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Alive 09-21-2007 12:44 PM

You too! take care!

parentrecovers 09-21-2007 02:00 PM

take good care of yourself, jersey.


ding dong

Jersey Nonny 09-22-2007 08:17 AM

Hope you're all having a good day...hope mine is better than yesterday.

Just when I least expected it, SENSITIVITY reared its ugly head again...and, I even shed a couple of tears...hate when that happens!

My roommate for the past six months has been Regina, a sweet 99-year-old, who has become a "fall threat". So, she's been "wired for sound"...both on the wheelchair and bed. The alarms keep going off all night long...keeping both of us awake. There's much more to the story, since I've seen a lot of neglect...and, she doesn't have the wherewithall to speak for, I've been interceding on her behalf.

I came back from lunch yesterday, and all of her belongings were cleared out of the room. I panicked...thinking she had either been moved to Applewood (the dementia unit), or she had passed away! I hurried to the nurse's station and was told, "Her daughter requested a room change." No further explanation. As Regina was being wheeled past our room to her new one, I heard the nurse say, "You didn't do anything wrong,'re not being punished." Imagine!

I managed to speak to the Social Worker, told her how upsetting the situation was, and felt it was not handled well by not telling either of us what was going on. The SW said the daughter did sit down and tell her, but Regina obviously had forgotten. So, why wasn't I informed of the move? The daughter specifically requested that I not be! Did she feel I was being "too observant/concerned", and making her look like a neglectful daughter? Whatever she was feelings were hurt!

It took the rest of the day processing this, talking to my aide, my sister and niece, to get over it. Actually, it's all for the best...I won't have to be sleeping with one eye open, afraid she'll be trying to climb out of the bed...won't have to ring during the night for help...won't have to be worried that she's not being taken care of properly, etc., etc., etc.

I've met the woman who will probably be moving in with me...and, I think I'm going to be much better off. She's closer to my age and has all her mental faculties. But, as far as Regina is concerned, if I had it to do all over again, I would do the same...there's no way I could ignore neglect (bordering on patient abuse) and not speak up. So much for sensitivity!

Today will be a good day...I'm going to make it so.

Rowan 09-22-2007 08:24 AM

Hi Rae,

My feelings would have been hurt, too!

I hope that your new roommate is a good fit for you both.

BTW I would never ignore neglect either. :)

Hope you have a wonderful day.


parentrecovers 09-22-2007 08:48 AM



WLDKATZ 09-22-2007 08:56 AM

Between the baby stuff and the sober stuff I cant quit crying, now I am off of the xanax, can't take most of my meds due to the baby, quit pills ,alcohol,weed and coke all at the same time, dts were nothing it is me getting to crying then all of the muscles tense back up and I am another friggin muscle spasm from head to toe I am trying not to smoke, mind you I made my last pack last 5 days ( can you say ew stale?) But the crying and mood swongs are what is killing me!!! I wish they would go away!!! Day 104 and I just wish there was something to make the physical side of my recovery get better!!!!

Jersey Nonny 09-22-2007 09:37 AM need a 90 day pin!

And, this is what is said when it's being presented:

The dot in the middle is you.
If you keep God (the letter G) in one hand and AA (the letters AA) in the other hand, you won't have a hand to pick up a drink.
Pretty neat, huh. This is the story behind the pins:

The idea and design of an AA pin was dreamed up by a New Jersey member who had 100 run off by hand and presented them to friends in the movement and to all sincere incoming members of his group. That was about 1945. Eventually, the supply ran out, but the idea of an AA pin intrigued members everywhere, and the demand for more persisted.
So the design was copyrighted, and distribution of the pins was undertaken by the AlAnon Association, 384 Seventh Ave., Newark, NJ, which is comprised exclusively of members of Alcoholics Anonymous in good standing in their respective groups. Next, a custom was started among many groups of presenting a pin to each member as he or she achieved three months of continued sobriety. In a little ceremony, the group chairman made the presentation or the sponsor, at the start of the meeting with the admonition to "Wear It With Honor." This means, simply, that in case of a "slip" the member is honor bound to leave off wearing the pin until he or she has again achieved three months of unbroken sobriety

The manufacture and distribution of the pin is entirely in the hands of AA's
I'm proud to know the pin originated in my home state, and continue to be distributed through my hometown of Newark. Awesome.

WLDKATZ 09-22-2007 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by Jersey Nonny (Post 1495012) need a 90 day pin!

