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Aysha 08-06-2008 01:22 AM

What happens when you change the thought process? (Long and possibly boring)
Just my opinion.
Behavior follows.
It opens up so many more possibilities.
There is no limit to what you can do.

Why am I posting this?
Because I have been noticing some things about myself that are alien to me.

Most of my life. I always looked at myself as not all that pretty. Not very smart. Not very capable. Or motivated enough.

Now I am only a month and a half clean. But I am on my umpteenth attempt at trying to beat this addiction.
First attempt. Was very new to me. And when I failed. I took it very personal. SO personal. I tried to make sure it wouldnt happen again. Also with that. Never would I be able to relapse again. Or do anything for that matter. Glad that plan didnt work.
But with that first attempt and failure. I took a little lesson with me.
Second time...third time..and so on. I took another little lesson with me.

So with all those little lessons. (And I should be on the recovery short bus)
I have accumilated quite a little bit of knowledge of this thing called recovery.

So where I am as of right now is....

I have learned to take it easy on myself. Love myself. Care about myself.
Believe I can make it. Believe I am worth it.

And with that thinking. I am seeing some very different thoughts enter my mind quite frequently.
I am catching myself seriously thinking about going to school. I have always thought it was too late for me. Or I dont have time. Or I wont know anything. I am going to fail because I am not smart enough. Dedicated enough. Or just all kinds of things.
But I am tired of not doing anything with myself. Working meaningless jobs.
I want to own a business. Or be a boss somewhere that I enjoy. I really want to have a career doing soemthing I am passionate about.
I mean. Money and financial security is a big part of it. But being happy and doing something I love is the main purpose for me.

Another thing I have noticed.

I have been getting some cravings that hit out of nowhere alot lately. And I seriously beat those thoughts down. I dont give them a nano second to become a long drawn out..torturous day dream. I litterally Say to myself. Thats BS. I cant think that. I cant and wont even go there. I am done. And it is becoming habit to automatically jump my mind into a visual of the last time I used. Which was pure hell. And as fast as they came. They are gone. I would any other time. Entertain the thoughts a little. Not anymore. That breeds temptation. Its kinda cool actually. I dont even know how I am pulling that one off. But it works. So I am not even going to question that one.

I went shopping last week for clothes. I havent actually enjoyed clothes shopping in so many years. I hated the way everything looked on me. EVerything looked awful. I bought the cutest outfit. And even tried it on there and liked it. I have been wearing loose baggy clothes for so long. And I didnt even feel weird in it. Busted out some old shoes I have had but never wore. Painting the nails and being a woman again. The hair. The makeup. My mannerisms. I still not real comfortable with all the weight I have gained. Buit I am ok with it. I can work with that. I CANT work with a huge hot bugged out mess that getting high does.

It just feels so good. I feel like I care again. I feel like I can again.
I feel like I want to again.

Ok so point being.

Alll this is coming from MY thought process being changed. Not completely. But changing a little all the time.
How you think of yourself. And How you think of anything really. It just makes such a huge difference on how you react or take action with things.

I mean school???!! Never would I have ever gave it a single thought.
I am not saying this is what I am going to do. But the possibility is there.

I am just so happy that my thoughts and goals are going beyond my expectations.
That My thoughts are broadening further than just how am I going to stay clean today. That does and will always remain my first priority. But my whole life does not have to be consumed with my addiction and recovery.
And thats all I have thoguht about for years. If not how to get and stay high. Also how to get and stay clean.
Dont get it twisted. I am not saying it isnt something I dont need to think about anymore. Or keep maintaining. That would be stupid.
But every waking moment I dont have to live in fear of this addiction.
Its ok to live. Its ok to have bad days. Its ok to get angry sometimes. Its ok to make mistakes.
Just dont use. No matter what.
And the more my thoguhts move toward improving myself in other ways. The more I want to stay clean.
I am not dieing for something to live for anymore.
I am living to live.
And I believe it all lies in the thought process.

Thanks for letting me ramble as usual. With this crazy mess I have in my head.

Dee74 08-06-2008 02:59 AM

I know what you mean Trish - slowly but surely you realise that you're still the same person're also not.

