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venuscat 07-10-2022 02:05 PM

33C is nothing for me, for sure. :) And when it is only 40% humidity, I am a happy camper. :)
And yes, I am used to it. :)

And oh boy, best men's final at Wimbledon for me since McEnroe/Borg in '81. :)

I hope you sleep well tonight dearest RAL; so much love. :hug:


RAL 07-10-2022 02:38 PM

I hate the humidity too. Desert heat for me anyday!!

Thank you. At least I won't have a hangover tomorrow, I hope you have a lovely evening and sleep well too x

venuscat 07-10-2022 03:04 PM

Thank you dear RAL. :) ❤️

Citrus 07-10-2022 05:50 PM

I drank yesteday stupidly too. And we had to leave the hosue at 5 am to get the boys 2 hours away to their bus for cross country camp. Cringing at how yucky I looked standing there amongst the parents.
Looking forward to not being hunover in the morning as well RAL.
Making some salmon and salad for dinner. We have been eating dinner plenty late as it is just too hot in the kitchen earlier!

Hi Suze :hug:

Dee74 07-10-2022 06:58 PM

I'm glad you came right back Citrus.
what stopped you from posting here beforehand tho :dunno:?


RAL 07-10-2022 10:18 PM

Morning all
Good to see you back citrus. I've started eating earlier as once I've eaten I have no desire to drink. Complete changing of the evening routine helps me.

Day 3. No sleep was had last night so I've just got up and will get on with the day, tire myself out and hopefully get a better sleep tonight.

Anxiety still here. All those little things that were in my mind that I'd numb with drink are now there jumping around in my mind - hello I'm here trying to annoy you so of course the AV will try to use that but I will not be engaging in any dialogue with the AV. I do not drink.

Hope everyone has a good day x

SimplySue 07-10-2022 10:22 PM

Hello everybody :wavey:

It’s been quite a while since I checked in. I think I must be coming up to my six month anniversary. I’m not sure on the day count, but I know it’s around now.
I got to six months last year and then lapsed, so now is a good time to check in with you all!

How is everybody? I hope everybody is well and staying strong. I’ve been keeping busy with work and my fitness regime. I haven’t been in any social situations at all, so luckily no temptations yet.
We’re going on holiday in a couple of weeks, so that will be a test of my resolve! I’m so excited to be finally going away, so fingers crossed I can stay steadfast :c016:

calmself 07-11-2022 12:12 AM

End of Day 239 - Gn from Seattle!

Dee74 07-11-2022 12:41 AM

Good to hear from you Sue and to hear all is well :)


freedomfries 07-11-2022 02:58 AM

I found a bottle of alcohol in my room this morning. I guess I stashed it in a blackout. I just flushed it, over two hours after finding it. I was sure I was gonna drink it. But I made the right decision in the end. Day 6. Not nice to have a challenge like this in early sobriety. I already regret flushing it if I'm being honest. But going to sleep sober tonight, I'll be glad I did.

venuscat 07-11-2022 06:24 AM

Well done dear FF! I hope you feel empowered. :) That was a good move! :) :hug: s

Hi Sue. Congrats to you love, and good idea to plan for the holiday. I would, for sure. I would think about where I am staying, and if there is alcohol in the room. It is easy to get those things changed in advance if it is a decent hotel. You can even ask them to stock your mini fridge with extra water if you like. Of course, I have no idea where you are going, so just thinking out loud. :) :hug: s

Hi calm :) :hug: s

RAL ~ I am the same as you. I realised years ago, when I was getting dinner earlier. And boom, all cravings disappeared for me. :) :hug: s

RAL 07-11-2022 08:45 AM

HI sue

Good move FF.

Yes Suze it makes such a big difference. It's not even 5pm here yet but dinner already in the oven :)

Strange day, thinking about stuff. Despite it being early days I'm thinking of all those tasks I've been neglecting which I need to do. Also had a walk at lunchtime instead of just being online. Got my bike out of the shed too so will start using that again. Little steps at first but it all adds up.

Hope everyone has a good evening

venuscat 07-11-2022 09:17 AM

All of those little steps add up, as you said, and then before you know it, you have a whole new routine which makes you happier. :)

Citrus 07-11-2022 09:56 AM

Good point Dee. I have got to make myself reach out for support so I am not alone in my head!

I hope you can get some good sleep tonight RAL. Running on little sleep is no fun at all.

Good to see you Sue and well done on 6 months!

Well done flushing it FF! Glad you are here.

Way to go on 240 calm!!


venuscat 07-11-2022 10:04 AM

Thinking about you dear Citrus. Here with you love. :hug: s xxx ❤️

Citrus 07-11-2022 12:04 PM

Thank you! ❤ Just attended a meeting. About to head out for groceries really quick. Will be back before witching hour. It is funny to just have 3 to cook for!
I will reach out if I even feel a twinge of a craving.

ChopStickCheese 07-11-2022 02:15 PM

Back again over here, this time with you guys. Day 1 for me.
On and off drinking, but my relapses are getting worse. I think I really have to work out my drinking issues from lesson 1.

Greetings to everybody.

venuscat 07-11-2022 03:12 PM

I think that we can work out where we are once we stop.....a clear head makes it so much easier to think through the tough parts.
So maybe go from 1 is awesome. :)
I hope you were able to eat. :)
Goodnight CSC :hug: s xx

Citrus 07-11-2022 09:33 PM

Good to see you CSC. :)

Grocery store was no problem today. I got absorbed in 2 new knitting projects as soon as we got home and got stuff put away.
Went to a great meeting tonight. I have been in bed texting a bit with the boys at camp and reading in between messages. Great end to the day.

Good night class.

