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Squizz 12-28-2012 11:43 AM

Originally Posted by FreeFall (Post 3738926)
Good thread topic. In my drinking days work triggered so many binges. Extra bad day-stress reliever. Great day-reason to celebrate. Meetings with clients at the local pub could happen at any time. Now that I'm sober it's a lot less stressful, but now that I'm not in the bar as much I have less leads for work which is costing me big time. Oy!

I just thank God I've never had to work in a bar environment. That would be extremely tough for me.

Although, working in the auto industry wasn't much easier.

But I agree with you: A lot of times I would drink after work based on the good old "reward" system.

"Hey, I worked hard today, I deserve a drink."

That is until, I became one of the guys drinking at lunch time. Then before work. And then literally round the clock.

I was rarely sober at that point in my life, and I was only 20 years old!

I hope nobody has to go through that sort of anguish. Waking up with a beer is really not a good way to live your life!

Delilah1 12-28-2012 01:41 PM

I am a school administrator, so on break right now. However, earlier I was working on staff development and mapping out the second half of the school year. Then test scores popped into my head and my anxiety level started to rise... I texted a few colleagues and one of the wiser ones told me to go enjoy my vacation with my family.

I love my job (most of the time), but it can be very stressful, I know that balance around work is something I need to work on! That is why I put away data and professional reading and logged on here!!!

Yoga helps too:)

Delilah1 12-28-2012 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by Squizz (Post 3738919)

I've been called back by my old job to start again on Jan. 2nd.

Well today I got a call from a much bigger company, for a much better paying job. Just goes to show you: If you do the right things, good things will happen.

Thanks to all of you for your support!

Congratulations, what a great way to kick off 2013!!! :)

isinganyway 12-28-2012 10:40 PM

Just my 2 cents but I think a lot of our working culture is really stressful... and we are taught to deal with that stress through alcohol and drugs (and tv and junk food and sex etc. etc. etc.) rather than through healthier and ultimately more satisfying methods like exercise, talking, taking a walk, etc.

Anger and frustration are always triggering for me and work can bring those feelings on. However, I find it helpful to remember that alcohol is a temporary escape from a problem - not a solution. It was great for me to finally discover that there are things I can do which will actually make the stress better - not simply obliterate my mind for a few hours...

Fandy 12-29-2012 02:53 AM

Squizz this is a great thread, i just found it.
Work is a huge stressor for me, this past year especially.
Quitting is not an option, it is a state govt. Job with huge benefits,insurance, 6 weeks vacation,sick benefits, pension and i have been there for 26 years.
I'm a surgical education admin for physicians in training. I work under the doctors who teach the med students. The surgeon i worked with for 10 years was wonderful,she decided to move on to teach younger students in a non clinical environment. I got a new doc to work with who is a complete 180 difference..i privately refer to her as the witchdoctor.
She tries my patience, micromanages and makes me crazy. To add to my stress, i 've known her since she was an intern.
I just now am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, but i really wanted to just blackout drink on many of these changes. Instead, ive looked for other ways to cope (im 20 months sober), i know this would be the worst way to deal with it, and i cant afford to retire, im not old enough. Its now a challenge to outsmart the system and i cant do that with a hangover.
My daughter bought me this great coffee mug, it says "i'm surrounded by morons"
Thanks for this thread.

Squizz 12-29-2012 07:34 AM

Originally Posted by Fandy (Post 3739868)
Squizz this is a great thread, i just found it.
Work is a huge stressor for me, this past year especially.

Well my rationale behind starting the thread was that I've been to two rehabs, and neither really addressed this subject. For all the talk of "tools" acquired during the rehab process, this area was not mentioned once that I can recall. And I kept up the drinking and drugging. Why? Because I couldn't deal with the workplace.

I'd always find a job, work for a couple of weeks, then relapse. I think we're just supposed to "know" how to maintain a job without using drugs or drinking. Well, I for one, can point to a lot of jobs I've had, and tell you that those jobs were exactly WHY I went back to drugs and alcohol.

And let's face it: For the most part, we simply can't just quit working. Some people may have this option, but it isn't an option for me. I've seen a lot of people quit very good jobs (Picture 60k-80k/year) to collect disability or welfare.

