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dwtbnsd 08-19-2012 10:42 AM

24 hours sober
So I started a blog and then I found this section. So now what? I decided to paste my blog post here as well. I hope this isn't overkill.

I've been drinking at one level or another for about 40 years. It started with my cousins wedding when I was 16. Just a couple of beers that my parents let me have. In retrospect it was the defining moment in my drinking life.

I don't have any stories about dui, arrests or waking up in a place where I don't remember how I got there. I'm just a drunk who has had a hard time getting through an evening without a few beers, usually a six pack, and I just want to stop.

I had my last beer about 9pm on Friday night. I've had a lot of those in the past few years. The difference is I started a diary and looked of a blog like this to see if I can get some answers from you all.

So I have a couple of questions. Do I need to figure out why I drink? What strategies have you all used to remain sober?

MrsKing 08-19-2012 10:51 AM

Welcome to SR dwtbnsd :) you'll find much understanding here.

I think the major thing in staying sober is literally just that... staying sober. Not picking up a drink. I know that sounds overly simplistic but making ourselves believe 100% that drinking will never be an option and carrying that out is essential, I think, for lasting sobriety.

I used AVRT in the beginning, which stands for Addictive Voice Recognition Technique, and as well as helping me come to the decision that I will never drink again and never change my mind, it points out what is addiction talking and that we do not have to be ruled by it. Others swear by AA.

Wishing you all the best on your sober journey.

Hevyn 08-19-2012 11:43 AM

Welcome to SR! My motivation is that if I pick up, I'll likely die. I was very far gone when I decided to quit. Thankfully, you'll never reach that point.

I guess it's helpful to try & figure out why we drink - but in the end, I just drank to drink. When I first started, I did it to help me feel less shy & self-conscious.

Glad you are here with us - I'm sure you'll find encouragement and support.

MycoolFitz 08-19-2012 11:45 AM

Hey, welcome. Every day is a good day not picking up and SR is a great site. Hang around.

cheese1 08-19-2012 11:50 AM

dwtbnsd, my last alky drink was also 9pm friday, hopefully we can both change our lives, good luck

dwtbnsd 08-19-2012 02:24 PM

OK cheese1 you're on. Good luck to you as well.

IndaMiricale 08-19-2012 02:27 PM

Sounds like your on a good path. :)

I use AA and SR , wish you all the best.

bbthumper 08-20-2012 04:56 AM

I got sober through AA as well. I can really relate to your type of drinking. I would suggest checking out the beginning chapters of Alcoholics Anonymous aka The Big Book. You can read it on See if you can relate. Maybe aa can help you.

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