And, this is what is said when it's being presented:

Pretty neat, huh. This is the story behind the pins:

I'm proud to know the pin originated in my home state, and continue to be distributed through my hometown of Newark. Awesome.

thats kind of cool......

Jersey Nonny 09-22-2007 09:56 AM

WLDKATZ...I don't have the pleasure of knowing, I have to ask...

can't take most of my meds due to the baby,
Does that mean you're expecting, or already given birth? Either way, I would imagine the hormones are all over the place...add early sobriety (I'm guessing)...and, you must be a walking powder keg of raw emotions!

Give yourself a lot of credit...and, I'm sure, as was often told to me, "This, too, shall pass." It just takes time...but be patient. If you have a good doctor (one who is knowledgable about alcoholism/drug addiction), rely heavily on him to help you through.

I also hope you're going to AA and/or NA meetings...preferrably women's groups where you'll get a lot of understanding and support. In the meantime, you always have us "sensitive types" here at SR. Hang tough!!!

Jersey Nonny 09-23-2007 08:51 AM

Sunday morning...and not a cloud in tears either...

How about you folks?

stone 09-23-2007 09:25 AM

Hi Rae, fair to middlin here! :)

Rowan 09-23-2007 10:34 AM

Hi Rae,

Hosted a birthday party for my 12 yr old daughter - they are finally all gone and I'm going to bed for a nap! Have a great day :)

Jersey Nonny 09-23-2007 10:45 AM

Must have been a "sleep-over"...yes? Never had one, I made sure my daughter and granddaughter knew the experience. You have the rest of the day to recuperate! And, start thinking about the 13-year-old boy/girl party...complete with kissing the kids still do those things, or are they too "sophisticated" these days? I hope not.

Rowan 09-23-2007 03:17 PM

I don't think they are too sophisticated about kissing games, but I don't know how I would feel about it! YIKES
Boy/girl parties? I'm definitely not ready! Good thing it's a year away.
And yes it was a sleepover - lots of shrieking, giggling, horror movies, candy. They had a blast.
My daughter bought a vid camera with her birthday money (I paid half) and she is filming her first feature right now - she has made a corpse on the floor of her bedroom which is quite believable! She's wanted to be a movie director for a couple of years and is very excited!

stone 09-23-2007 03:19 PM

Aww, thats sweet Row! :)

Rowan 09-23-2007 03:25 PM

She just showed me her first 'scene' and it made tears come to my eyes because it was believeable. I thought it would be little-girlish but it's quite good!

Jersey Nonny 09-23-2007 03:37 PM're on candid camera...better be careful, Rowan...a budding film director in the privacy of one's home could be a dangerous thing! :c033:

Rowan 09-23-2007 03:40 PM

HA! that was one of the conditions when we bought - I made her swear not to film "Mommy wakes up" "Mommy on the toilet" etc.

So far - so good!

parentrecovers 09-24-2007 07:11 AM

hi jersey!

Jersey Nonny 09-24-2007 11:22 AM

Do I hear Jingle Bells already!?!

Originally Posted by parentrecovers (Post 1496937)
hi jersey!

OMG! I just figured out what I'm wearing for Halloween!

parentrecovers 09-24-2007 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by Jersey Nonny (Post 1497262)
OMG! I just figured out what I'm wearing for Halloween!


Jersey Nonny 09-24-2007 12:30 PM

You said, "Santa's watching...look busy!"

I said, "Do I hear Jingle Bells already?" and, then:

OMG! I just figured out what I'm wearing for Halloween!

parentrecovers 09-24-2007 12:33 PM


i still don't understand!

stone 09-24-2007 12:38 PM


I think Rae means, that here you are talking about christmas when its not even halloween yet k.

Jersey Nonny 09-24-2007 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by stone (Post 1497345)

I think Rae means, that here you are talking about christmas when its not even halloween yet k.

A rolling Stone understands me! :c033:

stone 09-24-2007 12:47 PM


parentrecovers 09-24-2007 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by stone (Post 1497345)

I think Rae means, that here you are talking about christmas when its not even halloween yet k.


thanks, stone - me not too smart...

parentrecovers 09-24-2007 02:03 PM

jersey, i thought you meant you were going to santa claus for i'm glad i double checked.

parentrecovers 09-24-2007 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by parentrecovers (Post 1497553)
jersey, i thought you meant you were going to santa claus for i'm glad i double checked.

ha! i meant to say... i thought you meant you were going to BE santa claus for halloween.

geez. never mind. i surrender.


WLDKATZ 09-24-2007 02:46 PM

I thought the same thing so glad I didn't say anything!

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