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Jilllian 05-08-2012 01:46 PM

2 months today...
no more avoiding life's troubles by taking opiates.
haven't figured out yet how to be one of those people who are grateful for every second they're given to them. always did want to be one of those people who smile all the time and seem perpetually happy.
i've got two great kids, a pretty decent career, a couple of close friends, a pretty neat family, and know i should feel grateful.

yet i come home from work every day and don't know what to do with myself and can't wait for bedtime, because when i sleep, i don't hurt...

rejoined my gym today. hoping that will help. at least it's a step in the right direction in addressing my social anxiety head-on.

thanks for the words of encouragement and support that i get here. not sure i would have gotten to two months without them...

Anna 05-08-2012 02:35 PM

Congratulations on 2 months sober, Jillian!

It does take time to figure out how to get through life`s ups and downs without drugs or alcohol, but it`s worth it.

It could be possible that you are depressed and if things don`t improve for you, it might be an idea to talk to a dr.

soberred 05-08-2012 02:37 PM

What Anna said.

LoftyIdeals 05-08-2012 03:39 PM

Congrats, Jillian! It keeps getting better and better.

Hevyn 05-08-2012 03:49 PM

Hi Jillian - proud of you for making 2 mos. It took me a little longer than that to feel part of the world again - you're still healing from all you've been through.

scrambled2012 05-08-2012 03:54 PM

Congrads Jillian~~~Great Job!!!

Dee74 05-08-2012 04:03 PM

congratulations Jillian :)


hypochondriac 05-08-2012 04:19 PM

Well done Jillian x

Sapling 05-08-2012 04:22 PM

Congrats Jillian...Two months is fantastic!

Purplecatlover 05-08-2012 05:19 PM

Jillian, 2 months is awesome.
I try to think of things that I'm thankful for each day.
I work in healthcare so I see a lot of sick & afflicted people who didn't ask to be there. I've found gratitude a good way to get out of my own head.
To not take anything for granted b/c tomorrow's not promised.
I remind myself that my husband or child or career could be gone tomorrow & I spent all day today wishing the day away instead of cherishing what I have.
I remind myself that I have it better than 90% of the world population.
Try to put my self pity into a real perspective.
Your emotions will start to balance out.
Hang in there, pat yourself on the back.
You're doing great!

Impurrfect 05-08-2012 05:36 PM

Congratulations (((Jillian)))! It took me a while to feel grateful, very much. My first gratitude list had one thing on it and though I SAID I was grateful, I didn't much feel it. It did get a lot easier as time went on.

Hugs and prayers,


least 05-08-2012 05:38 PM

:scoregood on two months!! The first few months can be really up and down so give yourself time to heal, mentally and physically. If you don't start feeling better, might be a good idea to see a doctor.:ghug3

neferkamichael 05-08-2012 05:46 PM

Jillian 2 monrths is FANTASTIC it really is!!

:flower5: :nyu

debsam 05-08-2012 05:47 PM

Congrats Jillian.

Your system has gone thru a pretty big overhaul. Might take a bit of time to level out.

Don't hesitate to chat with the doctor if you need a little help with what may be depression. Don't suffer....ask for help. You're on a good road...

artsoul 05-08-2012 05:48 PM

Congratulations on your 2 months!!

Good idea on the gym.....Exercise will get your endorphins going and enhance your mood. Just do some things to treat yourself, too (for me as a mom, that meant time off from all the "should do's"). :c031:

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