You're thinking about yourself in better ways, and you're looking at life through glasses that aren't quite so dark....they're imperceptible sometimes the changes...I can walk past a bottle shop and not realise til I get home LOL....but together all these little changes mean something and..they head somewhere - and that's recovery to me :)

thanks Trish :)

NOMOMERLOTMAMMA 08-06-2008 04:01 AM

Thank you Trish.


Dean62 08-06-2008 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by chiynita (Post 1860273)
So where I am as of right now is....

I have learned to take it easy on myself. Love myself. Care about myself.
Believe I can make it. Believe I am worth it.

We all knew it but that really wasn't the point. Now the only person that mattered knows it. You are worth it.Thank you for posting it. :ghug3

Originally Posted by chiynita (Post 1860273)
Another thing I have noticed.

I have been getting some cravings that hit out of nowhere alot lately. And I seriously beat those thoughts down. I dont give them a nano second to become a long drawn out..torturous day dream. I litterally Say to myself. Thats BS. I cant think that. I cant and wont even go there. I am done. And it is becoming habit to automatically jump my mind into a visual of the last time I used. Which was pure hell. And as fast as they came. They are gone. I would any other time. Entertain the thoughts a little. Not anymore. That breeds temptation. Its kinda cool actually. I dont even know how I am pulling that one off. But it works. So I am not even going to question that one.

I posted here 4 months ago the last time I almost drank. I didn't drink that day and when I got home I called my sponsor and told him how close I had come and how I had fought the craving all day. He said "I don't even entertain the idea." Trish like you when the thought comes I dismiss it so fast it doesn't even come close to a craving. It's gone so fast I don't have to fight it.

Now Trish you may not know how your pulling it off and that's ok. You don't have to believe in my HP. She's helping you because she loves you. (Sorry but I have to give props to my HP).

Thanks for making my day.


fallingdown 08-06-2008 07:33 AM

"I want to own a business. Or be a boss somewhere that I enjoy. I really want to have a career doing soemthing I am passionate about.
I mean. Money and financial security is a big part of it. But being happy and doing something I love is the main purpose for me."

It is my opinion that one of the most important things a person can do to ensure a lifetime of happiness is to find a career/job that they absolutely love. Most of us will spend more time at work than anywhere else. What happens at work can affect what we do during our "off" time. You strike me as a very creative/introspective type of person. I'm sure you could be successful at anything that you decided to put your mind to. As far as school goes, it's never too late. My mom graduated when she was 45 years old. I loved college because I met so many people and I found most of the classes pretty fascinating. I was happier with myself when I was going to school because I felt like I was doing something, and I made a lot of new friends. And that degree really opens a lot more doors that would have otherwise been closed. So I say go for it, if that's what you want to do.

I really appreciate you sharing your journey with us. I know that I am learning from it. Thank you.

onthewagon 08-06-2008 07:36 AM

I am only five days off the beer and spirits, and I'm going through the whole bad range of side effects. Good on you!

Mattcake 08-06-2008 12:57 PM

rambling along with chi
Thank you for a very interesting read Chi. What you are saying makes perfect sense, we seem to be on very similar paths right now, guided by what I consider to be the most important tool available to all of us (not just addicts): ideas. I've been doing a lot of research since I was young, and have many sources to support my personal point of view. My field is psychology, and that's where I see it all take form. So let me be as controversial as you are for a moment ;)

The amount of brainwashing going on around us is literally mind numbing. Not just by the usual suspects such as the media, but also by seemingly "harmless" hunters that most of us respect such as medicine, religion, our peers... We are constantly targeted by ideas that are simply untrue, and we take them for granted, sometimes unconsciously. "You are not good enough", "withdrawal is a nightmare", "you shall go to hell", "the only was to be successful is by being the best", "once an addict, always an addict".. You get the picture. Falling prey to this monumental tidal wave of influence is not a character defect, we are not victims. It just happens. But I do think that, when we become aware of it, we must be responsible; held accountable by how we allow it to affect all areas of our lives.

