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CoF1984 04-03-2009 10:40 AM

Didn't realize until now...
I didn't really ever realize or think much about it until here today and just realized something. I bought myself an iPod about 3 weeks ago this coming Sunday. Got to thinking, "wow would've never been able to do this if I was still drinking". So I kinda saved my liqour and beer money and bought myself a nice little present for not drinking. The iPod was $150 so there was no way I could've done it while drinking considering I was spending $25 or more a day on whiskey and $20 or more a day on beer. So, I think it is nice seeing all that money being saved up and used on things you need or little treats for yourself that you'd like to have.

Is there anyone else noticing stuff like this? And if so what would be some things you'd like to do with that extra money saved up? I thought it would be interesting to find out. I hope I'm not repeating something anyone else has done. If so I apologize now. I don't mean to be repetitive or to try to do something someone else has already started.


Sara9009 04-03-2009 10:45 AM

Congrats on your new IPOD. Almost 4 months of not drinking and I had enough extra money for a new computer. Not too shabby.

SelfSeeking 04-03-2009 10:46 AM

Well, it's not a new toy, but I have paid off a chunk of credit card debt, and more gets paid off every month :) Best feeling ever.

least 04-03-2009 10:47 AM

I had enough money today to get medical supplies for my dogs and cats at the vet! I don't mind being poor as long as my dogs are rich and have everything they need to be healthy and happy.

It's nice to be able to afford necessary things instead of spending money on something that just makes me sick.

CoF1984 04-03-2009 10:49 AM

It is nice not drinking and having the money for things that are needed if nothing else. It's a better feeling then spending it all on booze or drugs and not being able to do anything else. It's nice having a few extra bucks in my pocket for things. :)


louis 04-03-2009 10:50 AM

Thatas great... getting a ipod... i'd like to do that... but i wouldn't have a clue what to do with it.... :o)

I bought myself a laptop with the money i 'intended' to save through not drinking and the money i did save already through not drinking...
I thought if i used the money i intended to save i wouldn't have enough to buy owt... that turned out to be alot of pressure for awhile... its geting alittle easier now.. plus my laptop lets me check in here most days... where as before i had to go to the library...

I think its nice to treat ourselve... i also went and bought some new clothes...

I have loads of stuff i would like to do... and plans for money i intend to save...
im a great 'IF' i win the lottery... i'll give etc... its fun.

Also dont worry if you repeat a thread... they go so quick just now... i miss many... so its good for me to catch up... thanks

Enjoy your ipod

be well

adore79 04-03-2009 11:03 AM

Wow, just think how much you will save over the years, way to go! Buying little treats for yourself with your alcohol money is a good idea I think, especially if they are things that can keep your mind of alcohol or help in recovery.

Hilltopper1972 04-03-2009 11:11 AM

2 years of sobriety you could buy a car!


KenL 04-03-2009 11:14 AM

Congratulations Co!!! It's the little things that are a big deal. Like days that turn into weeks and weeks into months and months into years. These things all add up. Thanks for the thread. I'd like to someday get some new kitchen cabinets. But lately I bought a nice set of weights and a weight bench.

Latte 04-03-2009 11:20 AM

The weight is just flying off. It took me about a year to get to the point where it started to move again (had gastric bypass). That is more rewarding than money to me right now. My self esteem is getting better. It's a positive circle. I lose weight, I feel better about myself I don't want to drink/use because I feel good about myself. Today is a good day.

CoF1984 04-03-2009 11:24 AM

That's great Latte. My mother had gastric bypass and she feels better, looks better, and life for her has been so much better in general. So glad that it's going so well for you and that you're happy. :) That's what's is important. As long as you have your sobriety and happiness you're doing great! :)


gravity 04-03-2009 03:27 PM

Right now I am away from home, alone in a hotel room on a Friday night (here for work). This is the same city where I used to do most of my drinking.

I remember those days traveling back home after a three day bender - hundreds & hundreds of dollars worth of crumpled Visa and ATM receipts all spent on booze. That on top of my big tears and my even bigger bag of problems. Wow...that sucked.

I think I'll go shopping - buy something nice for my wife and kids.

Thanks for the inspiration!

