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rita 07-13-2007 03:15 PM

help getting off xanax
Hi, this is my first post here, I've actually had some time clean before, 5 years and 2 years. Best years of my life.

Anyway, my doc prescribed Xanax and I'm having a heck of a time getting off, I haven't told him I've been taking more than I should, and I got some off the street 2 times already. The most I was taking in a day is like 2-3 mg.

I ran out 5 days ago and have been having some pretty bad withdrawals. I feel like I could lose my mind and my heart is pounding out of my chest.

My question is after 5 days do I still have a risk of seizure? Is it true that withdrawal might last longer cause I stopped cold turkey? Every where I read it says do not stop cold turkey. I didn't really have much of a choice.

I really appreciate anybody's help, I'm dying over here, God Bless, Rita

Midas 07-13-2007 03:53 PM

Welcome aboard, Rita. We're glad you're here. Don't go dyin' on us! I don't know much about benzos, but I've put in a request for some help.

Hold On, OK?


Anna 07-13-2007 04:31 PM

Hi Rita,

Welcome and I'm so glad you found us.

I really suggest that you talk to your dr and tell him what you're doing and ask for his advice.

There is lots of support here, so I hope you keep posting.

Rowan 07-13-2007 04:40 PM

Hi Rita, and welcome. I went through benzo withdrawal about 3 years ago. I did it alone, but I wouldn't recommend anyone do that.
I suggest you see your doctor and be honest about your usage.
I understand that physical symptoms you are having - they are absolute hell.
My understanding is that this can be very dangerous.
Please get some help, and let us know how it goes. I hope you continue to post and work towards getting some clean time again.
My best to you.


Life Change 07-13-2007 04:46 PM

welcome Rita. i think your dr. would be the best one to answer that just to be safe. i do know that i went cold turkey off of several, several things and it was really rough for a month or so, but you can get through it. i use that memory of the severe suffering to help remind myself not to go back and use. my hopes and prayers are with you.

rita 07-13-2007 06:00 PM

Thank you
I'm going to see my doctor Sunday, I didn't understand how bad benzos could be, ugh!!

I quit heroin 10 years ago, thank god it didn't get to that point. Even though this is really brutal. Of course I'm terrified because the monster is awake.

I was always a big meeting maker and still have some friends who I can reach out to.

My mind is really messed up, I've got a massive headache, horrendous anxiety. The sad part is that even taking the Xanax I really wasn't even feeling much better.

I'm craving them though, this is crazy.

Thank you for your replies, I REALLY appreciate it, I'll definately check back in, Rita

Rowan 07-13-2007 07:54 PM

Good to hear you will see your doc, Rita. You hit the nail on the head when you made reference to the monster being awake. The main thing is that you are aware of this and want to stop the cycle before things get worse.
I look forward to reading more of your posts. There's always someone on line here if you need to talk.

Missymae737 07-14-2007 08:53 AM

Hi Rita,

Welcome to SR...

I was prescribed six ml. a day...Crazy Huh? I ended up always doing more...I finally had to go to Detox. I couldn't do this on my own. I have heard that withdrawals from Benzos' are more difficult that withdrawing from dope. My experience? On the forth day I wanted to die...It was the worse withdrawal ever...

Please keep in touch with your doctor. My understanding is it takes eight days for the drug to be out of your system. (Urine checks, bloodwork). From there you still have cravings but not as severe.

You can do this. Keep posting, we are here for you....

Solitaire 07-14-2007 04:17 PM


What TIME are you seeing your doctor tomorrow? I want to be able to pray for you while you are there. Please come back and post right away after your appointment.


1_day@_a_time 07-14-2007 11:28 PM

I tapered for nearly 9 months to ease of them.........medical attention is critical.

PM me if ya like.


NEEDTOBESOBER 07-15-2007 12:10 PM

i COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND - I am also having trouble w/xanax on top of trying to quit drinking, and I still have about a bottle and a half of xanax left right now, prescription from a pain doc I found out that would give you xanax besides the pain pills, but I don't takt the pain pills I just go to get the xanax, I have been taking either xanax or Klonopin Also known as clonezapan for about 5 years recently about 6 mgs a day and I have gone through withdrawals on my own from xanax and know how brutal they can be and the other day me and my husband got into a fight I yelled at him and he went running to his parents and tell them all the problems I am having and talking about divorce and which he has no room to talk cause he is bi-polar and is not taking meds and seems like he doesnt want to go to a psychiatrist bbut acts like he is going to, so we smoothed things over trying to get off alcohol first on my own, which I have done before for 35 days, but I don't think I can get off xanax on my own, I think I need detox, but my husband doesnt think so , he doesnt understand how bad withdrawals are w/xanax plus I have a 13 yr old which my husband would have to take care of plus the insurance company said it could cost me around 2,000 for me to go to an inpatient detox and I am scared to get off cause the reason I was prescribed them in the first place was for an anxiety disorder, so they would need to give me some other medication for anxiety and severe panic attacks when I detox from xanax. Any thoughts?

