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sugarbear1 08-23-2011 07:34 AM

I was 34. My cousin was 42. (First baby)

Work the steps!!! As stated, "You can't have faith and fear at the same time."

Thanks for letting us know what's going on now!!

Cerberus 08-23-2011 07:48 AM

Paper dolls - I had my first baby at 36 and my second at 39. All was well and we are all doing awesome. Congrats on your pregnancy! Babies are always a good thing. You will be ok.

My husband ran into issues regarding child support very early in our relationship too. Fortunately no warrants but we did have to deal with garnishee orders etc. I cannot stress how important it is for you guys to deal with that issue. It will most certainly come back and haunt you if you don't. It may seem completely overwhelming to come up with that much money but arrangements can be made and it can be done. It was, for me, one of the 'requirements' that needed to be fulfilled before we would have any kids together. People ask me sometimes, but isn't that a lot of money you keep paying and it doesn't benefit your own family at all? The truth is I knew he had responsibilities before we got married and I wouldn't expect him to do anything but honor them.

I hope you figure all this out soon - and remember this was a super tough situation and you got through it!

Dee74 08-23-2011 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by PaperDolls (Post 3080897)
Shoooot Dee, I wish I was young. :)

You'll always be young to me, J :)

Who has their first baby at 36?
ok, being a man, this is part of the conversation where I bow out, lol
I know you'll be a great mom tho :hug:


PaperDolls 08-30-2011 05:51 AM

We've got a hearing today. It's very possible they'll scoop him up and take him to jail ... 3 hours away. Ugh.

Please say a prayer for him ..... and us.
He's got a lawyer on his side this time so hopefully that will help.
He truly wants to finish his education so that he can provide for his son and take on the responsibilities he should have in the past.
I'm so scared.
Been praying a lot. Mostly the serenity prayer because when I use my own words I'm asking for my will. I'm trying not too.
If they do take him to jail, I don't know what I'll do. I don't know what the next step will be.

Please say a prayer.

SSIL75 08-30-2011 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by PaperDolls (Post 3080897)
Who has their first baby at 36?

I just had my third and I am 36. I'm a much better mom to her than I was to my first! Besides the obvious "I'm not longer a raging alcoholic" aspect... I am older and wiser.

You'll do great :hug:

eJoshua 08-30-2011 06:28 AM

Will be praying for you and him today.

sugarbear1 08-30-2011 06:38 AM

Jails here are too full to put people in for lack of child support, can't pay if you're locked up! As to what to do, after 3 years, work your program harder than ever!
Prayers sent!

Sugah 08-30-2011 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by PaperDolls (Post 3079718)
So, we've got a long road ahead of us, with lawyers and judges and who knows what else. Money will be tight, real tight. I'm sort of stressing that a bit. Most of my clothes are already very tight. Not sure how I'll afford new stuff.

The pregnancy .... it's very early so anything can happen. I'm not telling many people, just family and close friends for now. Seeing the OB next Monday. We're both very excited and a bit scared but we know we can do it. It will all work out somehow.

First, a practical suggestion: somewhere in your community, there is very likely an organization that helps expectant mothers with maternity clothes, newborn clothes, baby furniture, even diapers. Also, contact your local WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) office. They can help with dietary support. Congratulations on your pregnancy -- now, let others help you so you can focus on having a healthy baby!

Second, and something it seems you both are facing right now, the courts don't care about good intentions, only action. I have a 21 year old son whose biological father still owes more than $60,000 in back child support. Yes, I get a payment every month. It doesn't go away. I also raised the two sons of my daughter's father, and he refused to ask his ex-wife for support. It was very, very difficult for us to make ends meet at times. No matter what current and future responsibilities your fiance may have, his first financial responsibility is to his son. That's life on life's -- and the court's -- terms.

I'm assuming with this child support hanging over his head, your pregnancy falls under "pleasant surprise" rather than a thought out decision. It happens. I'm very grateful for the two pleasant surprises I've experienced and seen through to adulthood. I spent half their childhoods (and in my son's case, a little more than half) drinking and using, though I was abstinent during my pregnancies. I can't change any of that, and I focus on giving them my best today rather than lamenting my past mistakes. You, on the other hand, have your sobriety now and know you don't have to do this alone -- so I urge you to keep sobriety first. You'll encounter all sorts of distractions, many of them quite positive. Remember, please, where your joy comes from. I just put my "baby girl" on the school bus this morning -- first day of her senior year. She was nine when I got sober, so it's been half her life ago that she last saw me drunk or high. I have four children now -- I gained two more sons when I married a widower. If I put my sobriety first, none of their children ever have to experience what my daughter and my youngest son did.