The world is built on ideas. Ideas are not negative or positive in themselves, they just are; but they do affect the way we lead our lives. I'm not babbling from a philosophic point of view, it's so easy to spot this notion acting on other people. Ever seen that beautiful girl who thinks she is bad looking and nervously hides in the crowds? Or the guy who just knows that he is crazy, so he goes doctor shopping until one finally confirms his worst suspicions? The addict who is SO convinced he is a hopeless case that he acts accordingly? Yup, I see it every day.

The sad part is, all of use do the same thing to ourselves, in one way or another.

So the universe is mental. That is an ancient precept. I was talking to a dear friend right here on SR... Discussing a character in a book we'd both read that had a deep impact on both of us. I argued that the character was not just a figment of our imaginations, a fantasy created by the author. To me, that character is more haunting and real than the people living in the flats below mine. The idea of him is a presence so real that he indirectly led me to college; my neighbours only exist when they are having a fight in the middle of the night, or when I see them in the elevator. That's not me being arrogant, self involved or self centred. It happens to all of us, right here on SR. To you, right now, I'm no more than a rambling presence on the screen, but you're thinking about me; when was the last time you thought about that kid who always wore a green shirt to class in second grade?

What's the point in all of this? Well, I think it's time to start a process of counter-brainwashing by defying all of those ideas that tether us. By seeing things for what they REALLY are to us, not by what somebody else told us. SR has taught me that people DO get sober, that is IS possible. I hold on to that idea, and let go of the rest. Whatever we pay attention to will expand, just like a balloon. That's not to say that some stuff must not be acknowledged and worked upon. But I like it when you call yourself "controversial". I think that it's good to ruffle feathers, to question what we usually take for granted and assume as "the truth". When I stopped drinking several weeks ago, I decided to call myself an ex-drinker, and to defy what I'd been told. And, so far, the process of quitting has not been a hellish nightmare; on the contrary, it has been quite enjoyable. Right now, alcohol doesn't cause a bleep on my radar. I am not ignoring the elephant in the room, I am just allowing it to deflate. And I'm not being cocky or arrogant, I'm all too aware that I'll probably never be able to drink again (that is one idea I'm not willing to question ;) ). But "facts", well...these days I'm weary of them.

We are what we think we are. And statistics are frightening: it has been calculated that an average (non fried ;) ) person averages 100,000 thoughts a day, and that up to 90% of those thoughts are negative. Waaaay too much "i'm not xxxx enough", "I can't do xxx because xxxxxx"... It doesn't matter if we ourselves came up with the idea or if it was *told* to us directly or indirectly. What does matter is that we consider them given, irrefutable facts. There is a huge difference between considering yourself an addict in perpetual recovery and a recovered addict - I question AA constantly, but I'm pleased to see that several "hard line" AAers here advocate full recovery. They believe in that. I do too. I'd like to eventually think "I used to drink heavily... but I don't anymore". And leave it at that.

So why not go to school? Why did you think you weren't pretty? Why did you think that you'd never recover? Chi, be controversial and turn those ideas upside down. You can go to school, you are pretty, and you can recover. Just grab those ideas -the positive ones, the ones that work for you - and make them yours.

Astro 08-06-2008 01:05 PM

Beautiful thoughts from an amazing person, not boring at all!

Trish, all I can say is that anything is possible. I know that without a doubt, I'm living the dream and it just keeps getting better.

It starts each day by making a commitment to my recovery, then I live life one step at a time, the best that I'm capable of.

Your growth is an inspiration to me, thanks for sharing.

LibertyorDeath 08-06-2008 01:09 PM

What an interesting and insightful read! Boring? NO WAY!!! I enjoyed reading it and your post (along with the thoughtful posts of others) has given me food for thought.

Thank you!


Nainoa 08-06-2008 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by chiynita (Post 1860273)
Just my opinion.
Behavior follows.
It opens up so many more possibilities.
There is no limit to what you can do.

Why am I posting this?
Because I have been noticing some things about myself that are alien to me.

Most of my life. I always looked at myself as not all that pretty. Not very smart. Not very capable. Or motivated enough.

