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Jersey Nonny 10-31-2006 07:34 AM

This was the inspiration for my Halloween costume.

One of the many perks of sobriety was to satisfy a life-long dream of a trip to Europe. I was fortunate enough to go 1996, as part of the tour through Great Britain and Ireland, we stopped at the lovely, old town of Coventry. I got some beautiful photos of the Cathedral of St. Michael, both the old and the new.

During the Second World War, in a bombing raid on 14 November 1940, the cathedral was destroyed, together with 75% of the buildings in the inner area of the city.
After the war a new cathedral was built alongside the ruins of the old one. (The ruins of the old cathedral are to the left, the new structure is to the right.)

The statue of Godiva is reached by walking through the area between the two cathedrals into a square called
As I walked back to the front of the cathedrals, I passed a group of school children carrying sketch pads. They were 6th graders participating in a field-trip art lesson which would include renderings of the statue and the cathedrals.

I thought, "What a marvelous and beautiful way for them to learn some of the history of this very civilized nation." And, how blessed I was to have been there and to have the photographic memories to take back home to share with family and friends.

janeeyre 10-31-2006 07:41 AM

What a beautiful cathedral, Rae! I've always wanted to travel over there. Maybe one day.....

I'm not doing any costume today, but we're handing out good candy--Reese's, Milky Way, Three Musketeers, Tootsie Rolls, Kit Kats...MMMMM. I hope there's lots left over!

Jersey Nonny 11-01-2006 05:15 AM

WAKE UP! WAKE UP! It's a brand new day, brand new month! Hope you're not all "hung over" from that Halloween candy sugar rush!

Thought for Today

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

expenguin 11-01-2006 06:44 AM

I'm awake and ready for another month I think.............Thinking Trukey is turkey making day with the paper mache stuff as there is no school I have my kid and another all day.........Nice messy project and fun one to try and takle..................Will see how the turkey's come out............

Survived the Halloween thing till some 18-20 yr old decided to smash our neighborhood pumpkins..........usually we have no trouble I guess they did not live around here.......they may have come from down town to cause trouble in the mountains..........................Was not happy as they were hiding in my front yard and the get away driver played like she lost something in her car so she said...............I wasn't stupid and pulled my pumpkins in so the kids could enjoy them today in the backyard................I saw the older kids checking them out last night .....They were a very large group of older kids that usually we don't have around here and they had a couple 6 yr olds hanging out with them.....

Oh well............NO MORE CORN MAZE for a while and now it is time to move on to other things...................Not sure if I will decorate the outside of my house again if all that is going to happen is some group of Older Kids that should know better just mess everything up.......................Makes the holidays kinda soggy for me.............and puts a damper on it for the little kids that want to really enjoy what they see.................

Well off to better things today and wanting to enjoy what I have around me..........................This is why I am in this program...............To make a difference in my world and for others around me that need a boost..............

Love and Hugs to ya all.....Have a happy day........Little Penguin

janeeyre 11-01-2006 08:17 AM

Good morning, all you HATZers!

I miss DREAMZ.....I hope she makes it to a computer soon....

In honor of her, happy colorful stuff!

Jersey Nonny 11-01-2006 12:07 PM

You go, Jane!

Gee, Penguin...that stinks! The kids around here usually do their darndest on Mischief Night (October 30)...usually limited to toilet papering the tree branches and/or soaping windows. Although, I remember a couple of years I had to stop at the car wash on my way to work because they had thrown raw eggs at the parked cars...will eat right through the paint, if not removed fairly quickly.

Everyone have a good day.

expenguin 11-01-2006 01:28 PM

I am back and need a Hug.......Day kinda going slow and have one kid not feeling good (mine) and the other bored since one is sleeping.........Can't do much with boys and I keep trying to spark the interest of this one.........

All I know how to do is craft things that girls like and boys just stick their noses up at you or something.......................What to do.........

Over all the day turned out to be fairly good and no egg throwing last night ..........don't think I could handle that or the soaping of windows......

I remember when I was growing up the kids would throw eggs and use shaving cream on windows......My dad caught a couple trying to shave cream our windows and hand cuffed them since he was a cop......then he called the police and they took the kids home.............................No one did that at our house again .............I didn't mind being a daughter of a cop.......Kinda neat ....but we had to follow the rules at home when dad needed sleep during the day..............

Well hope Dreamz is doing better and comes back soon.........Want to hear more about the ("damit") dolls she has from her grandma.......

I am going to see if I can get started on some sock monkeys....could only find white socks with brown heal and toe area......................Will have to do for now.......Onward I go to entertain myself for the rest of the day...............Seems so quiet in my neighborhood for the day after Halloween.....................Will take it while I can......................Love ya all............Little Penguin

Jersey Nonny 11-02-2006 07:11 AM

Penguin...I'm getting tired just reading about all the things you have going. I thought of you when I found this:

Thought For Today

The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.
Richard Cech

expenguin 11-02-2006 08:58 AM

Good morning everyone........Where is everyone?

I know I don't know how to make short notes........But that is ok as I get it out all at once.........But I like to stay busy as you can all see......................Keeps me motivated mostly and having a 6 yr old around there is too much going on....................

Sock monkey's here we come.............Raggedy Ann is following behind you .....I think she is.....

Well everyone have a wonderful day when you get to posting......I have my International Coffee in hand and I am off to the next thing on my list...................Trying to turn all my pocket change into the bank to get bills .....Money is tight this time of the year and I do what I can to pay the bills around here....................Making projects I have on my shelf to sell and so on..............We tend to stretch things all year long and the Holidays are the worse..............

