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lyddie 04-10-2020 06:47 AM

Another 24 for me please

SoberLeigh 04-10-2020 07:31 AM

Count me in, please!

Love to all.

erfra7 04-10-2020 08:03 AM

Leigh hi

good morning
last night the thought cross my mind.

24 more please,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

CrossYourHeart 04-10-2020 08:04 AM

Good Morning, SR.

Kenton, thanks for the poem. I love poetry, and wish I gave myself the gift of reading more of it. I completely LOVE the poetry of Emily DIckinson. There’s just so much there to love, in such tiny packages.

Speaking of poetry (to some extent), if you look up Southwest Shakespeare Company, they are live-streaming readings of Shakespeare on Saturday evenings (7 P.M. Arizona time). I imagine anyone could find it if you wanted to. This Saturday they are doing Henry V. Ive been to their live plays, and they are usually excellent. I’m not sure how a reading would be, but I love Shakespeare, so I think I will check it out.

Anyway, I’m off on a tangent here, so I’ll just check in and say 24! Love!

SnoozyQ 04-10-2020 08:31 AM

Hi everyone, congrats to all the milestoners.

I hope those who are doing it tough know we are always here for support.

from Australia, to all around the world, we are all in this together.

sending you all much love and peace

xxx 24 more please

venuscat 04-10-2020 08:32 AM

Eric love.....thoughts are automatic. I think a lot of people are struggling with stuff right long as we stick together and call out those thoughts we will be alright. :hug: s xx ❤️❤️

fishkiller 04-10-2020 08:34 AM

Another 24 is in my future as well

tomls 04-10-2020 08:45 AM

24 more clean and sober hours please.

StartAnew68 04-10-2020 08:46 AM

Hi. I’ve been away for a few months (not sure if I drunk posted earlier this month as my name was down as having pledged on the 5th).

Really low. Despite being hospitalised for over a week in January - withdrawal and depression - I’ve not stopped.

No more alcohol in the house, supermarket delivery tonight which has Pepsi but no alcohol. Danger point will be tomorrow when I take my parents share round. I’ve written a note to tape to my front door with reasons to stay sober.

Anyhow, 24 for me please.

venuscat 04-10-2020 08:48 AM

More love darling StartANew. :hug: s

We are all here to support day at a time honey.
And again, incredibly happy to see you. :hug: s xx
Onward together my friend. :hug: s xx ❤️❤️

Chaisson 04-10-2020 10:19 AM

Looks like the cooler weather has come back to the DC area. Go away!

I know very little seems within our control right now, but I know we're all going to come out the other side of this stronger, sober and grateful.

And then we're all going to get tattoos.

24 please.

kenton 04-10-2020 11:00 AM

Yay! Chaisson, that's a brilliant idea. Now.... What tattoo to get.......if only I had time to work on the perfect design, oh wait! I do. That's going to be tomorrow's creative challenge. Thank you for the inspiration.

Thanks for the Shakespeare info Crossyourheart... I'm going to look up Southwest Shakespeare company straight after posting this. When I was young, before I started behaving like a drunken buffoon, I actually won an English literature scholarship into college. The exam I had to pass was based on the works of Shakespeare. I used to read and re read his plays. My family thought I was such a nerd and they were right. I was a nerd but I was a happy nerd. I'm glad I get to be that happy nerd again ..... With a tattoo :)

I'm sorry you're feeling so low StartANew. Stick with us and let us know how you're feeling. Together we can help you climb up from that low point. Alcohol will take you down deeper. Hope you have a good evening, a good sleep and feel a little better in the morning xx

venuscat 04-10-2020 11:01 AM

No tattoos for me, sorry. :biggrin:
Huge wuss. xx

theVman31 04-10-2020 11:44 AM

It's 20:43
24 more please.
Take care.

CrossYourHeart 04-10-2020 12:20 PM

StartAnew!! Stay close and know that people care about you!

CrossYourHeart 04-10-2020 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by kenton (Post 7422207)
Yay! Chaisson, that's a brilliant idea. Now.... What tattoo to get.......if only I had time to work on the perfect design, oh wait! I do. That's going to be tomorrow's creative challenge. Thank you for the inspiration.

Thanks for the Shakespeare info Crossyourheart... I'm going to look up Southwest Shakespeare company straight after posting this. When I was young, before I started behaving like a drunken buffoon, I actually won an English literature scholarship into college. The exam I had to pass was based on the works of Shakespeare. I used to read and re read his plays. My family thought I was such a nerd and they were right. I was a nerd but I was a happy nerd. I'm glad I get to be that happy nerd again ..... With a tattoo :)

I'm sorry you're feeling so low StartANew. Stick with us and let us know how you're feeling. Together we can help you climb up from that low point. Alcohol will take you down deeper. Hope you have a good evening, a good sleep and feel a little better in the morning xx

In one of my favorite papers in college, I argued that Shylock was the protagonist of a tragedy rather than the antagonist of a comedy. And I still believe that!! LOL. Nerds we may be, indeed.

wiscsober 04-10-2020 01:03 PM

Rest In Peace John Prine

wiscsober 04-10-2020 01:11 PM

Back from the hospital...just over the oxygen levels were low...and I had chest pains...didn't collapse but couldn't stand....sat outside and someone called 9**...MRI and x-rays showed congestion....glucose sky high...slight covid test done....gave me oxygen and an IV....ate a little lunch and was discharged.

Caramel 04-10-2020 01:22 PM

^ hope you're better quickly, wiscsober

venuscat 04-10-2020 01:28 PM

Oh wisc, you poor love. :hug: s
Sending healing and hugs and more love. :hug: s xx ❤️❤️

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