Now I am only a month and a half clean. But I am on my umpteenth attempt at trying to beat this addiction.
First attempt. Was very new to me. And when I failed. I took it very personal. SO personal. I tried to make sure it wouldnt happen again. Also with that. Never would I be able to relapse again. Or do anything for that matter. Glad that plan didnt work.
But with that first attempt and failure. I took a little lesson with me.
Second time...third time..and so on. I took another little lesson with me.

So with all those little lessons. (And I should be on the recovery short bus)
I have accumilated quite a little bit of knowledge of this thing called recovery.

So where I am as of right now is....

I have learned to take it easy on myself. Love myself. Care about myself.
Believe I can make it. Believe I am worth it.

And with that thinking. I am seeing some very different thoughts enter my mind quite frequently.
I am catching myself seriously thinking about going to school. I have always thought it was too late for me. Or I dont have time. Or I wont know anything. I am going to fail because I am not smart enough. Dedicated enough. Or just all kinds of things.
But I am tired of not doing anything with myself. Working meaningless jobs.
I want to own a business. Or be a boss somewhere that I enjoy. I really want to have a career doing soemthing I am passionate about.
I mean. Money and financial security is a big part of it. But being happy and doing something I love is the main purpose for me.

Another thing I have noticed.

I have been getting some cravings that hit out of nowhere alot lately. And I seriously beat those thoughts down. I dont give them a nano second to become a long drawn out..torturous day dream. I litterally Say to myself. Thats BS. I cant think that. I cant and wont even go there. I am done. And it is becoming habit to automatically jump my mind into a visual of the last time I used. Which was pure hell. And as fast as they came. They are gone. I would any other time. Entertain the thoughts a little. Not anymore. That breeds temptation. Its kinda cool actually. I dont even know how I am pulling that one off. But it works. So I am not even going to question that one.

I went shopping last week for clothes. I havent actually enjoyed clothes shopping in so many years. I hated the way everything looked on me. EVerything looked awful. I bought the cutest outfit. And even tried it on there and liked it. I have been wearing loose baggy clothes for so long. And I didnt even feel weird in it. Busted out some old shoes I have had but never wore. Painting the nails and being a woman again. The hair. The makeup. My mannerisms. I still not real comfortable with all the weight I have gained. Buit I am ok with it. I can work with that. I CANT work with a huge hot bugged out mess that getting high does.

It just feels so good. I feel like I care again. I feel like I can again.
I feel like I want to again.

Ok so point being.

Alll this is coming from MY thought process being changed. Not completely. But changing a little all the time.
How you think of yourself. And How you think of anything really. It just makes such a huge difference on how you react or take action with things.

I mean school???!! Never would I have ever gave it a single thought.
I am not saying this is what I am going to do. But the possibility is there.

I am just so happy that my thoughts and goals are going beyond my expectations.
That My thoughts are broadening further than just how am I going to stay clean today. That does and will always remain my first priority. But my whole life does not have to be consumed with my addiction and recovery.
And thats all I have thoguht about for years. If not how to get and stay high. Also how to get and stay clean.
Dont get it twisted. I am not saying it isnt something I dont need to think about anymore. Or keep maintaining. That would be stupid.
But every waking moment I dont have to live in fear of this addiction.
Its ok to live. Its ok to have bad days. Its ok to get angry sometimes. Its ok to make mistakes.
Just dont use. No matter what.
And the more my thoguhts move toward improving myself in other ways. The more I want to stay clean.
I am not dieing for something to live for anymore.
I am living to live.
And I believe it all lies in the thought process.

Thanks for letting me ramble as usual. With this crazy mess I have in my head.

Speaking as someone who has been 13+ years clean... I would say that this is a very good thing...

I mean this is something for you to be beaming ear to ear with a smile over...

Just because your addiction halted your emotional growth doesn't mean that your soul & mind don't have some plans and intentions on how to heal you.

I say embrace personal growth...

But do it with small risks at a time.


One example in which you and I are akin...

When I went clean at first, and got past the withdrawls and all of that, I started feeling the urge towards self improvement... But I didn't have the money and I wasn't sure of my faculties, and didn't want to put unknown stresses on my still fragile sobreity...

