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Reider 12-23-2013 02:28 PM

Day 22 and starting to fail....
Well it's day 22 and starting to be a real struggle. Feeling angry, bored, not sleeping well. Do not feel like going out as the temptation to drink is to great. Good thing I got rid of all the beer at home as I would probably drink what ever was here. Went for a run and feel a little better. Not sure if December was the right month to quit. Man is this really hard to do. Any ways that was good to let out. Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone.

foolsgold66 12-23-2013 02:33 PM

You aren't starting to fail, the game is just getting tougher. Hang on, post and read. Try to just roll with the boring and sleeplessness rather than being upset by it. It gets better, I swear.

Anna 12-23-2013 02:36 PM

Reider, I'm not sure that there is ever an easy month to stop drinking. Don't let go of those 22 days and the hard work you've done. :)

PurpleKnight 12-23-2013 02:36 PM

Hang in there Reider!! 22 Days is fantastic, it'll get better, just keep pushing through and you'll reap the benefits!! :)

mecanix 12-23-2013 02:41 PM

Right now was always the best time to quit looking back on it , shame it took me so many years to finally do what i knew i needed to do for 15 years ..

Having quit you may as well stay that way as otherwise you will only have to go through all the aggravation again and again , getting less confident in your resolve each time ..

I thought i'd done 20 years drinking so i'd defiantly give it 20 sober to see the difference ..

Bestwishes , m

Dee74 12-23-2013 02:45 PM

He Reider

the best thing to do when you feel yourself slipping is to grab on to something and shore up your position :)

I'm not sure what you've been doing for your recovery but now might be the time stop, take stock and think of things to add to that? :)


Twinings 12-23-2013 02:50 PM

I dunno what it is about the 20ish days mark but this is always when I find it the toughest. Maybe a reminder or why you quit in the first place is needed?
I had a very tough weekend for cravings but today has been much much better. Good days and bad are gonna come and go but this ride sure isn't as hellish as the drinking and withdrawals!

Thepatman 12-23-2013 02:54 PM

Your addiction is starting to fail in it's effort to ruin your life, Not YOU!

You are winning this!

Seabee 12-23-2013 02:57 PM

You got this. Keep focusing on the positives.

firstymer 12-23-2013 03:02 PM

You aren't starting to fail. You are hitting a plateau. I remember it well. I remember wanting to scream "NOT FAIR!". It is actually a good thing that you recognize the issue and are looking for ways to get past it. And you WILL get past it. Ride it out for a few more days and I am sure you will feel better. Good luck. Stay strong. :ushup:

Mags1 12-23-2013 03:05 PM

Hi Reider well done on 22 days, keep running and let those endorphines release, will calm your anger.

We go through many different emotions when stopping drinking, it does get better, though.

KateL 12-23-2013 03:47 PM

Congrats on 22 days x

ChrissieB 12-23-2013 03:52 PM

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you Reider. No point giving up now! This is what you want. It is your AV that is running scared, you can see it off!! :c014:

BillinSaratoga 12-23-2013 03:53 PM

Reider - great job on 22! I'm with ya. I'm in the 20's too and it is hard but worth it. You'll make it !!

malcolmsloan 12-23-2013 03:55 PM

Great job on 22 days! I'm just ahead of you, 33. There are peaks and valleys, for sure. I am realizing that this is life, this is the life I was running away from. We have good days and bad. Ride it out, you will feel better. Hang in there.

Imabuleva 12-23-2013 04:02 PM

Read about what repetitive heavy drinking (which is what happens when alcoholics start drinking) does to your vital organs. Just another reason to tell your addictive voice to shove it.

Just because drinking alcohol is socially acceptable and even celebrated doesn't mean it's a good chemical to put in your body. The only reason humans can process it in the first place is our liver has the remarkable ability to quickly convert acetaldehyde into acetic acid during the metabolism process.

Inca 12-23-2013 04:03 PM

Early sobriety can be tough with lots of ups and downs and doubts. For me, these were weird feelings that I wasn't used to feeling because I numbed myself when I was drinking. Just an idea, but I tried to make every new experience and feeling fun by figuring out what triggered the feelings and then being very mindful about working through them. It was a great sense of accomplish when the feelings passed and I thought "wow, I got through that and I'm still ok, even STRONGER".

MythOfSisyphus 12-23-2013 07:33 PM

It's always the right time to quit because it's always now. Later will become now too but it will be harder the longer you wait. It's not always easy but it's always worth it.:ring

Reider 12-26-2013 12:08 PM

Hello everyone. Thanks for all the replies. Got through Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and now just have to get through Boxing Day. Still fill grumpy and have to go to a town I really don't what to go today. I am pretty sure everyone will be drinking and getting really drunk. Probably head back home tonight and be anti social. I am okay with that but I am sure the wife will want me stay. I am hoping this gets easier as fill like I can drink a case of beer easily today. I'll let you guys know. Have a wonderful day everyone.
P.S. This site is awesome.

sugarbear1 12-26-2013 12:15 PM

meditations are on the utube

firstymer 12-26-2013 12:59 PM

Grit your teeth and ride it out, Reider. You can DO this!

foolsgold66 12-26-2013 01:20 PM

Maybe just check in, say hi, have a soft drink and head home. Wanting to see people you like is cool, just don't get sucked in.

Dee74 12-26-2013 01:26 PM

Glad you're making your way through Reider :)
you can do this :)


Thepatman 12-26-2013 02:01 PM

Being a bit anti-social for a little while to build your sobriety muscles is ok yiu know. Better than jumping in the beer barrel!

Well done!

Thoughtful2 12-26-2013 02:07 PM

Sending positive thoughts as I reply to you Reider.

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