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Endoftheday 05-19-2018 11:20 PM

Another 24 please

Zanna 05-19-2018 11:26 PM

24 more for me too, thanks :)

kenton 05-20-2018 12:25 AM

Been up since 5.30am clearing up after yesterday's party. Yet another advantage of sobriety...... you can get up early and get loads of stuff done whilst everyone else sleeps off hangovers. It was a great day. My darling boy is now baptised, the sun shone and no one got concussion on the bouncy castle.... perfect. It was so great to see my old school/uni friends that I haven't seen for ages and none of my family members got drunk and had arguments with each other so it was great..... except......there's one thing that's really bothering me........and I keep trying to do mindfulness and tell my brain to focus on all the positives but......

The godparents are our friends who moved up north last year. They still have meetings in London and always use our house as a base when they're here. So they were obviously at the church yesterday and then they came back to our house and were there for an hour or so and then disappeared. There were over 100 people there and if I'd been drinking I probably wouldn't have noticed they were missing. And I certainly wouldn't have minded if they went AWOL for an hour or so. But they turned up 5 hours later ..... drunk. They'd taken the opportunity to meet up with other friends at a cricket match. So they came back and then slept over here last night. They're in the kitchen now with my husband making breakfast. I'm feeling a bit annoyed. I mean, they're the godparents. .... guests of honour and they went missing for most of the party. I know I need to keep my cool and smile until they leave but I'm finding it a bit difficult. I feel like they just use our house as a bed and breakfast and I'm surprised and disappointed in them. But as I'm writing this I'm already starting to feel better. I know I often behaved appallingly when I was drinking and it's nice to be sober and know that no matter how much other people may drink and disappoint me, it's actually nothing to do with me. Right, I need to take a few deep breaths and help them with breakfast......why do I find it so hard to hide my true feelings??? I'm going to try to be the best possible version of myself until they leave..... then I'll go back to being me.

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a milestone today. 24 more for me please xxxxx

lilymaz 05-20-2018 12:31 AM

24 more for me

julietUK 05-20-2018 12:48 AM

Morning Kenton. Good to hear from you, I am so glad it all went well and your weren't tempted. In my opinion your friends behaved badly, that really wasn't fair. If they were just staying at yours for meetings/business etc in London then fine to meet up with old friends, but when they are the Godparents it is not nice at all. I hope you can put it behind you but I understand that you are miffed. Have a lovely Sunday.

julietUK 05-20-2018 12:49 AM

Good morning everyone. Its 8.50am here in the UK, please count me in for another 24 hours sober and clean.

Gabe1980 05-20-2018 01:46 AM

24 for me please.

Woke up still feeling quite rough and scared. It seems to wear off after a bit. I've taken a week off work to give myself some time. Bit worried already about keeping the balance when I go back. Trying not to obsess! ODAAT for everything I think.

Congratulations to all our milestoners today!!

Love and best wishes to you all. Be back later 💗💗

Gabe1980 05-20-2018 01:50 AM

Really glad you all had a good day Kenton and everything went well. I'm really chuffed for you 😊

I'm with Juliet, if you don't mind me chipping in. A bit cheeky of the godparents, especially as they are the godparents and all. Main thing is the day went well though! Love 💗

tgirl 05-20-2018 01:57 AM

Another 24 please

joandmelandhan 05-20-2018 02:08 AM

Good morning all.
Gabe I think a week off work is a really good idea. If you can try and stay in each day it will help. A week is a long time to gain some strength sweetheart. Stay strong and hopeful ❤❤❤
Kenton I am thrilled the party was a success. I can't say I'd be able to manage the rude behaviour of your friends with such dignity right now. I am in awe of your balanced thinking. It's the sort if thing that eats me up inside these days *sigh*
Update on my situ. He is coming over on Tuesday evening to talk. I don't know how it will go but I'm going to try my hardest to be calm and objective. Who am I kidding I'll be a disaster! We can't just walk away and not even talk. It may be the start or indeed the end. I have no idea. The challenge I have now is coping with the pit of depression it's thrown me into. In terms of the L in HALT that's the tricky one. Good food, rest, my girls, work, pottering at home will all help in some way. Still desperately sad but I am sober and free.
24 please ❤❤❤

ChloeRose63 05-20-2018 02:51 AM

In for 24 more.

Canadian Koala 05-20-2018 02:54 AM

Congratulations to everybody reaching a milestone today!
24 more please

It's my choice today.

Sunflowerlife 05-20-2018 02:56 AM

Originally Posted by kenton (Post 6901590)
Been up since 5.30am clearing up after yesterday's party. Yet another advantage of sobriety...... you can get up early and get loads of stuff done whilst everyone else sleeps off hangovers. It was a great day. My darling boy is now baptised, the sun shone and no one got concussion on the bouncy castle.... perfect. It was so great to see my old school/uni friends that I haven't seen for ages and none of my family members got drunk and had arguments with each other so it was great..... except......there's one thing that's really bothering me........and I keep trying to do mindfulness and tell my brain to focus on all the positives but......

The godparents are our friends who moved up north last year. They still have meetings in London and always use our house as a base when they're here. So they were obviously at the church yesterday and then they came back to our house and were there for an hour or so and then disappeared. There were over 100 people there and if I'd been drinking I probably wouldn't have noticed they were missing. And I certainly wouldn't have minded if they went AWOL for an hour or so. But they turned up 5 hours later ..... drunk. They'd taken the opportunity to meet up with other friends at a cricket match. So they came back and then slept over here last night. They're in the kitchen now with my husband making breakfast. I'm feeling a bit annoyed. I mean, they're the godparents. .... guests of honour and they went missing for most of the party. I know I need to keep my cool and smile until they leave but I'm finding it a bit difficult. I feel like they just use our house as a bed and breakfast and I'm surprised and disappointed in them. But as I'm writing this I'm already starting to feel better. I know I often behaved appallingly when I was drinking and it's nice to be sober and know that no matter how much other people may drink and disappoint me, it's actually nothing to do with me. Right, I need to take a few deep breaths and help them with breakfast......why do I find it so hard to hide my true feelings??? I'm going to try to be the best possible version of myself until they leave..... then I'll go back to being me.

