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liss74 03-01-2014 10:36 PM

Same old drinking last night took all my money, crazy hey I have big responsibilities like children ! Sick as no money just exsisting !!! Same out come everytime !

Dee74 03-01-2014 10:41 PM

What's stopping you from doing something different liss?


liss74 03-01-2014 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 4503168)
What's stopping you from doing something different liss? D

Nothing now have to change !

Jeni26 03-01-2014 10:48 PM

Hi Liss. You've been on my mind a lot.

It's time to stop my friend. Time to put that bottle down and make a real commitment to change. There are lots of people here who care very much, but we can't do it for you.

If you believe, then pray. The power of prayer is an amazing thing. The minute you stop clinging onto the past and take a leap of faith towards your future, your journey can really begin.

matt4x4 03-01-2014 10:51 PM

What are you willing to do different to get what you want?

least 03-01-2014 11:58 PM

I did that too, day after day, until I finally wanted to be sober more than I wanted to drink. :)

ReadyAtLast 03-02-2014 12:10 AM

This is not out of your control of beyond your abilities. You have to decide you really want to be sober and just take it 1 day at a time-do whatever you need to do,get whatever support you need. If you don't do something different the results will just continue to be the same,and get worse.

LadyinBC 03-02-2014 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by least (Post 4503224)
I did that too, day after day, until I finally wanted to be sober more than I wanted to drink. :)


The rollercoaster ride ends when we say it ends. You can do this Liss, you know you can.

liss74 03-02-2014 12:32 AM

That's it and I decided it ends !!!!! Been reading my angel books, what I'm going to do different ? Well wanting to be sober more than drinking for sure and start putting action in, really I have done absolutely nothing to be sober just gave up I suppose, well stuff that I'm right where I need to be I'm going to start having a lil more faith and let myself feel so I can get some peace one day x

SoulSister 03-02-2014 01:15 AM

"We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery. The delusion that we are like other people, or presently may be, has to be smashed.

We alcoholics are men and women who have lost the ability to control our drinking. We know that no real alcoholic ever recovers control. All of us felt at times that we were regaining control, but such intervals—usually brief—were inevitably followed by still less control, which led in time to pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization. We are convinced to a man that alcoholics of our type are in the grip of a progressive illness. Over any considerable period we get worse, never better.

We are like men who have lost their legs; they never grow new ones. Neither does there appear to be any kind of treatment which will make alcoholics of our kind like other men. We have tried every imaginable remedy. In some instances there has been brief recovery, followed always by a still worse relapse. Physicians who are familiar with alcoholism agree there is no such thing a making a normal drinker out of an alcoholic. Science may one day accomplish this, but it hasn’t done so yet.

Despite all we can say, many who are real alcoholics are not going to believe they are in that class. By every form of self-deception and experimentation, they will try to prove themselves exceptions to the rule, therefore nonalcoholic. If anyone who is showing inability to control his drinking can do the right-about-face and drink like a gentleman, our hats are off to him. Heaven knows, we have tried hard enough and long enough to drink like other people!
Here are some of the methods we have tried: Drinking beer only, limiting the number of drinks, never drinking alone, never drinking in the morning, drinking only at home, never having it in the house, never drinking during business hours, drinking only at parties, switching from scotch to brandy, drinking only natural wines, agreeing to resign if ever drunk on the job, taking a trip, not taking a trip, swearing off forever (with and without a solemn oath), taking more physical exercise, reading inspirational books, going to health farms and sanitariums, accepting voluntary commitment to asylums —we could increase the list ad infinitum."

More About Alcoholism, Alcoholics Anonymous

I don't know that recovery from alcoholism is about one trying harder.

Some people can make a decision and put their mind to it, so to speak, and change.

Some people need a new source of power other than themselves.

Which one are you? What has your experience shown when you have made promises in the past?

If you are anything like me, promises or a renewed effort, failed at some point.

If you are powerless, seek power daily. If your own power has failed you, seek a power other than yourself.

abcowboy 03-02-2014 07:16 AM

Good morning Melissa, I hope you were able to have some sleep last night.... there are so many people here that are encouraging you to take that big step to lasting sobriety, but you, and only you can take it. I'm new to sobriety, so I always question myself if I even have the right to offer support when I still need it myself! There isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said, so I can only share my story with you..... I'm 57 years old, tried stopping numerous times over the last 15 years, was never a daily heavy drinker, but as the years went by, my drinking increased...I was lucky, no DUI's, maybe one or two blackouts, my health is still intact so my Dr tells me...... what got me to almost 60 days sober this time? My life did..... Nov 19 last year, I decided enough was enough and put the bottle down for good, or so I thought....... Jan 6, this year, after 49 days sober, I figured I had my demon beat, rewarded myself to a single beer, then another, then 2 more, then 1/2 bottle of JD! Couldn't drive home, but there was a time I would have! I got to my son and daughter-in-laws place a couple of miles away, thank the Lord they were in Hawaii on holiday and didn't have to see me.... phoned my wife, made some stupid remarks about being a loser and failure, not seeing any point in living anymore.... she got very worried and called on some friends to go check on me, 1/2 hour drive into the country on an extremely cold night... I didn't even hear the doorbell when they got there..... Passed out around 11:30 that night, work up at 4:30am, texted my wife to let her know I was still alive, sat at the kitchen table and realized that it was really time to give back the love and support that my family and friends had been giving me for so many years! I had been going to AA every Tuesday, and that night I went to the meeting, still hangover, but needed to be there.... gave back my sobriety coins and started over. Was that experience my rock bottom? Was it God giving me a final wake up call? I don't know, what I do know is that something had to change..... I knew I had to change something, but what was it? The answer became so very clear to me, I had to change not just for myself, but to the woman sleeping next to me, who stayed by my side through all those rough times, if she had the courage to do that for me, then I needed to find the courage to quit drinking for her..... the pictures on the wall of us and our children, they deserve a sober dad, even though they are grown and gone from home, they have more than earned the right to have a father they can count on, and not be embarrassed by..... and to the kind of friends that will drive out in the country on a cold dark night to make sure I was at least safe, I can never repay those acts of kindness, other than to let them know how much it is appreciated! So, look into your heart, I'm sure you can find so many things like I did to start over again.....

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