CrackQuack 04-03-2009 03:50 PM

Yup. I noticed the same thing myself, during my recovery/relapse phase. I was just still so caught up in being a butthead and using that I still chose crack over those nice little things like clothing, food, and gas. But for my 30 days, I got a CD I had been wanting. It was only 12 bucks, but I didn't even have that before. And, even though I have a job now, I don't have enough to buy myself a little treat for my 60 days. I had the frame of mind that I'd get a little something every milestone, as long as it was under 20 dollars and I actually made it. Maybe, for 60 days, I'll get in my race car (quite illegally, since she's not plated), put my truck plates on her, and drive her up and down the road. I have 4 bucks to put a couple gallons in her. I was thinking that might be OK, long as I don't get caught. I would, seriously LAUGH my a$$ off if I get busted driving an illegal car on the road, after all those years buying and selling drugs in my truck, not to mention the countless times I smoked crack in the truck (in broad daylight too). I would.. but then, maybe I'll try to find something that is cheap AND legal... I don't know yet. Wish I had the cash to actually take that old girl racing.... Maybe for my 90 days. :)
But anyway, it's really nice to look forward to it, and then actually SEE it happening! Sobriety is a blessing. Congrats on yours and congrats on the new Ipod. I got a nano years ago, for Christmas. I managed not to sell it. YIPPIE!

Anna 04-03-2009 04:10 PM


Thanks for the positive post!

I love my ipod and use it every day. Music helps me a lot.

I am using my extra money to buy books for my grand-baby-to-be.

kduker 04-03-2009 04:24 PM

Hi, I love my ipod, but I listen to books on it. I am almost 7 weeks sober now, and with the money I save I get to take my kids to McDonalds, or buy them that toy I couldn't afford before because of my alcohol expenses. Greatest feeling in the world.
My 11 yr old girl and I are getting along so much better. Wish I would have quit a long time ago.
Congrats to you. Keep on keepin on.

Taking5 04-03-2009 06:39 PM

I was one of those drunks that only drank in a bar, and only drank top shelf liquor. I averaged $500 a week on booze. So yeah I can really tell the difference.

CarolD 04-03-2009 06:49 PM

I started collecting jewelry ....HSN has excellent
gems . .I can budget for special treats.

Burmese Rubies are my favorite
followed by white or blue Topaz

:laughing:....makes me feel good to wear Bling!

Lynxster 04-03-2009 07:00 PM

I have discovered that I need a hobby to fill some time so I have been wanting to reward myself with an electric guitar or maybe a canoe, can't decide. :ValA004:

If I could actually play the guitar it might be an easier decision. :):duh: Lynx

zandre 04-03-2009 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by Lynxster (Post 2178653)
I have discovered that I need a hobby to fill some time so I have been wanting to reward myself with an electric guitar or maybe a canoe, can't decide. :ValA004:

If I could actually play the guitar it might be an easier decision. :):duh: Lynx

Yeah. I've been thinking about taking up the guitar myself (acoustic however) because unfortunately my grandfather passed away this past June but he left me his Fender (which is an extremely nice guitar). I didn't really understand why because he knew I had never played before but he did know I always talked about taking it up. I've been looking around for an inexpensive teacher around here somewhere.

mikefreak 04-03-2009 07:15 PM

There's nothing wrong with giving yourself a little reward now & then for staying sober! My bank account has DEFINITLY improved. I am making progress in overhauling my "wardrobe"-actually have clothes that I wouldn't be ashamed of wearing at a public place. Bills & rent's paid- there was a time when I wouldn't bother to pay a utility bill until I got the two-week notice- IF I HAD THE MONEY. If not, it was time to pay a visit to the closest pawn shop! You know, sobreity isn't a walk in the park, but MAN, the everyday aspects of life-having a decent place to live, decent food, decent health. decent people, everything's better by a mile.(!) Makes me wonder why I took so long......:wtf2

mamabin 04-03-2009 11:07 PM

C23 04-03-2009 11:13 PM

I am going to get a tattoo when I go 60 days. I also have bought myself some new workout clothes for the soon to start transformation of my fat butt.

nibroc 04-04-2009 02:33 AM

Wow, I've read lots that scares me. REALLY! I'm drunk at this point, but I want to get sober like the rest of you. I'm to bed now...

LynxArmy 04-04-2009 03:10 AM

Paying the bills...happily paying the that is something.:lmao

Be well, all.


Itsmytime 04-04-2009 05:24 AM

Bought a dock for my mp3 player to enjoy outside and not have to wear my headphones, I like to hear the birds and everything else while I am gardening also.

Love, love love my music.......

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