So instead of going to college... I went and bought used college text books, and I just started reading and educating myself... Answering the questions... Writing papers and such... (My Father did this same thing when he couldn't afford college.)

Sometimes merely increasing our positive energy and re-affirming our self worth does more than million deep thoughts about nothing ever can.


The other added Advantage...

I read and studied so much... That when the great forces of life brought the opportunity for college to come around 3 years later...

I walked in and straight up broke records, I was so well prepared.

Graduated in the top 10 of my class with a 3.97 GPA!

But it all started, with a gangly big eared guy kicking a meth problem.. Who picked up a book and started believing in growing into something more "One Page at a time."

Impurrfect 08-06-2008 02:41 PM

awwww,'re finally seeing in you what we've seen in you all along. Thanks for an awesome post. Don't worry about being too old for school...I'm 46 and considering going back, myself.

Hugs and prayers!


Anna 08-06-2008 03:32 PM


That's a really good post!

First of all, I am so glad that you have continued to try again and again.

What you have learned is that stopping using is the beginning. That's when the hard work, from the inside out, begins. It's necessary to go that changing, growing process in order to live a sober life.

I love that you are taking care of yourself and shopping for clothes and painting your nails. Self-love is essential for staying sober.

Jules62 08-06-2008 04:43 PM

It was so wonderful to read this!Not boring at all! You have come such a long way.I'm really happy to hear you are doing things for yourself and aware of all the options life has for you.Just fantastic. Your post made me smile. :)


nobingealready 08-06-2008 05:58 PM

that was such a great post! thank you very much for sharing it, and I would say YES definitely think about going to school. There are many options out there and you don't have to necessarily know what you want to do with the rest of your life even to start. I think having both short and long term goals that you want to work on will help a LOT toward staying sober. I think it makes your life more rich and full of OTHER things besides drinking. I think when we have been drinking for so long it's easy to forget (or maybe hard to learn in the first place) that there is so much more to life than being hammered all the time. This dream and many others can surely come true for you Chiynita. keep sharing your thoughts and ideas! they are truly inspirational :bounce

Aysha 08-06-2008 11:01 PM

Thanks everyone. I havent felt really good about myself in so long. It just feels like I have come out of a cave or something. I cant put into words what it is. It just feels so good.
And I thought maybe I was experiencing the pink cloud again. But this isnt like that was before. This feels so much more stronger and like it has some lasting power.
My friend I still talk to tells me to set small goals and keep setting small goals . And eventually they will lead to a bigger one. He writes me if he doesnt hear from me and tells me if I am messing up. Just pick myself back up and try again.
That coming from a drug dealer I use to hang out with all the time. I havent seen him in 10 yrs. But we are like family. That was my dilemma in letting people go. I cant let all of them go. But I know which ones to keep now.
Matty...Very very good post. I actually understood what you were saying. I got it. Thats what I mean when I say I feel like I am not smart enough. Because. Big words..simple big words lose me alot. LOL...But I got and felt every word of that.
Thanks everyone. All of you here have played a big part in my growth.
I enevr would have thought I would find such bonds with faceless people.
And I dont see just words on a screen. I imagine who you guys are. What you may look like. I really interact with all of you as if you were standing right next to me.
SR rocks!

Oh and I want to add that..I have always had a very loving..supportive..Unconditional family. They have always been there no matter what. All that love for me. And I am always surrounded by it and so much happiness. But it meant nothing if I myself dont love myself.
If that makes sense.

Mattcake 08-07-2008 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by chiynita (Post 1861428)
I have always had a very loving..supportive..Unconditional family. They have always been there no matter what. All that love for me. And I am always surrounded by it and so much happiness. But it meant nothing if I myself dont love myself.
If that makes sense.

Chin Chi, that makes perfect sense . Thanks for the kind words. I hope you realize that you're also unconditionally loved in this other family that you've chosen :hug: :)

stone 08-07-2008 01:31 AM

Very cool post Chi, you sound optimistic but cautious, vigilant might be a better word.
You seem different, like the real you is coming out. :)

I agree with your friend about the small goals too. I am trying not to look too far ahead but small goals give me something to focus on and I try to do something positive each day.

