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Anna 06-07-2013 05:01 PM

I think we can never forget how unpredictable withdrawals are. I am glad that you are feeling okay.

Nuudawn 06-07-2013 07:35 PM

Thank you for sharing this horrendous and obviously terrifying experience. How much sobriety did you have under your belt? Why did you pick up?

newhope01 06-14-2013 10:23 AM

Hi nuudawn,

In retrospect, I didn't have a lot of time under my belt but a little over a month (I stop counting after a few weeks cause when I think about it too much I relapse).

I picked up because I felt that I wanted to "test" my sobriety. I wasn't feeling anything too negative or positive, just felt like I had been sober long enough. I wasn't guarding my sobriety and making it my #1 priority. The sad part though is how I drank the next day after the ER incident. Talk about addiction. I'm four days sober and moving onto five thanks to all you lovely people here on SR.

ImperfectlyMe 06-14-2013 10:36 AM

New hope I just red your story on MLC's thread I didn't feel it was appropriate to post on her thread.... But I was so emotionally moved by your words.

It saddened me so much to read what you went through as a child being alone to fend for yourself:( I have two daughters and to hear how you didn't even have a mom to help you in those formidable years during the many changes from childhood to adolescence, left me feeling overwhelming sadness for you. I know you aren't looking to be a victim and I don't see you that way! I think you are an incredible strong human being, to survive what you have! I really thank you fir sharing your moving story. Be good to yourself!!!!

newhope01 06-14-2013 10:48 AM

Geez, thinking about it you were right.. I shouldn't have posted that story on her feed. At the time, I was thinking that sharing it would elucidate what children may go through when a parent or parents are using but it wasn't, it was more about me venting.

bexxed 06-14-2013 10:48 AM

thank you for sharing this story. I am SO GLAD you lived to tell it- that is so scary that it happened at all, never mind while you were behind the wheel!

ImperfectlyMe 06-14-2013 10:50 AM

No you absolutely should have posted it!!!! I didn't comment on your story because I didn't want it to get lost in there. That thread fills up quickly!

ImperfectlyMe 06-14-2013 10:52 AM

Oh man just reread what I write to you it was appropriate for you to post your story in hers.... I meant it was in appropriate for me to comment on your story in her page!!!

So sorry if I confused you! I'm typing in my phone with my 3 year old sitting in my lap!

newhope01 06-14-2013 11:00 AM

Lol, fair enough inperfectlyme. :)

After re-reading what you wrote, I realize I misread it the first time. ::lol::

Guess its the low self-esteem talking as I felt kinda uncomfy writing it in the first place.. like I was talking more about myself to mizzuno and mlc rather than offering support.

ImperfectlyMe 06-14-2013 11:02 AM

Well no matter what I'm glad you write it I as a mom who not so long ago realized I was an alcoholic needed to read your story and thank god he am chiding a different path for my kids mom!

Congrats on the future wedding!

hayley86 06-14-2013 11:04 AM

Im so sorry to hear this happened to you it sounds absolutely terrifying and something no one should experience, im glad you are ok you did well to pull over to safety. Such an important reminder of how important it is to stay on track with sobriety you may have helped prevent others from doing a similar thing by posting this, thank you. Im pleased you are back on track and I hope you feel better soon!

newhope01 06-14-2013 11:24 AM

Well, it was horrible but it brought me back to SR.

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