Pray for my house as we need God to help out in making christmas special for my little one................I think making gifts is the only way we can get by.....and they turn out special for the rest of our lives..................I think there is more to christmas than just receiving....IT IS GIVING TO OTHERS THAT MAKES IT SPECIAL FOR ME...........................I find a way to give to others even when our money isn't there for us.........Don't know How I do it ....But I manage................

HUGS TO EVERyONE OUT THERE IN RECOVERY...........Love you all................Glad you are here for me...............and those that really need us all today...................Little Penguin

Jersey Nonny 11-02-2006 11:34 AM

I think there is more to christmas than just receiving....IT IS GIVING TO OTHERS THAT MAKES IT SPECIAL FOR ME....
Sounds like you truly have the Christmas Spirit, Penguin. I'm sure everything will work out well for you and yours...I will pray that it does.

janeeyre 11-02-2006 11:40 AM

Hey there, HATZers :)

It's a crazy day for me--I'm in between "shifts" of volunteering at school; just dashed home to let dogs out and grab some lunch before heading back, so thought I'd pop in to see what's up here.

Penguin...I'm getting tired just reading about all the things you have going.
Rae, me too! Penguin, all your projects sound so neat--and I think homemade stuff is the BEST for Christmas presents. You know, I've always wanted my home to be like the "Little House on the Prairie" books--everyone content with "togetherness" and a tin cup or pair of mittens for Christmas, but sometimes I think it's not possible in this day and age (...should have been born in the 1860's, huh?). So Penguin, do you crochet? I've been teaching myself, but it's hard to figure out the more complicated stuff, like making lace. But I can make a heckuva dishcloth!

ACK! Time to get back to school. Hugs to all of you!

Dreamz 11-02-2006 06:38 PM


Finally - I was FINALLY able to log in - you don't know what trouble I've had. I forgot my password and then it all went downhill from there!!!

But not to worry I am happy, healthy, and a year older today


I have had an AMAZING week. I've been to the beach every day, been shopping, cleaned the house a gazillion times, made cakes, muffins and lots of yummy treats.

I'm really enjoying catching up on life. I needed a break! I still haven't found another job but I have a few promising interviews to look forward to!!!

Originally Posted by Janeeyre
I miss DREAMZ.....I hope she makes it to a computer soon....

Awww thats so sweet. I hate not being on here as much, but I have really enjoyed leaving my work. I'll miss some things but not most of it.

I saw my parents last night, my sister and I drove to the city to meet them cause they flew out today - they're on holidays, we had dinner at this place I've been waiting to go for AGES and we laughed all night I think!!!

My sister made me this huge big scrapbook of our lives which was so special it made me cry. I spoke to my grandmas today - I just love life right now. Its funny cause before today I kept having dreams of using meth - birthdays were always big occasions for me - but today I don't feel like it at all. I'm on a natural high and I'm so happy I could cry!!! Its raining a bit and I'm STILL in a good mood - which is rare, I hate the rain!!!

Anyway - must be quick - internet cafes are getting to be expensinve - just wanted to let everyone know I'm great!!!! Hope you all are too

PS Penguin I PM'd you about the dolls!!!



Jersey Nonny 11-03-2006 06:31 AM

A very colorful to you, DREAMZ...and, many, many more!

Thought for Today

A master can tell you what he expects of you.
A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations.
Patricia Neal

And one silly quote just for fun....
Never try to teach a pig to wastes
your time and annoys the pig.

expenguin 11-03-2006 06:46 AM

Happy Birthday Dreamz........have a wonderful day and eat lots of cake for me..................

janeeyre.......Yes ..I do crochet................But I don't know how to follow directions......learned by watching my grandmother................

raerob........Hope you have a wonderful day and have fun for me..........

See ya all later as I have a busy day ahead of my self

more later.......Little Penguin

janeeyre 11-03-2006 07:53 AM

Happy Birthday, dear Dreamz! It sounds like you're doing so well....that makes me happy.

Hugs to everyone else, too. TGIF!

Much love,

expenguin 11-03-2006 12:54 PM

Sounds like everyone is doing well for now......Nice to have you all back and healthy...................

Been running around getting errands done and now time to run back to the school and pick up kids.........Had an encounter with a VERY LARGE eguana.....and other Reptiles.........They were pets and well behaved from what the man said......I just didn't like being eye balled by these things.....But one wanted to follow me around and I had better things to do than baby sit for these Reptiles............The other one was an Alagator.....named ALBERT.......The large eguana was named Luis.....................Not pets I would want at my house.......................

Talk to ya all later............................Little Penguin

expenguin 11-04-2006 06:36 AM

Another beautiful day and I am here alone again on a weekend................................Where are you guys?

Well ......Good morning anyway and I will enjoy the summer like days here for you all................Now I need a pool to swim in..............................Off to work at a kids project at Home Depot...........of course taking my kid.........
Hugs to ya all today.........Little Penguin

Jersey Nonny 11-04-2006 07:44 AM


WOW! There so many new people/new threads, HATZ slipped back to the second page. We can't have that!

Off to work at a kids project at Home Depot...........of course taking my kid.........
Penguin...that brought back fond memories of when I used to take my granddaughter to Rag Shop on Saturday mornings to work on different little crafty things, especially for Halloween and Christmas. Then, we would go off to my group which met at noon. The good old days!

Jersey Nonny 11-05-2006 08:09 AM


Thought For Today

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Ghandi

Jersey Nonny 11-05-2006 07:47 PM

Looks like another Lost Weekend at HATZ.

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