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janeeyre 01-15-2007 10:57 AM

Any news yet, Rae? Oh dear--I hope you'll have a computer wherever you go. A nice little laptop would be good. I can just imagine all the stress you're under right now....UGH. Please, please know I'm thinking about you!

Penguin, I'm glad you're back. You be good to yourself during this hard time, okay?

Sending major hugs to you two......((Rae)) ((Penguin))


janeeyre 01-15-2007 11:19 AM

Rae! THERE you are! What's up?

Jersey Nonny 01-15-2007 11:42 AM

I just tried to respond to a thread started by some NYC guy who wanted to do a photographic study of people in recovery. I think the admins must have ousted him. Otherwise...

I'm looking to do something a little more "close to home", something not limited to a certain social class or geographic locale.
Interesting concept, Derek, since alcoholism/addiction are "equal opportunity diseases", they certainly aren't limited to any social class or geographic locale...I'd be curious to know how many "takers" you get, since most people in recovery are fiercely protective of their anonymity. Fortunately, I overcame my struggle with drinking 27 years ago through AA, a belief in a Higher Power...sometimes through shear guts and determination...nothing very dramatic.

And, I doubt that you'd find my current "day to day routines" very stimulating...shadowing me as I go from recliner, to walker, to wheel chair, to kitchen...and reverse the procedure several times a day. Oh, I forgot the frequent trips to the pc, which I consider vital to my mental stability.

gypsytears 01-15-2007 01:24 PM

Sending condolences Penguin and hugs. Try some tea and extra vitamin C for your cold. And rest... you deserve it :).

Rae... hope your appointment went as you wanted. My ex- MIL was in a few different nursing homes in the Brick and Lakewood area, but that was 10 years ago at least. When you know where you'll be, give me a shout. Neither town is all that far. I could come visit if you'd like?

Hi Jane :).

Jersey Nonny 01-15-2007 04:31 PM

The doctor is a jerk! I'm only seeing him because I can't go to an office, he visits, and it's necessary (especially at my age) to have a doctor of record.

Even with my daughter talking to him on the phone, he doesn't feel I'm "medically needy" for problems are "social" according to him! So daughter talked to the nurse of the last doctor who hospitalized me in February...he's going to cooperate with the doctor I saw when I was living in Brick...I'm sure together they will work things out for me.

Taking it a day at a time!

mythreesons 01-15-2007 08:33 PM

Hi Rae, I just listened to messages tonight. It has been a long holiday weekend here in GR. I will try to get in touch tomorrow when the kids go back to school. You are in my thoughts... hugs. -p.

Jersey Nonny 01-15-2007 08:36 PM

Is that my friend, Paula, lurking about? Have you gotten any of my phone messages? Been busy, huh? Doing all things, I hope.

Maybe we'll get a chance to talk tomorrow before they cart me out of here!

Jersey Nonny 01-15-2007 08:40 PM

Gotcha! Johnny just shampooed my, I'm letting it dry a bit before I settle back for the night. girl, Helen Mirren, won the Golden Globes for Prime Suspect and The go, Dame Helen!

Jersey Nonny 01-16-2007 06:04 AM

Good Morning...from the HATZ mascots!

From my favorite daily reading, Keep It Simple:

Thought: Fair play is primarily not blaming others for anything that is wrong with us.

Prayer: I pray to remember that I am responsible for my actions. Blaming puts distance between me and other people. Higher Power, help me to play fair.

Action: Today, I'll list four times I've blamed someone else for a problem that was really my problem.
My books have been packed away in an unopened box for the past two years. It's like running into "old friends" again.

expenguin 01-16-2007 06:20 AM

Good morning everyone.........

Thanks for the prayers .....I am doing ok for now and trying to catch up on sleep......need that hot cup of tea and to turn the heater on after I change the batteries....Hope I have the right ones...............otherwise we will be cold till I get them........

rae......hope you are doing well and keeping warm......these cold days are miserable..................We have had lots of busted pipes in our area and that isn't good.............

Well ....I am off to get those batteries changed to get the heat going..................Little Penguin

janeeyre 01-16-2007 08:09 AM

For Pete's sake, Rae! Some doctors can be so "off" (read: full of themselves.) Grr. Well, I hope things work out ASAP to your best benefit.

Hi Paula, gypsy, & penguin! Stay warm, all of you....(did the cold weather ever make it to NJ?)