What sort of recovery is that? If anything, you've regressed. Work is a part of life, for the alcoholic and non-alcoholic alike.

Fandy 12-29-2012 08:07 AM

that's very true....I've had people say to me "oh just quit your job"....this is ludacris for me and would be really stupid.

I cannot take time off from work to "devote my life to recovery"...I would be homeless.
I have responsibilities, bills and family, loved pets.

I think learning to cope with whatever work stress comes along and finding healthy alternatives to deal when you want to slap your boss or coworkers or do something that harms your overall progress is worth discussing here with others.

it's a safe environment to vent and exchange ideas and how to meet the challenges we find at any job.

being sober means i am a more patient person at work, i concentrate better and perform better.

If they threw the new grading algorithm at me (as i had to learn this past year, american medical standards are very strict) i would have been livid and resentful, grumpy pizzy for months....Instead i systematically approached learning it and did not go into a wild panic.....i was pleasantly surprised to find that my brain works!

my brother and I are both responsible for a property our mother left us....I'm pulling my weight and dealing with contracts and realtors in a sane sensible manner....(for the most part, i have only lost my temper once)...i no longer feel the the stupid drunk sister.

courage2 01-08-2013 07:29 PM

I'm bumping this thread -- it's an excellent topic & I think a lot of folks on the forum weren't thinking about work over the holidays, but now it's a daily reality again.

For before-work & during-work drinkers like me, figuring out how to work sober is maybe particularly puzzling. To be truthful, because I work at a university & we're between terms right now, I'm mostly working from home now -- because I'm afraid to be in my office alone.

I hope some other SR members will post some ideas about coping w/work-related stress here!

Fandy 01-08-2013 08:23 PM

Thanks courage, i need all the help i can get this week!

Squizz 01-10-2013 03:06 PM


Well strangely enough, I was invited to a work party. (Despite not even being employed for three whole weeks. LOL.)

I declined however. I said point blank: "Going to a brewery probably isn't a good idea for someone like me."

Not to mention, I don't even feel *entitled* to go to a work party yet. I haven't even worked there for 100 hours yet! LOL.

They must *really* like me. I mean, I know I work hard........but I'm actually quite puzzled by this.

Anyhow, I make no bones about my past. If people ask me at work, I tell them exactly why I don't drink. (Usually citing stories from my drinking days.)

Most people are supportive. Some just don't understand. Which is par for the course, in my experience when it comes to those who don't understand sobriety.

Anyhow, one guy in particular had his usual snide comment. He said, "Matt, when I'm drinking about five Long Island iced teas on Saturday night, I'm going to be thinking of you."

And you know what I'm going to say to him tomorrow?

"Chris, when I'm at my AA meeting on Saturday night, while you're at the bar drinking. I'll be *praying* for you."

As the old adage goes when it comes to work: "Kill em' with kindness."

Thanks to all of you, for you and your support. It's nice having people to talk to, and dealing with my issues, as opposed to just drowning them out with alcohol and drugs.

I've ran enough for one lifetime. It's time to man-up.

EternalQ 01-10-2013 03:31 PM

May i vent. I really need to. I have a new boss and she started this week.

At this limited point in time I am not a fan but I am doing all I can to be open minded. I can't get a read on her and that is part of it maybe. Plus I've had a sinus infection all week.

The boss before her was stealing from us. We finally caught him and he was fired. I mean wth?

I just want to do my job, which I do well, and be left alone.

Thank you for letting me vent. Its been a tough week. Had off today but back at work tomorrow.....

Squizz 01-16-2013 02:57 PM


So the work party went off relatively well. I didn't attend, despite the fact that it was literally three blocks from my house. As a matter of fact, I was at home in bed by 10pm last Saturday. (After watching one of the most exciting football games I've ever seen.)

Anyhow, remember "Chris" the guy from work I was going to pray for? Well I did pray for him, but apparently God had other plans for him on Saturday night.

I guess he got completely hammered, and made a complete and utter fool of himself. What's worse? Monday morning he came in absolutely reeking like alcohol. Since I have to work with him, I simply said, "Chris be careful who you talk to, you reek like booze right now."

