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Lunalight 11-25-2013 06:34 PM

Night Two
Lame cravings at night!!!! So frustrating!! I know it will pass. The desire to drink will not be there forever. I had a really good day today, even though I was tired. I want to have another really good day tomorrow. Plus I have a job interview. I think I need to keep busy till it's time for the kids and I to go to bed--read from here, do laundry, clean something, drink tea... If I just sit, the cravings are going to get worse. There is no alcohol in the house, and I'm not going to go get anything. Once again, I can't wait to go to sleep and for it to be morning. Even if I wake up at 1:00 am, I at least feel like it's the next day and I got past the hard part. Drinking alcohol isn't worth it. It's not worth it. It's not worth suffering the next day. It's not worth complete destruction of body, mind, spirit. Not worth it. Staying sober is. I hate the voice in my head that says, "I'll start tomorrow." To that, I say, "It's too late for that. I started yesterday, so SHUT UP!" Sigh. Here goes....

FeelingGreat 11-25-2013 06:43 PM

Hi Luna, know the feeling, but being further along in my recovery I also know I can get past it. Every time you feel that craving and move on you get more confident. The cravings haven't gone away for me (after 19 months) but they are a minor part of my life.
I found having a ritual that involved drinking tea or a cold drink to relax helped replace the wine.

alphaomega 11-25-2013 06:49 PM

Day two ! That's amazing. Good for you. Putting your health first so that you can really wrap your arms around life and embrace it !!

It's a habit. Make new habits.

Rooting for ya !!,

zeppodog 11-25-2013 06:50 PM

Well being on day 16 I'm not too far along myself but I can tell you every day things get better and better. Keep it up, you'll be glad you did.

Bird800 11-25-2013 06:54 PM

You're doing great Luna! Hang in there!

ReadyAndAble 11-25-2013 07:02 PM

You're doing great! Someone here once told me to remember cravings are just feelings—they can't hurt you. They don't really hurt at all. I was struck by that, because in my mind they were this huge, scary, all powerful force. It was a shock to realize, hey, I can just take a deep breath, stretch my legs, and actually feel physically OK. So then I thought, what's left? Some tension, for sure. And boredom at first. Again, easily solved with a movie or a night of hanging out right here on SR. Just like you're doing. And like zeppo said, it gets easier, so these first couple nights are a massive accomplishment—congratulations! :)

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