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Sean4988 10-04-2010 07:06 AM

Way's to help other alcoholics
I know this may sound simple and the BB outlines it in detail, but what are some of the small ways or big ways we can help others?

HoldinOn 10-04-2010 07:23 AM

I like good quotes and positivity to keep me going.

When I don't want to read them, I know I have to. It does not make it easier, but that is how I gauge it.

A couple good sites - www . AllAboutGratitude com is a really good one. I get an email a day in the morning.

I also like: www quotationspage com/qotd.html - they tend to be all over the place, but I get a good one every now and then.

Finally, www mydailyinsights com has good ones also.

My email tends to get full and I have kept these 3 on a regular basis. My favorite is the first one.

Anyone else like quotes.


PS - this is my first post so I am not allowed to post links. I will be posting in other threads. There is a lot here.

laurie6781 10-04-2010 07:46 AM

Sean, I don't know how long you have been in recovery, but some of the best ways, at least for me, in the first 4 to 5 years of recovery were:

Making sure I arrived early to meetings and helped set up. Also was able that way to spot someone 'unfamiliar' or nervous.

Always, after the meeting, going up to anyone who had identified as a newcomer or recently returned and talking with them.

Helping tear down the meeting, put things away and clean up.

Invite that 'newcomer' to go for coffee.

I only went on 12 step calls with my sponsor, and then there was always 3 of us.

Also as I started to 'accumulate' some sober time and some new sober friends, learning how to just be quiet and listen when another needed to vent, without 'having' to give advice.

Hope the above helps a bit.

Love and hugs,

Sean4988 10-04-2010 07:55 AM

Hi Laurie,

I've only been in recovery and AA for a couple of weeks now. I've been working the steps and am on step 9 right now. I have a spiritual presence in my life now and I want to keep it.

Your suggestions were great. I've only spoken at one meeting, I am not comfortable in group settings and pretty self concious in general. I want to be more comfortable speaking and sharing in the meetings and certainly helping others that need help. This is my biggest challenge right now. I am thinking if I just get the courage to start speaking and approaching others this will get easier with time.

God Bless

CarolD 10-04-2010 07:59 AM

I follow those BB directions you mention Sean
added a couple Laurie shared about.....:)

Both in person and on pattern is to only
share about things in my experience.
Works out best that way....:yup:

CarolD 10-04-2010 08:01 AM

HoldinOn....Welcome to SR...:wavey:

augustwest 10-04-2010 08:23 AM

service, service, service!

greet newcomers with a hug, smile, and phone number
share your gratitude in meetings and experience in the "I", don't give advice or preach
give rides to meetings whenever possible if needed
sponsor people when you're ready

model the recovery that will entice someone to want what you have!

DayTrader 10-04-2010 08:30 AM

Hi Sean.... I know where you're coming from. It was really over fear of losing what I had in AA (because I understand what I'm capable of justifying) that had me out LOOKIN for something to do in AA.

Like always.... the "first stop" is with HP. Ask HP for some help in identifying where He wants you to go and what He wants you to do. Sometimes, there isn't an opportunity for you right this second but, if you're WILLING, one (or a will show up.

I can't drive so getting to meetings can be a challenge but, when I'm there, I can almost always stay late and clean up while my ride is outside chattin and enjoying a smoke. Believe me, I'd rather be outside.......chillin..... but I stay inside and clean. It's just one of the things I can do for my homegroup.

Some other less obvious things:

IF you sign a newcomers package for a new person... make SURE you walk up to them, shake their hand, thank them for coming, tell them you're glad they're here, show them where your name on the packet is, get THEIR phone number and call THEM in a day or two to see how they're doing. meetings are about newcomers right - prove it with your actions.

here's some other less-than-obvious service: get to meetings early, DON'T get up while someone is talking, make SURE your phone is off, don't sit and text from the second the meeting starts until it ends, smile at the ppl in the meeting (especially when you don't want to), say hi to the old-timers yer mad at for not saying hi to you and shake their hands.....

If you've got a car.....stand up during the announcements and say something like "I live at x and y road.....I come to this meeting and go to meetings on A and B nights.....if anyone can't drive but would like to go to these meetings with me, come see me after the meeting. <--- in fact, I frickin' DARE you to do that one. :) You'll get plenty of opportunity for service.........and YOU'LL STAY SOBER YOURSELF. - I'm usually the guy standing up, saying I can't drive, and asking if anyone is willing to see me after the meeting because I'm trying to get to more during the week. --yanno, most meetings, MAYBE 1 person comes up to me.

shaun00 10-04-2010 08:50 AM

One of the most powerful things anyone ever said to me was......"i know how you feel and this is what i did"...or "you are not alone"...

the guy that said it was my sponsor........we then hit the book.

why so significant ?

well id met hundreds that could identify with my drinking....
but i never met anyone that could identify with me "what its like without booze"

it got my attention.

so i do the same

bellakeller 10-04-2010 11:06 AM

What helped me so much in the beginning was people looking me in the eye and telling me that it gets better. Also them telling me to keep coming back made me feel special somehow; like they really wanted me to come back because they thought I was cool (LOL). Obviously I was in a really vulnerable spot to be thinking like that but it sure worked when nobody else at the time wanted me to keep coming back anywhere else when I was a stumbling drunk.

Sean4988 10-04-2010 12:13 PM

Excellent suggestions everyone. DayTrader, those are the kinds of subtle ways I was looking for. I know Service is a big one, but some of the less obvious ones are what I need to learn and be aware of. I really like the one" say hi to the old-timers yer mad at for not saying hi to you and shake their hands..... and offering a ride, I'm going to do it :You_Rock_

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