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Taking5 11-07-2010 02:41 PM

I'm with stang, when I was drinking real heavy I could go days at a time without eating. Once I developed an appetite I started eating again and packed on 25 lbs real quick.

Lilly03 11-07-2010 02:48 PM

I still haven't completely gotten my appetite back! I don't eat when I'm stressed, and I've been stressed so I've been forcing myself to eat. Sometimes I get to dinner and realize all I've eaten all day is a yogurt for breakfast. Not good. I've been eating a lot of rice and potatoes to try to make up for the lack of eating. :) Once I get a good schedule down I think I'll be back to eating again.

It's been over a month...How long did it take everyone else to get their appetite back?

LawMama 11-07-2010 03:01 PM

Since getting sober 3.5 months ago, I've lost about 10 pounds. May be gaining it back with all the sweets I've been eating. Worth it!

Stang 11-07-2010 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by dgillz (Post 2760175)
I'm with stang, when I was drinking real heavy I could go days at a time without eating. Once I developed an appetite I started eating again and packed on 25 lbs real quick.

Yea the joke was "I'm on a cereal and grain diet"! Man the body can deal with a lot of stupidity! I don't know why I'm not dead!

HarryB 11-07-2010 03:34 PM

I was underweight and malnourished during the height of my addictions, to the point where I lost quite a bit of my hair. I was sick to my stomach every day and had zero appetite.
When I got sober I gained weight, this was partly because alcohol has no protein and I was finally eating some and also because I had huge cravings for sweets, carbs and dairy. My body was telling me to replenish the huge deficit of calories and vitamins. I became overweight for a while, the body prepares in case of future starvation but putting on a little extra weight. I am a normal weight now, my hair is thicker and my skin doesn't look like that of a corpse any longer.

topspin 11-07-2010 03:46 PM

My weight dropped the first 90 days by 26lbs, and then another 24lbs the next 90 days, which is my natural weight ; ....I guess !?! Nixing 4 liters of booze/week plus all the empty sugary mixers (juices,tonics, sodas, margarita mixes, etc); the junky processed crap I used to call "food"

Found a book, Sugar Blues that changed my mind 180* about the dangers of processed sugar, so now I eat 2 or 3 times as much food/day as I used to (in volume and weight), with no weight gain. crazy , huh !?!

.....and, working out aerobically (cycling) is critically important in my recovery.
Found it relieves a ton of stress.

About my weight, obsessive as I can be, it seemed like a good idea to give myself 90 days before hoping on a scale. At 7 months sober, ....well, I can tell how my clothes are fitting and/or look in the mirror. Don't have (or ever want) a scale.

Sobriety rocks !

%body fat and muscle mass can change with excersize and very little fluctuation in weight

HFA 11-07-2010 03:56 PM

I stayed about the same. I am about 50# overweight. No real loss or gain from stopping. I eat like crap. Shove things in my face at random. Started working out with a trainer 2x a week about a month ago, still no change. I need to start on the food next, but its even harder then beer....

Week 19

michelle01 11-07-2010 05:57 PM

Sugar cravings are common when withdrawing from alcohol, usually they settle down with time. Try to eat healthily and a balanced diet - I think that helped cut the cravings for junk food in my case. I drink mild caffeine drinks still but try to not overdo it.

Carrie36 11-07-2010 06:30 PM

Totally relate with you HFA, im about 50lbs overweight, eat like crap have no drive or motivation to exercise..lazy I guess. Its been hard enough giving up the beer and now I hafta eat right and exercise too..whats that? give up caffeine??

I get overwhelmed with the thought of it!

LiveLikeGold6 11-07-2010 06:57 PM

I did the same thing OP, allowed myself to eat what I want and it got out of control. Im still dealing with my eating issues now. I gained about 15 pounds :(

121313 12-23-2013 05:55 PM

I know this is an old post but it's a concern I am experiencing. It's only been 10 days and I feel like my digestion is all screwed up, my abdomen feels full, almost swollen. Is it because my body is processing and metabolizing differently? I still run 4-5 miles 4 days a week, should I increase my activity? Ughhh, I just feel uncomfortable but I can't go back to drinking, I am done with waking up with a headache (at the least).

IWillWin 12-23-2013 06:16 PM

I had gained about 15lbs I think over 2 years of daily drinking. I'm 1 year 4 months sober now (minus a very embarrassing slip a few months back where I blacked out after 2 glasses of wine!) and I am back to normal. I'd say by month 6 I was noticeably thinner and now I'm back to my XS self. I am slight to begin with so these numbers were big for me. 15lbs on my frame looked like 50 on someone else.

I now am happy with my weight and my sobriety!

121313 12-23-2013 06:23 PM

Thank you the name by the way...I was just hoping that I would see and feel immediately thinner since I always felt bloated the day after a binge and would normally last for a couple of days. So I was surprised to find just the opposite, you have given me hope though, that maybe it will all level out eventually. Have a great holiday!

Inca 12-23-2013 07:03 PM

The first time I quit drinking I was eating well and lost 20lbs in 6 weeks. The weight just fell off. This time around it's been three months and I haven't lost a pound but I've been eating a lot of ice cream and sugar to satisfy my cravings. Plan to start working out after the holidays and get back to my ideal weight. I'm going to have to work for it this time, but if I can get started and make it a habit I'm sure I'll be happy with the result.

HenryKrinkle 12-23-2013 07:12 PM

I'm a little over 3 weeks sober and I've lost about 10 pounds. I have very little appetite and it is just now slowly coming back.

Serotonin 12-23-2013 07:13 PM

Personally A few years ago I had been sober for 4 months. I dropped a stagering 40 pounds during that time, and I'm 5'6", from 185 to 145. I was retaining tons of water. Not only had I stopped drinking I followed it up by taking an interest in cooking healthy meals and hiking. I was in great shape and felt wonderful about myself. When I started drinking again I was somehow able to eat mostly healthy, aside from the occasional late night fridge raid. Eventually I gained back 32 pounds. I'm currently 25 hours sober and weight 165. Looking foreward to getting back to exercising and getting that feeling back.

sugarbear1 12-23-2013 07:21 PM


I gained then I've lost. Now I am almost where I want to be....not about pounds now, it's about regaining muscles.....

NoJimmy 12-23-2013 07:40 PM

I've lost about 24lbs in under 60-days, most of it in the first 4 weeks. I think it was a combination of stress, lack of appetite, and no empty cals from booze, but I've been working out pretty consistently too.
My sugar intake was terrible for first month or so, still get cravings but not as bad. I plan to improve my diet moving forward, still have no appetite.

KateL 12-24-2013 02:03 AM

I lost loads of weight. x

newme2day 12-24-2013 05:20 AM

I have hot chocolate with marshmallows EVERY night to replace the wine. This will have to stop! Lol!!

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