I have relapsed a lot too and I feel I have learned from them, I am not recommending relapses of course, perhaps I just wasn't ready.

Rusty Zipper 08-07-2008 02:53 AM

who kidnapped our trish? lol

trish, simply put...

your growing up!

awesome miss chiy!

love ya lady!


Aysha 08-08-2008 12:38 AM

I was feeling a little weird about my family mking a big deal out of birthday. We are having a huge BBQ Sat. My aunt and uncle are comin gfrom out of town. My grams invited all kinds of people. And I know everyone has bought me gifts. We dont usually buy gifts for adults.
So I was feeling a little bad. Like they were trying to make up for last year. And I dont like people to make a big deal over me.
I dont know..I guess I am use to egtting attention because I am screwing up. Not use to getting it normally.
My grams told me tonight to stop and just sit back and enjoy. She told me I never have a party for my Bday. I said something..I forget what..She was like well..I know Your whole life has been a party. But this is different.
She said it in a funny sarcastic way.
Gotta love the grams.
Been making friends at work. Having fun and laughing at work.
I laughed so much tonight it was great.
I love to laugh more than anything.
OMG..Sat is going to be crazy. My family is fuuuuny and crazy when we all get together.
Cant wait. I am going to be hurtin from laughing so hard. I already know.
Life is good people.

Impurrfect 08-08-2008 12:46 AM


Have a fantastic time at your birthday party...can't think of anyone who deserves it more than you!

Laughing is medicine for the soul. People think I'm crazy, sometimes, because I can laugh and joke even when I'm pretty stressed. I can even joke about some of the stuff I did when I was active in the past, because it is my past....totally different than where I am now.

I'm really proud of you and am so glad you are finding out what a great person you are.

Hugs and prayers to you and grams!


Mattcake 08-08-2008 12:55 AM

Chi, I won't rant about how I think you deserve this. Just chill out and relax, and enjoy your party.

You know, I think that we don't realize how much "work" it takes to screw up sometimes; someone here (sorry, I forgot who it was :/ ) said that being addicted is like having a part time job. And I agree. When you think about it, it's ridiculous to invest SO much energy on something that simply doesn't make any sense... whatsoever. But it's so easy to get used to that state of constant tension and anxiety, it's necessary to remind ourselves to just let go and laugh for a while. So why not? Especially when you're celebrating your life.

It's so cool to hear that you're making new acquaintances. Enjoy that process too, and quit worrying about what your family is thinking, don't second guess their intentions. The point is, they are going to be there. And I think that's the only thing that matters. :hug:

Aysha 08-17-2008 10:33 AM

I have come to relize that also.. Before...On my many failed attempts. I was just existing. Focusing more on how I screwed up. Panicking at every little thing that was wrong. Going crazy thinking I am never going to get myself out of this deep hole I am in. Rushing to make it all better now.

Now..I am using my time productively. Not just moping around with my free time. Doing things as simple as cleaning and organising my house. Focusing on TODAY. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not next month or next year. And definately not dwelling on yesterday.
Whats done is done.
When things are wrong or go wrong. I have to remember. Theres nothing I can do to change it. But I can change how it effects me. What I do with it makes all the difference. I can sit and sulk or I can keep doing what I gotta do to keep moving forward.
I have learned to slow down. Take it easy a little. Everything takes time. Enjoy the view a little. I am so use to racing through life. That this lesson took a great deal of time to understand.
I still get anxious for things to be proper. But really..Theres nothing I can do that will make anything come any faster. Moving fast is when people slip. And I dont mean that in a relapse sense alone. Hurrying through life. I may forget specific details of what I need to do. Critical maintanence issues that need special care.
Sorta like building a house. You dont just throw four walls up and a roof. Theres lots of detail in between. How will that house last if you overlook key things like a foundation..supports and maintanence?

I am not trying to be a perfectionist by any means. I dont thing there is a such thing.
But changing my actions. That takes time..patience and commitment.

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