Jersey Nonny 01-16-2007 04:46 PM

Stay warm, all of you....(did the cold weather ever make it to NJ?)
Finally...yes, it feels like winter, which I hate!

Looks like tomorrow is "the day"...expect to leave here at 8:00 a.m. for an emergency room, stay in hospital for three days, thence to a rehab-nursing home in South Jersey.

I've talked to Paula a couple of times today...probably again tonight before I try to go to sleep. My stomach has been in knots all day. On top of everything else, my son, Scott, and his girlfriend got into it last night (both of them drinking, of course). She called the police, and I thought he had been arrested for domestic violence...turned out the cops just got him out of the house for the night. I really need to get away from all the drama...getting too old for this sh$$!!!

Don't know when I'll be able to get on-line, I'm counting on you HATZ'ers to look out for each other, be well, stay sober (hopefully), and think of me often (because I will surely be thinking of all of you). I'm sure I'll keep in touch with Paula, and she can keep you apprised of my situation.

Over and out, until...

expenguin 01-16-2007 05:12 PM

rae I am praying for you.........this is tough and yet in the long run may have good results..................

Long day for me and want to thank everyone for their prayers.....................Been cold here and having trouble staying warm......................Not feeling good either..................just as well.........the cold stuff doesn't help..............................Little Penguin

mythreesons 01-17-2007 05:48 AM

Hi All, just spoke to Rae before 8 AM the transport was there and she was putting her coat on to go. She is emotional and anxious, as expected, keep her in your thoughts as she makes this transistion. I hope we can keep that Hatzers going while she is in the hospital.

As always you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy the day.

janeeyre 01-17-2007 08:55 AM

Thank you so much, Paula, for maintaining a way to stay in touch with Rae--please let her know I'm thinking of & praying for her today, and daily.



Be good to yourself today, Penguin--hugs to you....oxoxo

How's it going, Gypsy?

Hmmm....I wonder how the guys are. Michael? Max?

Thinking of DREAMZ, as always...and Miss C.....and Etimee....& Rustyzipper....

Take care,

expenguin 01-17-2007 02:42 PM

Thanks jane for being here for us all.......I pray that rae is doing ok and keeping a positive mind for today..................

Just looked outside and it is hailing like crazy and big......never seen such big ones and coming down so hard.........................Oh my Gosh.................

I am staying inside where I think it is safe...................

still not feeling too good and will get some little one still sick with me and we are both watching the hail come down like crazy............the roads are icy here and that isn't good...............................The cat is crying like crazy as she doesn't like the hail.....have to let her in..........................Love you all........

am taking it easy and trying to get my bearings back after the loss of my MIL.........miss her lots......she was into all sorts of crafts...................was fun doing some with her....................Now I am on my own except with my little one................................LOL............ ...Little Penguin

janeeyre 01-17-2007 05:01 PM

((((penguin)))) --thinking of you.

mythreesons 01-17-2007 05:33 PM

Hi all, hang in there penguin the weather will let up and the cold will be gone soon. Sorry about your mil, I'm sure that has you down. Good thing for little ones to cuddle with, I know mine have brought me through a lot and they don't even know it!

I will let Rae know you guys are thinking about her and praying for her. I do have a phone number for her in the hospital, I can IM it to you if you think you might get a minute to call her. Her daughter Kim called tonight to give it to me and she said that Rae was in pretty high spirits considering and feeling comfortable.

HUGS HATZers, thinking about all of you tonight. Big shout outs to Eti, Max, Michael, C'est and Dreamz... we miss you guys.

expenguin 01-17-2007 06:45 PM

Thanks jane and are too good and I need a distraction right now.................

I did go see the two old people that used to live next door to me.....they are in a Nursing care place......I decorated their room for Valentine's day.....was fun to buy them two stuffed dogs and see them act like little kids playing with them..........then I got fake flowers to put up by the TV.......and a Calander on the board for them ....even marked off the days so they know what day it is..............will do that tomarrow as well.............then I put each of them a card on their own board to cheer them up...............I tried to help someone else today.....................

I would like to call rae.....if that is ok....Please.......What is the time difference there? It is 6:45pm as I post now.......

TAlk to you all later as it is getting late............
Little Penguin

expenguin 01-18-2007 06:56 AM

Good morning everyone .........thinking about you all today.................It is cold here and black Ice we are not used least those of us that haven't driven in snow before..............I know what to do and never forget my experience with the black ice when I lived in oregon.............

LOL......Little Penguin

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