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UofI2008 11-08-2011 04:11 PM

Bahhh 3 months and having wicked cravings
Hey guys, I've got around 3 months now and this last weekend I had to do something where I came in contact with some old drinking buddies. OF COURSE I am also coming up to a situation where I would have 100% gotten drunk. I think the combination of seeing old drinking buddies and this upcoming event, it's actually just be being at home alone for awhile, are giving me some SERIOUS cravings. I have made 5 months before and relapsed because of the same type of thing. I know this feeling and I don't want to drink but I can't get it out of my brain. Anyways just looking for some support.

:a108: :headbange

UofI2008 11-08-2011 04:13 PM

I have that like anticipatory, tingly, omg cant wait to get drunk feeling. I know you guys know what I mean. I'm going to go to a movie and try to just forget it.

Anna 11-08-2011 04:35 PM

I'm sorry it's hard for you right now.

Can you avoid going to the upcoming event?

And, yeah, it's a good idea to try to distract yourself tonight.

debsam 11-08-2011 06:10 PM

UofI, that is your Alcoholic Devil Voice talking to you - and yes I know the feeling you are talking about - I agree with Anna, if there is a way to avoid going do that, if not, have a damn good plan in place for yourself.

When I have thoughts like this, I quickly remember what got me here...NEVER want to go back.

Failing to prepare - is preparing to fail

Dee74 11-08-2011 06:51 PM

Hi UofI2008

I agree with Anna - why go to this upcoming event if you're already feeling squirrelly?

If you're like me, a part of you is probably feeling like you're missing out on something
right now and that thought is really riffing around in your brain....

The bottom line is, right or wrong, we're not like other folks in one important respect.

Re-read your old posts other peoples posts....remember what's at stake...for you.


Revielle1980 11-08-2011 07:45 PM

Do you have any other support apart from than this website?
I'd say go to a meeting :)

reggiewayne 11-08-2011 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by UofI2008 (Post 3164073)
I have that like anticipatory, tingly, omg cant wait to get drunk feeling. I know you guys know what I mean. I'm going to go to a movie and try to just forget it.

I've never been able to sum up what an alcohol craving feels like as well as you did. Wow. I know that feeling so well. I had 6 months and gave in to that feeling and I'm here to tell you I didn't get what I thought I would.

I think we romanticize what getting drunk will be like. I think our minds recall those times when the "fireworks went off" when we drank. For me, in the 4 months I was drinking (after relapse) I never got them again. I'd just get drunk. Booze, for me, is just a big lie. It promises so much but delivers so little.

If I wouldn't have given in to that craving I'd have 11 months, instead I'm on day 10. Don't throw it away. It's just not worth it. You'll just have to quit again....

Hang in there!!!

Lily 11-08-2011 08:50 PM

In the Big Book it talks about cravings vs obsession of the mind. The cravings don't really start until you take that first drink. I know it sounds like semantics but what you are really experiencing is an obsession to drink.

I think what you are doing is a good thing. You are sharing here on the board, you are doing things to keep you busy, movie, etc.

I guarantee if you do not take that first drink, this will pass!

Today I do not obsess over alcohol or drugs, but over large quanities of sugary foods. If I don't take that first compulsive bite, it passes too!!

thanks for sharing with us UofI2008!!


StPeteGrad 11-08-2011 10:06 PM

I had a some really tough moments at 3 months too. It was also the start of PAWS for me.

Hang in there. Work a good program and you will make it.

Missy7 11-08-2011 10:25 PM

I'm trying to learn to overcome cravings too. I'm only on Day three this round (but at the end of it :)) but I am finding my cravings a little less important. I find that I need to acknowledge the craving and then say, nope, then move on to someting else...

Skip the frightening event if at all possible. Or maybe you could make a brief appearance. You know what I drink when out with others (on prior, longer sober periods)? Tomato juice on ice. You might try that.

As for me, I will not be going to those places any time soon. That's the change I have made this round. No games. I cannot be around alcohol right now.

ReadyAndAble 11-08-2011 10:57 PM

I know that anticipatory feeling well. In fact, I think the expectation of drinking ultimately became more of a thrill than the drinking itself. Alcohol no longer lived up to hype generated by my addict mind. It's an illusion, an unattainable fantasy. Ask yourself this: what's the reality of your drinking look like?

UofI2008 11-09-2011 06:26 AM

I am doing a lot better today guys. Getting out of the house and going to the movie helped alot and just sleeping on it made it easier. I can't really avoid the event because it is just me being home alone and I have to stay home for a lot of obvious reasons. I've got a good plan for the next few days and plan on coming on here more than I usually do. Appreciate the support. I think I just ran into a weird combination of triggers coming on at once. I made it 5 months before and relapsed because of this same kind of thing, so, I know the relapse "feeling".

Thanks for the support again!:c031:

UofI2008 11-09-2011 06:28 AM

Oh and I am not really an AA person, but, I sometimes go to meetings and just hangout. So I may do that. It really just helps be more to focus on why I quit and why I made the commitment to myself and family to quit for good.

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