Missymae737 07-15-2007 12:25 PM

Not saying you will, but I got so bad on Zanax that I would forget how many I would take on some days.A side effect of Zanax is loss of memory and believe me for nine months while on that medication my memory was poor.

If you can try detox.

I also had a severe anxiety disorder but you know what i learned? Zanax made it worse!!! It was so crazy!!!

Thinking of you.

NEEDTOBESOBER 07-15-2007 12:37 PM

yes, I know all about memory loss and forgetting how many I took, especially in the first 2-3 yrs, I know I was taking more than I thought. and I think you might be right with xanax making anxiety worse. So do you think an at home detox is possible?

Missymae737 07-15-2007 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by NEEDTOBESOBER (Post 1411125)
yes, I know all about memory loss and forgetting how many I took, especially in the first 2-3 yrs, I know I was taking more than I thought. and I think you might be right with xanax making anxiety worse. So do you think an at home detox is possible?

ONLY under medical supervision, but as I said I couldn't do it at home with my drs. help. I had to go to detox.

rita 07-15-2007 06:32 PM

saw doc today
Well he put me on Klonopin which I will be tapering off. The withdrawals were so bad I think I was ready to jump off a bridge.

The doctor wasn't really sure about what a safe taper might be. He upped my Paxil and said it should be a month or two.

I just have to be careful not to get caught up in the Klonopin. I'm going to try and find out what kind of taper I should be doing. My doctor is pretty good and is open to information I'll bring him.

So I'll definately keep everyone posted, thanks for the prayers and support, I really appreciate it so much, God Bless, Rita

NEEDTOBESOBER 07-17-2007 06:46 AM

klonopin is very hard to get off of, I have gone thru withdrawals from both Klonopin and xanax and Klonopin was much worse than xanax, in my opinion I think cause klonopin has a longer half-life, it only takes 6 hours for one 2mg pill t o get oout of your system vs Klonopin takes 24 hours for 2mg to get out of your system. I would seek the advice of a doc if I were you.

NEEDTOBESOBER 07-17-2007 06:55 AM

Missymae, I think you may be right about going to detox, especially since my husband doesnt understand and I am trying to get off of both alcohol and xanax, I dont think he realizes the extreme emotional feelings I am having while trying to quit plus he is bipolar and is not even tryimg to do anything about it-I think he is a hypocrit and besides that cant stand being around him when I try to quit something like drinking he is not a good support system and he doesnt understand the severety of trying to quit xanax, that it would take a long time to taper off and that some people have seizures if they try to go cold turkey on either alcohol or xanax. I am just venting. any comments are welcome.

parentrecovers 07-17-2007 07:59 AM

nice to meet you, rita. glad you were able to see your doc. be safe, k

Missymae737 07-17-2007 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by NEEDTOBESOBER (Post 1413278)
Missymae, I think you may be right about going to detox, especially since my husband doesnt understand and I am trying to get off of both alcohol and xanax, I dont think he realizes the extreme emotional feelings I am having while trying to quit plus he is bipolar and is not even tryimg to do anything about it-I think he is a hypocrit and besides that cant stand being around him when I try to quit something like drinking he is not a good support system and he doesnt understand the severety of trying to quit xanax, that it would take a long time to taper off and that some people have seizures if they try to go cold turkey on either alcohol or xanax. I am just venting. any comments are welcome.

Put the focus totally on you...Grab onto all the support you can. Here is a great place. Someone mentioned that Klonapin is a harder detox than Zanax. I have heard this to be true...I don't understand your Doc.

Detox I feel really is the way to go based on my exoerience...

bval 07-17-2007 02:07 PM

i have to admit a certain ignorance when it comes to benzos ... SLEEPINESS was never really my 'thing'. But I do know a few things about them ... Like, for example, people DIE getting off of them. I *doubt* that would happen to someone taking 2-3 mgs a day. Now, I realize thats a hefty dose when it comes to xanies, but ... they MAKE 2mg bars, I've had them before, with basically zero benzo tolerance, sure, it laid my ass OUT for like 24 hours, but ... if it didn't kill me, it really can't be THAT much to try to come off of. Painful? Absolutely. I'm certain it is. But I don't think you'll croak coming off that dose. That being said ... PROBABLY the reason Klonopin is being given would be the same principle as why Methadone/Bupe are given to wean people down ... the long half-life means less pill-taking, less up-down, better chance to live a normal life while weaning down. Doesn't mean it's going to be easier to get off of, though, unless you SUCCESSFULLY wean WAY down before quitting. And even then, it is likely to be a LONGER, but LESS SEVERE detox when quitting from a low level of a long half-life form of benzo (I'm assuming it works the same as with opiates ... although, to be fair, I quit off of Bupe, not Methadone, and it may be that Klonopin is more equivalent to Methadone ... which is, of course, a major major bi*ch to come off of, from what I hear...)