He tried saying it was from the night before. YEAH RIGHT! It takes one to know one, and there is absolutely NO WAY that he'd stink that bad with 10 hours in between drinks before work. He's drinking before work, I know it. You know why? Because I used to do the same thing.

This guy's days are numbered, and I feel for him. Because he doesn't seem to care in the slightest.

As for me? Well, I'm 52 days clean and sober as of today, and things keep getting better and better! I'll be off to my meeting which starts in about an hour. I'm even going to get there early to help set up.

And one last thing about work and sobriety: Work is much easier, and much more enjoyable whilst sober! Thank you all for all of your support. Bye!

FreeFall 01-16-2013 05:41 PM

Squizz, you sound like a strong and determined guy-you will be successful! It's hard to see people you know are having a major problem with drinking and not be able to help.

Eternal, hopefully your new boss is just uptight in a new environment, maybe she'll loosen up once she settles in. Humor can be a lifesaver at work if you can find anything to laugh about with her.

Fandy, you have a micromanaging boss too? Mine makes me insane. I respect her on many levels but then she takes the control thing to a whole new level and I want to throw in the towel. I can't quit either, at least not any time soon.

Squizz 01-17-2013 02:57 PM

And again folks, feel free to chip in with your two pennies. This thread is for everyone. Work can be extremely stressful. For the alcoholic, and the non-alcoholic alike!

Squizz 01-17-2013 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by FreeFall (Post 3775216)
Squizz, you sound like a strong and determined guy-you will be successful! It's hard to see people you know are having a major problem with drinking and not be able to help.

This is true. Chris is actually a really good guy. He's just been through some hardship in his life, and he hasn't seemed to be able to recover. He even told me he once tried to commit suicide. I really feel bad for him, because he's clearly living in the pain.

I wish there was more I could do for him, but just like myself..........nobody can actually stop you from drinking or doing drugs, except for yourself.

It's a stark reminder of why I stay sober. So I don't have to endure that hardship. I've paid way too steep of a price as it is.

Fandy 01-17-2013 04:45 PM

maybe Chris has been placed in your life to help keep you sober? ok, ok, i know that sounds dorky...but there is a reason. All you can do is be a good example and advance in your job right now. you sound like a nice person, i like your tone and demeanor.

I have a new boss (doctor) since last year....she is the exact opposite of the previous surgeon I worked for for 11 years...sigh, i have tried and tried....i wish she would leave, she has to prove something and runs over the principles for her own gain. she is dangerous and i dislike her immensely. I have catty thoughts, angry thoughts, but i hope that this too shall pass and she will fold her tent in a year....or find another BF...although i don't think men like her much either....

courage2 01-17-2013 09:00 PM

Here's a work question:

How does anyone out there find time to spend 2 hours being at/going to an AA meeting daily, 8 hours at work, at least 1 hour on SR, another hour working w/their sponsor or talking to other alcoholics, maintain a relationship with husband/wife, plus commuting time & meeting basic needs? I was cutting work hours, but can't do it anymore, and still I'm inefficient because my concentration sucks.

Advice for focusing on work while at work would be appreciated -- my mind keeps going elsewhere.

Fandy 01-18-2013 02:53 AM

You can't do everything. My home life and career come first, its a responsibility to myself.
(I do not follow a formal program). When i'm organized i feel better overall.
When you are at work, you just have to put what needs doing careful about cutting your work hours, you don't want the negative effect there.
Can you cut down your aa commitments to maybe 5 a week instead of 7?

beth76 01-18-2013 08:12 AM

Well for me being a SAHM, living in the US while missing my country (UK) is not ideal, I am a Funeral Director/ Embalmer in training, i can see this as being a problem but if staring death in the face is not enough for me to stop drinking, well literally i am done for.

Tomorrow i start my home detox, i have to go in today for more blood tests regarding my liver. I am hopeful that this is the begining of the rest of my life.

Its very comforting to see others in this situation, so thank you all!

Fandy 01-18-2013 08:15 AM

welcome, did you check out the January class for support?

I just got done approving one of my med students for a Pathology elective. They do not get many opportunities to observe Autopsy.

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