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LifeBeckons 08-27-2013 02:31 PM

Rough time with opiate withdrawals
Not sure where to begin. On day 4 without any sort of pain pill, & it's a living hell. The sickness along with the hot & cold flushes, coupled with the skin crawling & restless legs. All I can think about is wanting those pills! :a108:

brae82 08-27-2013 02:40 PM

It will get better, I promise. I'm on day 29 off opiates and benzos, and it took me 23 days to fully withdrawal. But, each day that passes, you'll notice that you're feeling better and stronger. Couple that with NA or AA, and it'll be amazing. Being clean from, and no longer being a prisoner to, opiates is worth the hell you're going through. Hang in there, this will end. :)

LifeBeckons 08-27-2013 06:01 PM

Thank you so much's nice to know that I'm not alone & that this CAN be done!

least 08-27-2013 06:19 PM

Stay clean and strong and this too shall pass.:)

Anna 08-27-2013 06:45 PM

I hope you feel better soon.

longbeachone 08-27-2013 06:49 PM

Poor thing. I know that it is miserable. Have you heard of the Thomas Remedy? It has many over the counter meds to help you get through. You should also Google can help greatly. Take care. If you are on day 4 you should be over the worst of it.

Dee74 08-27-2013 07:59 PM

welcome to SR LifeBeckons :)
Hope you feel better soon :)


LifeBeckons 08-28-2013 01:56 PM

Day 5- So I just lost my last post...very irritated right now! Today has been one of the worst days yet. Still not sleeping well, on top of everything else. Now I feel as if someone is peeling the skin right off of my skull. I won't lie, I tried to buy pills today. Must not be in the cards for me though...nothing around. I read all of your replies & I WISH that the worst was over for me, OR that I had the means to try all of these over the counter remedies. It's just me & this dang illness. Today is mine & my boyfriend's anniversary. I know he's going to want to celebrate, as do I, it's just going to be difficult feeling like this. He's being very supportive...sometimes you just feel like support isn't enough. I just want all the pain, misery, suffering, mood swings, irritability, & exhaustion to be DONE ALREADY!

Dee74 08-28-2013 02:09 PM

I think it's really important to remember we didn't get to where we were with pills or booze in one took a while - so it's going to take a little time to feel better too...but you absolutely will :)

Keep leaning on the support here...have you checked out our substance abuse forum as well?


brae82 08-28-2013 02:15 PM

For me, day five landed on my birthday. It was awful. I was absolutely miserable. Depending on how long, and how much you've used, depends on how long your withdrawal will be. Keep holding on. Try some Benadryl for sleep. Drink lots of water. Get some Imodium for your stomach. And try not to stress about your anniversary. You'll get to celebrate when you're feeling better. You basically have the flu times a million. You will get better, though. Just get through the next two weeks.

Btw, I'm so glad pills weren't available for you today. You don't want to throw away five days. You'll just have to start all over again, and it'll be harder and harder.

I'm very proud of you. I think you're doing amazing. You're definitely an inspiration to those who want to quit, but are too afraid. Hang in there. My love and thoughts are with you!!!!! :)

LifeBeckons 12-01-2013 12:47 PM

Haven't been on here in a few months, because I did indeed fall off of the wagon, so to speak. Although, I am proud & happy to report, that as of today, I am 15 days clean. It's not easy by any means, but I do really feel like I'm kicking opiate addiction's a** this time around. That alone is a great feeling. I have good days & bad days, but I'm more determined than ever.

Suekie 12-01-2013 01:00 PM

Hi LifeBeckons..

I, too, just recently kicked pain pills, benzos, and alcohol. I'm on day 13 and it's getting easier everyday. I never want to go back to that dark place and I never want to deal with that hellish first week of withdrawals ever again either.

Welcome back!

LifeBeckons 12-01-2013 01:11 PM

Hello Suekie & thank you for the welcome back! I'm most definitely with you, on never wanting to go thru this again. I believe that no matter how difficult it is from here on out, that if we can make it this far, then we can continue to do this & live sober lives. There have been a few days over the last 15, where I have felt more clear minded & more alive than I have in years. I'm looking forward to having A LOT more days like that. Keep up the fight & the great hard work & I'll do the same. :)

LifeBeckons 12-02-2013 11:35 AM

Day 16- Is this EVER going to end?! I was reeeaaally hoping that I'd feel better today. Not the case unfortunately. :'( I'm still having some stomach issues, a hard time sleeping, restless legs, hands, arms, hell restless everything at night. Started getting cold chills again today, & now out of nowhere.... I'm all shaky, especially my hands. I JUST WANT TO FEEL NORMAL AGAIN!! Not to mention how tired I still am, & how I don't feel like doing a dang thing! I'm trying to stay positive, but it's getting harder & harder to want to keep going thru this.

Dee74 12-02-2013 01:29 PM

I'm sorry - I know how maddening it is to want to feel normal again - keep moving forward & try to be patient - it takes what it takes

you will get there I promise :)


LifeBeckons 12-04-2013 08:55 AM

Day 18- I'm now 3 days away from the 3 week mark! I've had a rough 4 or 5 days recently, but today I woke up this morning feeling much better. :) I'm not 100% better by any means. I feel like I'm finally beginning to see the light at the end of my dark tunnel though, & for that I am VERY grateful! I hope & pray that it only gets easier from here on out. Wasn't sure how much more agony I could endure. Don't get me wrong, it's still a daily struggle, but at least my body isn't going thru much hell anymore.

Dee74 12-04-2013 01:49 PM

Great to hear LifeBeckons! :)


YoungAndClean 12-04-2013 02:05 PM

Congratulations on your significant achievement.

LifeBeckons 12-07-2013 12:42 PM

3 weeks sober today!!!! I'm SO proud of myself. :D As I previously mentioned, I began feeling much better on day 18. Also, VERY happy that it does indeed get better & better everyday, as most of you tried to tell me it would. :) I never thought I'd make it this far, yet here I am, 3 weeks later, living proof that kicking this addiction's a** is most definitely possible!! I even started writing my own poetry again, something I've loved doing since I was a child. (I'm now 31 years old.) I'll get back on here later & post my newest work for all of you that have helped me through this. My addiction & recovery were actually my inspiration for my latest poem. :) Thank you to those of you that lent me a shoulder on here & encouraged me... Even if you didn't realize you were doing it!

Bruce292 12-07-2013 01:33 PM

Wonderful! Three weeks. You *should* be proud of what you've accomplished. As you've shown beating addiction CAN be done. Just watch out for that seductive voice in the back of your mind. It's crafty, it's inventive, it know your every weakness, and worst of all it knows you so well. Be prepared for when it starts talking after a long period of silence. I haven't used opiates for over three years and that voice still has my ear.

Keep posting!

LifeBeckons 01-15-2014 07:42 AM

Update: Today marks 60 days of me being clean & sober! It's hard for me to believe sometimes, that I'm still going strong with this. :D I also still owe you all that poem that I wrote, while going through & coming out of the worst parts of my addiction & recovery. I didn't forget! ;)

Dee74 01-15-2014 02:25 PM

Congratulations LifeBeckons :)


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