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stone 07-14-2007 07:14 AM

.....*rushes in*

I am back! What are we playing?! Huh? Huh?

stone 07-14-2007 11:35 AM

Had to have a lie down as I had a bad headache, dozed off for a bit and now I have missed my meeting :irked:

Nevermind, I am gonna have something to eat and if this headache goes away I will go for another (yes another!) walk. It's a really nice evening here for a change. I am gonna be a total AA nerd and listem to the BB on my mp3 player while I walk. :09:

Alive 07-14-2007 01:41 PM

that's great..have a nice night y'all!

stone 07-14-2007 02:10 PM

Hey Karim. :)


Alive 07-14-2007 04:06 PM


hope everybody is doing well, at saturday's SR is kinda

have a nice weekend everybody...

IO Storm 07-14-2007 05:06 PM

Anybody know if there's car called XL 160 ?

That would be MY next one.




(starving meself today)

IO Storm 07-14-2007 05:08 PM


Couldn't resist it...

5'1 and tons o' fun...



Rusty Zipper 07-14-2007 06:38 PM

stone'y lol

stone 07-14-2007 08:48 PM

Hi IO, Hi Rusty. I am a chef now? I was trying to keep the Disneyland job quiet-you blew my cover! :theyareon

barb dwyer 07-14-2007 08:56 PM

hi kids!!!

stone 07-14-2007 09:05 PM

Hi Barberella! Hows things in cowboy land?

Rowan 07-14-2007 09:06 PM

Hey Barb!

I found an old pic of my Mom from the early days, thought of you ..

barb dwyer 07-14-2007 09:12 PM

we finally got a break from the heat - I SLEPT through almost the entire day! wooHOO!!!

barb dwyer 07-14-2007 09:16 PM

OMG !!! EEEEwwwwww!!!!! Rowan! I'm jsut waking UP here ... *gag*

barb dwyer 07-14-2007 09:19 PM

quick! somebody grab a Dremmel tool and sand them things DOWN!!!!

IO Storm 07-14-2007 09:47 PM

I've heard of hammer toes but not hammer NAILS!

Pilgrim 07-14-2007 11:24 PM

Hi Stone. I still dont have constant internet so I won't try and message you. Watch the pills please. There's a section in that book you ordered about those. Good to see the thread still cracking on with the jokes. Hi Jules!! What's the weather like down there? Are you drying out a bit?

Miss you guys but having a great time.


stone 07-14-2007 11:31 PM

Hi Steph, thanks for letting me know.

I am keeping the pills for emergencies only now, dont worry. :hug:

The book arrived yesterday btw. Its nice and small isnt it? The other one put me off it was so big. Anyway I can read them in order now!


barb dwyer 07-14-2007 11:42 PM

guys always judge books by how thick they are .. what's that all about?

Jules62 07-14-2007 11:47 PM

Um....I'm not touching that one Barb-LOL!

Hi Steph!Just posted to you in your thread!Glad you're doing well!

Hi Stone!

Love, Jules xox

stone 07-14-2007 11:55 PM

Originally Posted by barb dwyer (Post 1410630)
guys always judge books by how thick they are .. what's that all about?

Well it is a case of having no concentration at the moment you see Barb, I have to read a bit at a time. :dunce:

Jules! I am shocked!

barb dwyer 07-15-2007 12:01 AM

I suspected it had something to do with the bathroom, myself ...
(the book thing)

always ... ALWAYS ... just leave the house when your man takes a book to the bathroom ...

somebody asked me about cowboyland - the rodeo is in town... professionals and all that.... butte sold out. Not a hotel room to be had.

I'm having a BLAST turning people away.


stone 07-15-2007 12:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by barb dwyer (Post 1410637)
I'm having a BLAST turning people away.

Evil Barb! :D

Some food!

barb dwyer 07-15-2007 01:06 AM

got it ... yeah. That looks like the ticket, stone!

stone 07-15-2007 04:37 AM

So...went to bed at midnight and took a Lunesta sleeping tablet, maybe slept for an hour and got up at 3am, 12.30pm now. Super.

I have been drinking coffee, I am not used to it. :hypnotize

Washed some clothes, washed TONS of dishes it sure doesnt feel like I have been up for over 9 hours lol!

I am trying to stay awake for my meeting tonight but I may flake out before then.

hmm...another pot of coffee I think.

stone 07-15-2007 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by barb dwyer (Post 1409689)

BUT - since you said your group doesn't give chips- you tell me we'll celebrate your thirty days here - I'll SEND you one from here !

... how 'bout that?

Wow! I missed this somehow, tho we have talked about it since Barb. You are very kind hun, thankyou. :hug:

barb dwyer 07-15-2007 05:09 AM

It's been passed around my group ...
had all their prayers of hope put into it -
I'm sure they haven't worn off...
cuz I'm still here.

you'll make it this time.
you're taking better care of yourself than you did the last stint.
and youre getting rest this time.

this time ... is different.

wonder how long it takes to get a little piece of metal
(highly charged with blessings)
from Montana to Liverpool???

stone 07-15-2007 05:15 AM

I can use all the prayers I get Barb. :)
It means the world to me.

Prolly take about a week to get here? I am not sure really.

barb dwyer 07-15-2007 05:16 AM


how long you have right now?

Rusty Zipper 07-15-2007 05:16 AM

stone'y... its called Minimalism! lol

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