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Dee74 08-11-2021 07:29 PM

180 Day Challenge Part 2
last part was here

advbike 08-11-2021 07:55 PM

Thanks Dee!

Congrats on 60 days BABM - I have NO IDEA how you can handle all that is on your plate. But it's good stuff, so keep it up!

The monsoon is still going nuts this year - I measured another 3" of rain from the T-storm that rolled over us last night at midnight and into the early morning hours. Crash! Bang! So cool! More expected into next week.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Free2bme888 08-11-2021 08:19 PM

Opération get daughter complete, looking at supportive living places tomorrow for her.

saying goodnight to day 10

BeABetterMan 08-11-2021 10:17 PM

Ok, here we are.

slayingthedrago 08-12-2021 03:32 AM

morning and evening all....BABM- congrats on 60. Probably not a coincidence that an award at work and an improved relationship with your daughter have occurred during those 60 days. I'm sure you have realized that already but I have trouble connecting the dots in my own life sometimes so thought I would mention it.

Free- I'm assuming that your news is a good thing and I wish you smooth sailing with the next step.

Glad you're back Pline. You are now ready.

Slowly, I'm getting the roll call of this crew of sailors.....hang in there everyone.

AlbaSober 08-12-2021 05:25 AM

Checking in on part 2.

Day 31 for me today - eating some homemade soup and thinking about how it tastes so much better than booze.

Mizz 08-12-2021 05:52 AM

We moved! This is a lovely spot to land in the mornings. :)

Happy sober Thursday, ALL! Keep on keeping on.

Elke516 08-12-2021 01:54 PM

Congrats on the growing sobriety days guys. Slaying, I love your observations on BABMs sober time, amazing results for you BABM.
Free, best of luck for finding a place for your daughter :hug: and congrats on 10 days.
Great to see you Pline.
Dusty, I'll watch the last part of the Serpent tonight....with a hot cuppa xx

I've never experienced a monsoon myself but I love a good thunder storm at night. Keep save adv.
12 days for me, I think it was around that count last time I caved. Not this time. I derserve to keep on going :exercise1

Thank you for the new thread Dee.

dustyfox 08-12-2021 03:46 PM

I did lots of thinking today, not sure I have resolved anything but I think I am at that three month milestone of of sobriety where there is the need to reflect and think about where I am, where I have landed on this planet of sobreity.
Delightful walk with the children and my dear Mother ( who has Alzheimer's) the children love her and find her 'funny ways' endearing. I am guessing this might be one of her last lucid summers. Ongoing issues with dearest daughter - and I need to find the energy to tackle stuff with her. I need a weekend on my own walking and sleeping and reading and not having any children to look after - that is not likely ! Good evening everyone - sailing by -

pline 08-12-2021 03:50 PM

Back in the new place....
Morning all,
End of the week here....looking into the weekend and trying to plan as to what has to happen. Next couple of days....a couple of road trips for work jobs. These are dangerous, out in the car, off the usual circuit, day done, pull into an unused booze store and restock.
So need to be able to resist that one.

Maybe a netflix binge on The Serpent?
Congrats on the Big 60 BABM, you are doing so well in every aspect.

Ok, better go and get launched.
All the best ppl.

TackleTheFear 08-12-2021 04:15 PM

Hello to all, we must be doing pretty well to be starting a second thread! Thank you Dee!

Great job to all our sober milestones, we are all moving forward. :c011: Let us keep going!

I slept so hard last night and so long that I am still tired, so it is just a lazy day for me, which is fine.

Free2bme888 08-12-2021 09:05 PM

Ending day 11

Goodnight 🥱😴

advbike 08-12-2021 10:06 PM

Great job everybody! I'm really tired tonight.

You can do it Pline. Find another distraction, watch the show, walk/run, anything.

Great job on 11 days Free. Nice turnaround!

Keep up the great work, all of you, as we "sail" into the weekend!

Gabe1980 08-13-2021 02:25 AM

Way Hey!!! We've moved.....31 days for me (I think - I'm going by you Alba!)

Last day before heading home and I'm so happy to have made it through this holiday :)

So happy to be part of this group too. Love to everyone here :hug:xxx

pline 08-13-2021 05:41 AM

You've done well Gabe.

Work visit cancelled due to weather this morning, so, suddenly a day off. A Friday.
So a day at home....big workshop clean up and chuck out. Until the last few years I would spend a
lot of time productively down there. Looking around this morning, it all looked a neglected mess.
Got right into it, went through all the rubbish, cleaned, repaired a couple of doors. Cleaned up the
attached home office, too cold to work down there in winter, but spring is coming.
It was a good day...doing things that just never happen if I'm drinking.
By the end of the day I'm tired...but good tired.
Yawning...go get some zeds soon.
Have a good day / night all....back in the morning.

Gabe1980 08-13-2021 05:56 AM

Originally Posted by pline (Post 7682973)
You've done well Gabe.

Work visit cancelled due to weather this morning, so, suddenly a day off. A Friday.
So a day at home....big workshop clean up and chuck out. Until the last few years I would spend a
lot of time productively down there. Looking around this morning, it all looked a neglected mess.
Got right into it, went through all the rubbish, cleaned, repaired a couple of doors. Cleaned up the
attached home office, too cold to work down there in winter, but spring is coming.
It was a good day...doing things that just never happen if I'm drinking.
By the end of the day I'm tired...but good tired.
Yawning...go get some zeds soon.
Have a good day / night all....back in the morning.

I love an unexpected day off Pline - it sounds like one of those lovely, satisfying productive ones too! Well done. So much better than losing that time drinking x

Free2bme888 08-13-2021 08:41 AM

Here are some words for thought, from the book 12 Rules for Life, Chapter 2.

”As God himself claims (so goes the story), “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” According to this philosophy, you do not simply belong to yourself. You are not simply your own possession to torture and mistreat. This is partly because your Being is inexorably tied up with that of others, and your mistreatment of yourself can have catastrophic consequences for others. This is most clearly evident, perhaps, in the aftermath of suicide, when those left behind are often both bereft and traumatized. But, metaphorically speaking, there is also this: you have a spark of the divine in you, which belongs not to you, but to God. We are, after all—according to Genesis—made in His image. We have the semi-divine capacity for consciousness. Our consciousness participates in the speaking forth of Being. We are low-resolution (“kenotic”) versions of God. We can make order from chaos—and vice versa—in our way, with our words. So, we may not exactly be God, but we’re not exactly nothing, either.”

Free2bme888 08-13-2021 08:43 AM

So, what I get from this is we are all intertwined, and what we do affects the whole world, a very long ripple.

Be kind to ourselves, others depend on it near and far, known and unknown.

Elke516 08-13-2021 02:13 PM

Happy weekend everyone, here in Wales it's gonna be a wet one.
Pline, I'm impressed with your hard work in your workshop, I bet it declutter your mind as well. You got this.
Gabe, your amazing, have a safe journey back.
Yes it's a very long ripple Free, it makes me think of the consequences of my actions. Thank you for posting it.

AlbaSober 08-13-2021 03:14 PM

Night falls on day 32.

Long weekend of work should help the day count.

Enjoy your weekends troops.

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