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a milestone today. 24 more for me please xxxxx

I can't hide my true feelings either- it's not a bad thing Kenton, it means you are an authentic being with a sensitivity to the world around you. I am sure you can be cordial with them until they leave.

Honestly I would be going through so many emotions right now- pissed, surprised, disappointed. It is really hard not to judge the situation especially since we all did crappy things as drunks. But you also have your core values and expectations and they kind of rocked both of those with their actions.

I hope you can find a way to deal with this situation the best way you can. Maybe give yourself some time to process it- I know it takes me several days and lots of conversation with a trusted person to come to some type of closure or conclusion when big things like this happen.

We are here for you as well, if you need to talk some more.:grouphug:

Sunflowerlife 05-20-2018 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by joandmelandhan (Post 6901612)
Good morning all.
Gabe I think a week off work is a really good idea. If you can try and stay in each day it will help. A week is a long time to gain some strength sweetheart. Stay strong and hopeful ❤❤❤
Kenton I am thrilled the party was a success. I can't say I'd be able to manage the rude behaviour of your friends with such dignity right now. I am in awe of your balanced thinking. It's the sort if thing that eats me up inside these days *sigh*
Update on my situ. He is coming over on Tuesday evening to talk. I don't know how it will go but I'm going to try my hardest to be calm and objective. Who am I kidding I'll be a disaster! We can't just walk away and not even talk. It may be the start or indeed the end. I have no idea. The challenge I have now is coping with the pit of depression it's thrown me into. In terms of the L in HALT that's the tricky one. Good food, rest, my girls, work, pottering at home will all help in some way. Still desperately sad but I am sober and free.
24 please ❤❤❤

Ah yes- sober and free and that' s what will carry you though this, no matter the outcome! Maybe you can practice saying out loud the things you want/need to say before he comes over. You could also pray for guidance and openness to the situation- trust that the Universe will give you what you need right now. Love you!

Sunflowerlife 05-20-2018 03:02 AM

6:00 exactly

My body woke me up at 4:40 this morning which is the time my alarm usually goes off- how funny. No chances of sleeping in apparently.

My husband leaves for a two night retreat this morning- for the first time I am not anxious or pissed or wondering how I am going to make it through without him. I am excited to do this on my own and confident that I can handle it. If the boys behave all morning I will take them bowling this afternoon. Then we will go to my parent's house after school tomorrow which will help a ton and then Tuesday both boys are in school so I will have 5 hours to myself to decompress!

I wish you all a beautiful Sunday. I am about to head to the gym for some cardio :)

24 more hours of freedom please from the hells of sugar and alcohol.

Saskia 05-20-2018 03:05 AM

In for another 24

tomls 05-20-2018 03:30 AM

24 more clean and sober hours please. Congrats to everyone reaching a milestone today!

FBL 05-20-2018 03:49 AM

It's 5:49 AM and I'm in for another sober 24.

Bailey3 05-20-2018 03:53 AM

Jo, it’s good to see you here and sober. I was worried about you yesterday. Don’t drink over the situation. That would be a bottomless pit that’s hard to come back from. I know this from experience

Kenton, you strike me as a person with lots of class and poise. You’ll have no problems handling the situation.

Count me in please!

gatorman 05-20-2018 03:55 AM

24 more please!

Neoo 05-20-2018 03:57 AM

11:57am...24 more to All :grouphug:

wiscsober 05-20-2018 04:00 AM

In for 24 more hours of sobriety at 0556 Rainy Morning Time.

So much crap and bad advice on these pseudo-medical infomercials.

House cleaning is a must do today. Already had an urge thinking about it. Associated drinking with cleaning. Sad thing was the place was a disaster days later because of the binge. Not today!

Everyone here posting deserves a sober and clean living place!

yukonm 05-20-2018 04:18 AM

Signing up for 24 hours drink and drug free. 7:18am in Jacksonville, Florida!!

Congratulations to all those celebrating milestones today!! :a122:

Kris47 05-20-2018 04:37 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6901303)
Well that is AWESOME happy for you... :hug: ♥♥

Hi Sweet One.

Hope you are doing much better. :hug:

Kris47 05-20-2018 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by jsm273 (Post 6901329)
Checking in late but, checking g in sober!

I hope everyone’s day was great!

Jsm................ :)

Kris47 05-20-2018 04:38 AM

GOOD Morning Beautiful People!!

Kris47 05-20-2018 04:40 AM

24 more please, Dear God.

Congrats to todays Milestoners!!

Congrats to all those sober today!!

Prayers for the sick or struggling.

GS is still asleep. Time to play a little catchup.

Sunday Blessings!

Kris47 05-20-2018 04:45 AM

Originally Posted by neoo (Post 6900869)
second date panned this afternoon just meeting and going for a nice walk :)

:) :)

Kris47 05-20-2018 04:45 AM

Originally Posted by boots45 (Post 6900879)
24 for me please.

1.11pm here in the UK sorry for lateness

Hello Boots! :)

Stubbs16 05-20-2018 04:46 AM

Im in for 24 more . Have a great today friends.

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 03:27 PM.