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deeker 02-23-2013 08:46 PM

Stop the noise!
Noise is a distraction and it can affect me in many ways.

It can help me stay numb to emotions that I don’t want to feel.

Just like the alcohol and drugs it can keep me from dealing with problems,it distracts me from having to think, and makes it easier for me to forget reality.

Drowning out the thoughts and emotions I find uncomfortable or overwhelming just complicates my life more, the problems just linger, and they tend to pile up.

When I tune out the noise and just sit in silence that is when I am gonna hear my consciense or God if you will.

That is the space I will find out what I am hiding and what I am hiding from.

It is only then that my self examination can begin and I can begin to stare down frightening issues. It is when I will see the truth.

It is scary at first especially if you are still drinking/using or have just recently stopped.

Silence is terrifying because it is a time when you are faced squarely with where you are in life.

But by avoiding the silence I am only staying in denial to the problems which haunt me. They won't just go away .

It takes courage to face your true innermost self. But until you face yourself squarely you will be unable to find new ways of resolving your problems.

When you go within without the distraction of noise to shield you from yourself, you’ll be able to figure out what you need to heal your soul.

Embracing silence and introspection allows me to work through my thoughts and my emotions and seek real solutions.

It is something I could never do as long as I was still drinking and using. The pain was to great to bare.

Today I am sober and clean and am free of the need for noise, I have been able to accept my pain, anger, and frustration as they come up and turn them into opportunities to seek solutions and change my behavior..

I have to walk thru my fear and listen to what my consciense is telling me if I am ever going to grow spiritually. So that means off with the TV and the radio .Thanks :thanks

hypochondriac 02-24-2013 12:18 AM

Gosh, that's so weird you mentioned that. I have always felt the need to have constant noise in my life, I listen to music constantly and silence freaks me out. But since getting sober I have notice that it doesn't anymore. It's not something I have done consciously but I find I enjoy silence now whereas before I would be really uncomfortable. I guess it comes from having nothing to hide from :)

ricmcc 02-24-2013 12:30 AM

Interesting post, Deek, and it is nice to hear that you have found a means to help you reach a contemplative state (good also that you desire one, too, IMO). I have been aware for some time now that I hate it when the TV or Radio is on for no good purpose, when it serves as just background noise, or why I so greatly enjoy the quiet time that I get by getting up so early, and your post gives me a good clue as to just why that might be---have a great day, and thanks for your post----rick

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