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Iloow 07-06-2008 06:22 AM

You up to much?

I am watching the Grand Prix as the weather is bloody awful.

I have run out of fresh juice, but there is no chance I am going to the shop.

Ananda 07-06-2008 06:25 AM

I'm up! wow woolie...i can't believe its already been 2 weeks for you! you are doing so great and time is really flying!!!!! I hope you're happy with the journey so far!:ghug3

Iloow 07-06-2008 06:56 AM

I know, it has come around so quickly. I am thinking less and less of alcohol and am being a bit more selfish when it comes to planning things.

I can't say it has been the easiest thing I have ever done, but it has made me feel better about myself and I feel healthier in certain aspects. Now to sort out my head. I have an appointment with an alcohol councillor in the morning though which should help.

stone 07-06-2008 07:27 AM

I am watching Family Guy episodes, Wooli. :)

2 weeks is great! :a122:

Ananda 07-06-2008 07:33 AM

morning stoney!

I'm avoiding to watch some tv with you! Wollie can join us.

Iloow 07-06-2008 08:15 AM

Now I have tennis on. The mother in law has just been around though, which interrupted my quiet afternoon. :scared:

stone 07-06-2008 08:20 AM

Hey Nandy. :hug:

Tennis, eh?

Ananda 07-06-2008 09:27 AM


Ananda 07-06-2008 10:41 AM

My karma is killing me!!!!!!!


tanyapmc 07-06-2008 10:51 AM

hi yall! I'm still out of town. Just wanted to say hi! Good weekend. I brought an AA friend with me. Tummy still hurts. I am having a test for it on Thursday.

Much love

Ananda 07-06-2008 10:52 AM

hi's boring without you :(

Has your husband used that flashlight yet.....i heard it's really good! Really lights things up :)

Ananda 07-06-2008 11:19 AM

two rooms down...3 worst to go....

gypsytears 07-06-2008 02:50 PM

I cannot believe the yoga instructor didn't show up this morning. Really ruined my morning as well as wasted a ton of gas driving there and back for nothing!

I pulled a stoney this afternoon (nap).

Totally avoided housework by having the girls do the dishes and vacuum.

Made some grilled salmon which ended up in a nice salad for dinner (boys had chicken... girls wanted omelettes. Friggin diner ova heah!).

Hi Tan, Stoney :eek13:, ananda (your karma is fine),wooli 2 weeks is awesome.

Where are all the other idiots today?

I need ice cream now. That salad was a little too healthy for me :32:.

Jules62 07-06-2008 04:13 PM

Hey idiots! Just a fly by-busy day here but wanted you to know I made it through my sisters birthday dinner fine.Thank you for your support yesterday-I was worried about it-but no one even asked me why I was only drinking lemonade (gee-do you think I might be a bit self absorbed or something?LOL) I know-how unusual for an alkie eh? :)

Hope you're all doing well today. Gyps-I've got salad envy-I adore salmon but it's horrendouly expensive here so I rarely buy it.

That said-I do have ice cream.Anyone want some?


Rowan 07-06-2008 04:17 PM

Good job on not drinking, Jules! Family is still a big trigger for me.

Gyps - yoga teacher not showing up? Sucks azz. Sorry to hear that, but your dinner sounds lovely.

Ananda - I cannot believe you are a newb at posting pics! You're a pro! Now lay off! :lmao

Tan - hurry home, hope your tummy feels better.

Hello to all idiots. Love you guys.

Going to a meeting soon. Gonna take a new girl with me. She's really nice. I cut my grass today and weeded my garden it looks good. Back to work tomorrow holidays are over! BOO

gypsytears 07-06-2008 05:04 PM

Great job Jules. Very proud of you :hug:. Lemonade is a respectable drink any day of the week. No one, but no one should question it. Salmon prices here flucuate. I try to time my cravings with the sales you know ;). It's always nice to treat yourself since you aren't drinking... you should you know. It's a rule.

Yep RoRo... no teacher this morning. We had a discussion last class about giving someone a set of keys to the building in case our main instructor is ever running late, and my name was suggested. Yikes! If I had a set in my hand this morning I may have been asked to actually TEACH the gentle class. She has 1/2 heartedly joked about it already. That's a scary thought at this point. Have a nice meeting darling.

I am going to read some Buddhism stuff now... I'm tired of listening to the kids playing the Wii and working on my slideshow for tonight. I have a whopping almost 4 minutes done so far :lmao.

Rella927 07-06-2008 08:31 PM

Wooo Hooo! Awesome Jules!:Dance7:

Very productive Ro Ro!

Nans your karma is fine!

Stoney=Gyps today? :lmao

Gyps thanks for that little show for me before!! Too funny
came at the right time too!! Sorry the yoga chick did not show

Congrats on the 2 weeks wooli that is terrific!

TanHo sorry about the tummy-feel better sweets

All other idiots...Happy work day tomorrow-:wavey: (I will be in Florida maybe at the beach or by the pool at home here)

BUTTERFLY-7 07-06-2008 08:33 PM

Hi Guys

gypsytears 07-06-2008 11:07 PM

Hi Butterfly :wave:. Hang in there hun. You are strong.

No probs Rella. You may borrow him if you like... stock up on wings though.

Damn nap... now I can't sleep and it's 2am! I have yoga at 9:30 and then 3 of the kids have eye check ups. Urgh.

Can anyone locate me a copy of Guiding Yoga's Light: Lessons for Yoga Teachers by Nancy Gerstein ? Used is fine and apparently all that is availabale. I will pay $10 but not the 150 + that Amazon wants!

OK... going to try to chillax and meditate even if I don't sleep. I must be on NZ,OZ,UK time except those bums aren't on atm :rolleyes:.


stone 07-06-2008 11:11 PM


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