make rent, but I am doing ok otherwise. I am glad I am smoke free things taste better.

Just remember that each day you dont smoke is money saved! You are doing the right thing! Keep the hope alive.

Hobbers 09-09-2014 03:02 PM

Take your meds. Listen to your Dr. /facepalm.

And why would you tell an employer about the meds you are taking/concern yourself about a drug test? I'm confused. If it's prescribed, just keep it to yourself.

(Also, you both interviewed at the same time for the same job??)

Dee74 09-09-2014 03:06 PM

I'm sure TDG understands...

I've worked in processing jobs. Rules like that are there to keep everyone safe Hobbers. Machinery and some meds simply do not go together.


Lola23 09-09-2014 03:07 PM

Aw man, that sucks! Sorry to hear that.

I wonder if you could ask your doctor though about the questionnaire case in comes up in other inteviews. Just a thought...but its worth exploring in case there are legal loopholes that would allow you to still take the job if you just disclose the type of medication to the employer (assuming it would be safe/prudent for you to do so of course).

Thatdeliveryguy 09-09-2014 03:09 PM

Oh hobbers, my friend, don't be so pessimistic, I went to a temporary agnect for a job they offered a job. I accepted their offer. My wife went with me to a meeting they offered here a job. Today, was an orientation, I couldn't do it because of medication,my wife did and got a firm schedule.

Employers aren't stupid friend, I won't lie about my medication, I would and will be caught if I lie. I am not a liar, thanks for your reply but you seem like youi're play investigator gadget really just ask. And you will recieve the answer you just got, good day my friend thanks for your reply.

LBrain 09-09-2014 03:12 PM

Hang in there J.

Thatdeliveryguy 09-09-2014 03:16 PM

Lol, I freelance I post what I wrote completely unedited and open. I mean, I am the type that shoots from the hoop, grammar whatever. I am not the pedantic legalistic type, I love the free flow of ideas and thoughts and unobstructed honesty and real post. Good day folks, love you all, thanks for reading.

DrakeCKC 09-09-2014 03:32 PM

Sorry for the disappointment, but you are correct and probably did both you and the employer a favor. You could have gotten hurt. I used to do labor/employee relations and had to hear or deal with many cases of workplace injury. Saw several instances of people who were not in any shape to do the job due to physical or medical limitations. Some of them ended up in worse shape. Imagine being physically incapacitated as well.

Hang in friend!

Soberwolf 09-09-2014 03:42 PM

youl get something jeremy dont sweat it

it will happen im waiting on my miners training they keep saying yeahh definate etc

im like lets sign paperwork confirm date for 1 month course in tunnel mining lol hopefully start soon

hang in there J keep posting

readerbaby71 09-09-2014 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Thatdeliveryguy (Post 4889147)
Well, this morning my wife and I went to orientation for the sandwich making job, and around 1 hour in they started talking about the drug test, I was fine with that till they said no drugs that would prevent you from operating heavy machinery the actual contract takes it further and says " any drug that is narcotic or might make you tired or could potentially impair your ability to operate machinery". Boom dead on the spot a bit disheartening.

Ok, so on to my next step, my wife did get the job and will start on Saturday. I have a phone interview with unemployment this afternoon, and hopefully I will be placed on unemployment and get some of the back pay they owe me.

I am 1 week cigarette free, 2 weeks alcohol free and not gambling. I feel like I am finally starting to get things under control.

I did talk with my doctor and got a little berating, " Jeremy unless I say so never ever take yourself off the medication, its not safe nor is it prudent" she also wants me to come in and explore less sedating options. She wasn't happy at all with my instant cessation from psych meds, she thinks that over the long haul I am convincing myself to not take the meds, she is right on some level. However, if Saturday is an example of med free life, I need to keep talking myself into compliance.

So still applying for jobs online today, trying to not get down on myself, and I now know my wife has work which places us in a good position. If I get unemployment we make rent and things get better.

Hope all is well with everyone, stay strong folks, proud I made it a week smoke free too, still getting all grumpy and angry at times over that, but holding course here.

Your doctor is correct. Stopping psych meds cold turkey can be dangerous business.

Mountainmanbob 09-09-2014 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by Thatdeliveryguy (Post 4889147)

she also wants me to come in and explore less sedating options

she thinks that over the long haul I am convincing myself to not take the meds

both of the above seem to be of sound thinking ??


MythOfSisyphus 09-09-2014 07:53 PM

I think you'll be okay, TDG. Hang in there!

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