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Jenners 11-27-2011 06:30 AM

Feeling crappy - Day 4
The first couple days I felt good, enjoying the lack of hangover, seemed to have better sleep. Today I have woken up groggy and cranky. I am thrilled I am on Day 4, but wish I was feeling as good as I did the last couple days. I think I need to go to bed early tonight and get some extra, extra sleep to help with this first week.

Tuesday24 11-27-2011 06:36 AM

Hey Jenners- You are doing great! I felt terrible for the first 2 weeks..not something I ever want to experience again. I think catching up on some zzz's sounds like a good idea.

timetochange 11-27-2011 06:40 AM

Jenners, You sound just like me! There is something about those first few days where you just feel so great. I think it has something to do with remembering how awful you used to feel, and as time goes by that memory fades a little. Either way, I am feeling like you today, but I keep telling myself that I would rather feel like this and know it's NOT from alcohol, than having it be worse and all the guilt that goes along with it.
I am on day 6 and I refuse to allow history to repeat itself. We are in control of what we put in our bodies. I don't know about you, but I feel there are few things in my life that I do not have control over, but can control this, it's up to no one but me.
You can get through it!

Shining~Again 11-27-2011 08:16 AM

The pink cloud period can be only for a few days or I've seen people that pretty much never come off that. Those ones are usually very active in others areas like they make exercise plans, communicate with others like them, reactivate a old hobby, etc,. I don't think any of those things are easy to do in the beginning but it's do-able.

You're going to have some days where you don't feel on top of your game. Pretty much just like the rest of the world. Keep on going and I agree with the thought of "it's better to feel like crap without the reason being because you drank".

bozboz 11-27-2011 09:22 AM

Hey Jenners,

Day 4 was one of my hardest days, you can get through this. I was extemely irritable, so I tried my best to stay quiet. I slept a lot, rented movies, read books and stayed on the forum quite a lot in order to get through it. I'm on my 45th day now. Hang in there! It is sooooooo worth it! :)

suzezalive1 11-27-2011 09:27 AM

Day four. I remember it so well. I am on my eighth month. That first couple of weeks was agonizing. Keep at it. One day, one day at a time. Literally. You will feel better. Right now be so very kind to yourself. Sleep, eat, and showers helped me immensly. Just do those things and meetings right now. You are doing great and you are not alone.

Jenners 11-27-2011 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by Tuesday24 (Post 3185096)
Hey Jenners- You are doing great! I felt terrible for the first 2 weeks..not something I ever want to experience again. I think catching up on some zzz's sounds like a good idea.

Thanks :) I love your signature, We are only as sick as our secrets.

That's a great one. It's weird how alcohol became my biggest secret and the most important thing in my life. It is so consuming. It's crazy to think how much I was hiding. I mean everyone knew I drank, but no one ever had any clue how much. They would all be shocked if they knew. It is going to be so nice not to try and sneak in extra booze, or even think about it so much.

Jenners 11-27-2011 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by timetochange (Post 3185101)
Jenners, You sound just like me! There is something about those first few days where you just feel so great. I think it has something to do with remembering how awful you used to feel, and as time goes by that memory fades a little. Either way, I am feeling like you today, but I keep telling myself that I would rather feel like this and know it's NOT from alcohol, than having it be worse and all the guilt that goes along with it.
I am on day 6 and I refuse to allow history to repeat itself. We are in control of what we put in our bodies. I don't know about you, but I feel there are few things in my life that I do not have control over, but can control this, it's up to no one but me.
You can get through it!

Thanks for the words of motivation. I am actually feeling a bit better now, I have had a productive day and have even been eating healthy :) To be honest I think I am still a little bummed about not being able to drink anymore. I still miss it. But I am not willing to give up the sobriety. I am pretty pumped about it. I have been so much more productive in 4 days than I usually am in 4 weeks...

Jester1025 11-27-2011 11:12 AM

Day 4 was the worst for me, but it started to get better after that. Just hang in there!

IndaMiricale 11-27-2011 11:15 AM

Jenners congrats on your days :)

For me it takes weeks to feel better , many mornings I wake up to feeling hung over , its the weirdest thing, and can drive me nuts. My head is like wtf i am not drinking and i wake up to this .then I LOL and a little time goes by and I feel great.

Our body's take time to adapt to a new way of life, we didnt get here in 3,4,10 days so dont be in such a rush to get back.

Good love, Inda

Tippingpoint 11-27-2011 11:46 AM

Not drinking is just part of the process.

I have times now where I'm just sort of bored. Last night for wife went to bed by about 10:00 - would have been a One Man Cocktail Party till past midnight in days of yore. Last night I was able to find a movie that I wanted to watch on Apple TV - Super 8. I sat in the dark and watched it on my own till the wee hours.

I think that it's important to find things to do to fill that time.

Last night I almost grabbed my camera thinking I'd head to downtown Toronto to grab some pictures of Yonge Street at night - but I figured my wife would think I was a lunatic if I woke her at 11:00pm to tell her I was going out to take pictures!

I think most people find their way through but it can take time.

You're doing a great job Jenners. Keep it going.

DarrenW 11-27-2011 11:47 AM

Hang in there Jenners! You are doing great...keep posting!

Dee74 11-27-2011 01:31 PM

congratulations on 4 days Jenners :)

I think most people are a little bummed for a while - me & alcohol was one of the longest relationships I had in my life.

Give it time :)


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