Lecture over ;)

Peace & Love,

PaperDolls 08-30-2011 08:12 AM

Thanks Sug.

The pregnancy is a "pleasant surprise". Not very timely but is it ever?

I get the good intentions vs. action. I just don't get how spending time in jail helps anyone. He's already spent 1 year so far.

I'm begging to really freak myself out. I don't know what to expect today. I keep picturing him getting hauled off. I've left a message for my sponsor and also for the atty. to let me know what to expect today.

Trying to keep myself busy.
I should probably call a sponsee and get out of myself.

I'll check on WIC. Not sure where to look for help with maternity clothes. I did send an email to a local church I've attended a few times. That was Friday, haven't heard back yet.

I'm afraid my income is too much for a lot of assistance. It's true I have a decent paying job. It pays the bills but leaves very little left for groceries and gas and any extras.

Sugah 08-30-2011 08:23 AM

Check with Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army. Neither care what your religious affiliation is, and I know CC takes into consideration your expenses, not just your income. When I first got sober and was raising my two kids on disability, they helped me with money for heating fuel and electricity. It was also a CC-sponsored thrift shop that enabled me to get most of a back-to-work wardrobe for about $10 ($5 a bag, and those ladies, when they learned I was returning to work, gave me the biggest bags they had!).

If you feel uncomfortable at all about accepting the help, remember this: you can always pay it back. When I clean out my closets today, or come across yet another box of my kids' old toys, I take what we don't need anymore to either the women's shelter or the thrift shop (both sponsored by Catholic Charities). I don't pass a Salvation Army kettle at Christmas without putting something in it, even if it's just a quarter. Sometimes, we give, and sometimes we receive -- and allowing someone else to give to us can be a gift to them.

Peace & Love,

PaperDolls 08-30-2011 10:34 AM

Court is an hour away.
Please pray.
Please pray.
Please pray.
Please pray.
Please pray.

FoundmySelf 08-30-2011 11:04 AM

PaperDolls, I am praying for you.
Keep strong

PaperDolls 08-30-2011 12:23 PM

We're home. Next court date next week.
I don't understand our justice system.
I am glad this is on it's way to being resolved, even if I don't like outcome.

sugarbear1 08-30-2011 12:34 PM

More prayers! You're lucky it's only a week, our courts are packed, continuuances take a month or longer. Is this only child support?

wellwisher 08-30-2011 05:35 PM

It will work out the way it is supposed to work out Paper Dolls.

My experience has been that life (or HP in my case) has a funny way of putting things in front of me that is the next thing on my list that needs to be addressed and resolved.

We know we have to make amends and be fully responsible for what we created in the past. Once we get sober, we put our foot on the path and try to do the next best thing. If he is anything like me, there was a pretty big pile of crap to clean up. My experience has been that life (or HP in my case) has a funny way of putting things in front of me that is the next best thing on my list that needs to be addressed and resolve.

When life (HP) forced me off MY plans, I wasn't always happy about it, but in retrospect it was sometimes the best means to resolution. I had a bit of trouble prioritizing, if you know what I mean.

To keep it in perspective, as hard as you are praying that your fiance is given a reprieve, there is another probably praying just as hard that his child support payments resume. He is a father; he is responsible; he has moved on with his life; but he is not released of his responsibility. This cuts both ways - if the father is the custodial parent, then Mom has to kick up her share, too. Somewhere out there there is a Mom with custody of a child that may very well like to pursue an education so that she may be better able to care for her child; but she has full custody and no support from the father.

I don't know the history, but it often happens that such drastic measures are taken after repeated attempts are made to get the order satisfied. In NYS, they garnish wages, pull drivers licenses, etc, and executing a warrant is usually an area of last resort. If NYS can't get your attention, they pull out the big stick.

They now have his attention. Best to take care of it.

All my best to you. It will work out the way it is supposed to work out.

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