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sober4myboys 07-01-2013 08:35 AM

A few random thoughts...
This weekend I seemed to have a million things running through my head and thought maybe someone could benefit some of the random things....

In early early sobriety I often thought I was "missing out" on the fun, or the party or whatever it was, because I was not drinking. This weekend I realized that for all those years of drinking... I was missing out on my children growing... waking up early with the little ones to color pictures, or play outside, or cook them their favorite breakfast. For some reason it just REALLY hit me, that I had missed so much even though I was "physically" present. The reason for telling you this.... so you see that the left out feeling DOES pass.

Another thing... this next week we have this party with the Governor thing and husband says.... its been so long, you can have a couple drinks with me!! Two things come into my head with this.... sure, it has been a long time and I could maybe have one... then I realize... One this time, two next time, three the time after that and soon... I will drink all the time and then I have to start all over. HECK NO! One drink is not worth risking a disaster, my life or the new found life I have! I feel as if I have come so far and I will not risk it for ANY reason whatsoever!!

Thats all for now. But maybe someone will realize that after awhile, drinking isn't the dominate factor in your life. The anxiety passes, the craving subsides and sanity is restored. There is hope. Drinking leaves you out of life, sobriety lets you live it.

Invictus19 07-01-2013 08:40 AM

Very powerful. Thank you for that. When I think I am missing out on the "fun" in the future, I am going to think about all of the things I will miss out on because of that "fun."

Things like exercise, playing with my kids, spending QT with my wife, being productive, healthy thinking, and enjoying many hobbies.

sober4myboys 07-01-2013 08:59 AM

Invictus... family can be a major driving force. Good luck and don't forget the rewards sobriety brings!

least 07-01-2013 09:31 AM

Drinking leaves you out of life, sobriety lets you live it.


MIRecovery 07-01-2013 10:27 AM

The longer I am sober the drunker I was because I now have something to compare my drinking days to.

sober4myboys 07-01-2013 10:33 AM

I feel EXACTLY the same. A year ago... I wasn't that bad... maybe teetering on drinking a bit too much. Today... DAMN was I a lush!

ScottFromWI 07-01-2013 10:45 AM

Thanks for the post, good reminder.

For me it brings up thoughts about the term "functional alcoholic", which I see as a true contradiction in terms. So many times ( and I've done it too ), we see post from people saying that they are a "functional alcoholic" because they still have a job, still cook meals for the kids, etc. But in reality we're just fooling ourselves or somehow trying to justify our drinking.

cheapredwino 07-01-2013 10:47 AM

More money for organic roasted salted cashews!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish my bananas were yellow and spotted rather than green.
Pomegranate compounds gather in the prostate and do good work there.
My pad has about a dozen empty wine bottles strewn about; I guess I'd better toss 'em.
Why am I working on Canada Day?
I think there are magic mushrooms growing in the field behind me.

sober4myboys 07-01-2013 11:04 AM

Physically present doesn't make us functional... although we have all attempted at convincing ourselves of that.

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