I dunno. Sounds to me like in-patient detox may be the way for both of you, but if you CAN successfully wean (HINT: HAVE SOMEONE DIVVY YOUR PILLS OUT TO YOU ACCORDING TO A SCHEDULE ... seems pretty obvious to someone who's done it, but ...) down for awhile first ... your time spent in detox should be considerably less hellish. But DON'T let yourself f**k your weaning schedule up even ONCE, or consign yourself to checking in immediately. Have family hold you accountable to this, so that you can stay on track. ALL IT TAKES is ONE f**kup of your weaning schedule to be back at SQUARE ONE so get all the help to manage it that you can.

Btw, THIS SHOULD BE TWO SEPARATE THREADS, folks ... let's try to get both people all the support they need ...

1_day@_a_time 07-17-2007 02:20 PM

the tapering issue has to do with seizures..........i was on a lower dosage than this, but continued to take a bit less over a period of 9 months.

re: anxiety, I am not allowed to post the web site here, BUT anyone who would like, PLEASE PM me and I will send you the link to RESOLVE ALL YOUR ANXIETY ISSUES W/O MEDS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!

I know, I did it........


Sav 07-17-2007 02:47 PM

I've felt your pain. I had a "light" Xanax" addiciton years ago, and as bad as it was, I understand it can get much worse. Alot worse.

Taper seems to be what they do for it. But alot of the symptoms seem to be the same as opiate withdrawal. Your heart is racing? Maybe they'll give you Klonidine for that if you ask. I just don't know, but it is what they do for that for opiates when that happens.

Unfortunately, there are no medications for sleep issues that aren't, in the end, addictive. I hope you can get through it. Can you take time off? Should you? (Lack of activity is a killer when you're like that).

medievalknievel 07-17-2007 08:44 PM

Rita, glad to hear you're working with your doctor to get things cleared up :) I've known so many people who've had / have problems with benzos, I feel for all of you who are going through that

Change4life 07-18-2007 02:44 PM

Hi Rita.Welcome to SR. I admit i only read the first few posts, but I was on zanax for 10 years and was trying to get off for 8 of those. Benzos are hard to quit. I tried to taper off, but after awhile I needed more and more I just accepted the fact that I was addicted to them along with the booze, and so I stocked up and before i knew it I was eating them like candy.

CAme back to the realization that I better stop and tried cold turkey. I was so paranoid I was walking around the house with a baseball bat checking all the windows over and over. I was also convinced there was a mouse in the house, chasing that everywhere and pouding the floor with the bat to kill it. (poor invisible mouse i think I killed him cause I havent seen him since)
The cold turkey didnt last long so I went back to trying to taper off

The bottom line is i had to go to detox. they gave me librium to keep me from having seizures, and some type of anti anxiety pill along with a low dosage of sleeping pills at night so I was really never uncomfortable.
I slept through all the bad **** under medical supervision.
Im not sure the klonopin is going to help you. Most of the time we just trade one drug for another.
If you ever have a question or want to talk just PM me.
even after you stop staying stopped is hard also.

NEEDTOBESOBER 07-20-2007 07:16 AM

I want to let everyone know I talked to my father who will be paying for me to go into detox, I realized I can't do it on my own. probably within the next week . my concern is do they give you medications to help w/withdrawals, my son went to detox for a week and they gave him some medicines to help which was about 6 yrs ago now he doesnt take xanax anymore. Any comments welcome. Also going to get off alcohol in my case I am having dt's , tryed to quit cold turkey, but couldnt do it.

Missymae737 07-20-2007 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by NEEDTOBESOBER (Post 1417490)
I want to let everyone know I talked to my father who will be paying for me to go into detox, I realized I can't do it on my own. probably within the next week . my concern is do they give you medications to help w/withdrawals, my son went to detox for a week and they gave him some medicines to help which was about 6 yrs ago now he doesnt take xanax anymore. Any comments welcome. Also going to get off alcohol in my case I am having dt's , tryed to quit cold turkey, but couldnt do it.

Great that your dad is going to help you.

The Rehab I went to they gave me phenabarbitol starting from a dose based on my usage of Zanax to tapering everyday down to one and and then O...This medication was given to prevent seizures. Don't quit alcohol on your own especially if you are having DT's. Benzos' and alcohol withdrawal should always be done under medical supervision.

Thinking of you and keep posting.

NEEDTOBESOBER 07-21-2007 06:59 AM

Missymae, how many mgs a day were you taking?, I would say I take 6 mgs a day, and sometimes up to 8 mgs.

Missymae737 07-21-2007 08:47 AM

Originally Posted by NEEDTOBESOBER (Post 1419009)
Missymae, how many mgs a day were you taking?, I would say I take 6 mgs a day, and sometimes up to 8 mgs.

I was prescribed 6 mg. a day. The last few months of being on this medication I was taking a lot more. I don't remember how much as this was like total a blackout.

Anna 07-21-2007 08:40 PM

Hi Rita,

How has your week been going?

I hope the taper the dr put you on works well.

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