SimplySue 07-11-2022 11:15 PM

Great to see everybody is here and keeping on fighting!

venuscat , thank you for the tips. Luckily we are in a villa so I don’t have a mini bar challenge! I don’t think there’s much in walking distance either, so I will be driving when we go out in the evenings. Hopefully these things will stop me from being tempted!

Wishing everybody a lovely day. Quite hot here in the uk. It’s my kind of weather :Wburn

RAL 07-11-2022 11:49 PM

Morning all

Hols are always a big problem for me Sue especially when AI. That said I have done 2 AI hols sober and enjoyed each one immensely. I agree a villa with car is a great plan. Where are you off to? I'm away in mid August with Jr RAL but just going HB. AI just not a good idea at this point. Enjoy the weather today. It's windy and dull here in Scotland!

Great result on day 1 CSC :)

Well done on getting through the grocery store Citrus.

It's our wedding anniversary this week. Usually we would go away for a night or 2 but we are not doing this year as I do not want to put myself in a place where there is bar in the first week of sobriety. We are going to have lobster and sparkling water at home instead (Mr RAL is a commercial lobster fisherman-we are not high spenders! :) )

Day 4. Had some sleep but feel v groggy. It will improve! Hope everyone has a good day x

Dee74 07-12-2022 12:28 AM

welcome back ChopStickCheese :)


Jo43 07-12-2022 12:44 AM

Good morning all!!
Welcome to the lovely new members I have not met yet and hello to all who know me!!

I tend to pop in and out of here dependent on life and what's happening. The last few months have been so busy! I am now on a phased return at work. Within minutes I wished I hadnt gone back hahaha!!! Always the way though. Very busy so at least it doesnt feel like I have been off to be honest! My boy turned 15 and has had his GCSE mock exams. Gave me an idea of what he will be like next year doing the real ones! Ugh!! He's a pain in my arse!!!! He gets more stressy than I do hehe!! But he nailed the mocks so if he keeps up the work and revises hard he will do awesome and get into the sixth form he wants to study the A levels he wants. Its all about getting to the next step! The girlie is slowly getting there. The arthritis does cause her issues but its not actively needing medication at present so we just work with what we have and use Ibuprofen and physio to help. Hoping it continues this way as she's not a good patient bless her. But she is back fully into school now so she can enjoy her last days before the holidays and then hopefully we can start anew in september and catch up on what she has missed. The pets are nuts as usual. The Puddie cats are just their usual cool aloof selves and the parrot, well he never shuts up hahaha!!! Constantly squawks at you down the stairs as he just loves company bless him!

I am attempting to get fitter and healthier. Slow but sure as I weighed myself and was like oh deary me!!! I have now lost about a stone and am now starting to up my exercise levels so hoping i can lose inches too. It is nice to fit into my clothes again though I will say that.
Sending you all love and support on your sober journeys. You can do this. You have got this! I have had days where I felt nope cant do this and definitely days where I have sat there and gone I just need a beer or a glass of wine. I have felt that that would help my bad day! But in reality deep down I knew that it wouldnt have and I managed to dig deep and use my tools and not have that drink! I am now 449 days sober and wouldnt trade it for the world. Each sober day is a treasure!

Right I'm off to the gym (well attempt too but Im sure I look ridiculous and red and all sweaty haha)
Have a good day all you lovely July people!! xx

Citrus 07-12-2022 01:26 PM

Hi all.
Great day so far, about to head to the movies with the littlest. Actually, he has passed me this month in height, gonna have to call him the youngest from now on... still has 6 inches to reach middle sons height. Still my baby though! As all of them are.

Rambling now, lol. I'll check in later on. :grouphug:

Dee74 07-12-2022 01:47 PM

Hello Jo and Citrus :)


venuscat 07-12-2022 01:47 PM

Not rambling. :) My sis is 5ft2 and has three 6 ft sons. :) It is always amusing. And I know you are way taller than that, so oy, you have some 6 foot plus boys I would say. :) :hug: s

Hi Jo, and good morning Dee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dee74 07-12-2022 02:33 PM

Morning Suze :)


freedomfries 07-12-2022 05:21 PM

Good morning.

It's day 8. Yesterday was a nice day. Did some self-care and housework and cooked dinner. Wasn't in so much of a funk.

Ate far too much though, so diet starts again today. Coffee, smokes and diet cokes for breakfast. I'll have something more substantial (but not too substantial) if I go for a walk when the sun comes up.

Citrus 07-12-2022 09:03 PM

Way to go on 8 days FF!

Suze that is my grandma and all of my cousins and I. I am the shortest at 5'8. The rest are over 6 foot.
Then my kids 13 is 5'9... daughter 21 is probably close to 5'10, 15yo is 6'2 and 18yo is 6'5. I feel quite short around them and I definitely am not! We get stopped all the time in the store to reach the stuff higher up. :)

Had a great time at the movies. We watched the new Minions as yongest has been dying to see it, I laighed quite a bit. We have decided when it is just the two of us we do NOT need the largest refillable popcorn! Haha. The older 2 boys eat even more than we thought. When they where little I used to take plastic cups in to fill up for each of them so we didn't have to pass it back and forth. Plus spills where easier to manage. Good memories.

Got home just in time for a meeting that I really enjoyed. I am finding my brain calms down a bit if I do 2 meetings a day and firmly decide not to drink between them.

Off to bed with me. Night all!

SimplySue 07-12-2022 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by RAL (Post 7827487)
Morning all

Hols are always a big problem for me Sue especially when AI. That said I have done 2 AI hols sober and enjoyed each one immensely. I agree a villa with car is a great plan. Where are you off to?


We’re heading to Crete RAL. Can’t wait!
What’s AI? I’m not familiar with that terminology.

Happy Anniversary by the way!

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