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Kris47 02-01-2018 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by Delilah1 (Post 6768869)
I like the I imagine they are all doing well, and living a sober life. I stopped posting in our Class of January 2016 class because we went from a group of over 100, to just a handful, and it made me sad. The nice thing is that handful of January Family posts on here each day.

Absolutely, Del. I just pray like you that they all are doing "Swell."

There are so many that i miss but pray for daily. Pray for all of us.

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by julietUK (Post 6768952)
Good morning everyone. Please count me in for another 24 hour sober please.

Today I am celebrating 4 weeks sober! I can't believe how different I feel. I really believe this 24 hour recovery connection has helped me a lot. Its the first thing I do when I get up and I feel it sets me up for the day.

Thank you being here. I couldn't do it without you.

:tyou :grouphug:

Beautiful Juliet!!!! 1 Amazing Month!!!!

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by kenton (Post 6769017)
No shame in relapsing TinkerB... everyone falls, what's awesome is what happens after you stand back up. I think you're brave, strong and fabulous. Keep going, you're doing great.

So I have a bit of a dilemma.... yesterday my brother phoned me and said one of my sisters has been saying some pretty awful stuff about me behind my back. It's been going on for about 2 weeks apparently. None of what she's been saying is true. I spoke to a mutual friend last night and my sister has spread lies about me to her too.

I got pretty upset about it last night and this morning my overriding feeling is one of confusion. I don't understand why she's saying this stuff about me. I understand that when I was drinking I was no doubt a major pain in the neck but I've been sober for 15 months now.... I know I haven't done anything wrong. In fact, I've been worried about this sister because I know she suffers from mood swings so I've been phoning her regularly to check up on her and I've spent a lot of time listening to her problems etc.

So, my dilemma is. ... what do I do now? How do sober people react to stuff like this? Do I turn the other cheek, let her carry on spreading lies in the hope she'll get bored soon and no one will believe her? Or do I confront her and try to keep my temper in check?

I've always had a turbulent relationship with this sister, something I've often blamed myself for. She has this weird sense of entitlement and thinks she should always have more than me. In the past she's stolen boyfriends and money from me. The thing is, I always had a problem with alcohol so every time she did something awful to me, I'd get drunk, react ridiculously and strengthen my position as the family lunatic. My reaction would always outshine whatever she did to provoke me in the first place.

I'm not that person anymore... something that most people are starting to see. I'm aware that happy people don't spread lies about another human so I know my sister is unhappy and hurting but am I supposed to just take this? Is it time to call time on our relationship? I know drunk people sever family ties, do sober people do it too?

Last night I was so upset by what she's been saying about me, I couldn't read my book of inspirational quotes. Already her behaviour has started to throw me off course. My sobriety has to remain my priority and I don't want to risk that. Not for anything or anyone. I know I need to remember my signature...'new day, new attitude'... I'm just not sure what that attitude is.

Sorry for writing a novel. I'm pretty churned up ... I don't know who in the real world she has spoken to about me and who believes her lies. Once again, I'm turning to you.... my awesome cyber family.

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a milestone today. 24 more for me please xxxx

Don't let people who don't matter live rent free in your head. We here know and love you!

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6769221)

24 more hours of precious freedom please, with oodles of love for all of you very special people. :)

Hugs and love, Suze!

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by SoberLeigh (Post 6769574)
This is my absolute favorite thread, EVER!!!! ❤️

Bump!! :)

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by BringingBackB (Post 6769586)
Still going here and in for another 24:)


Awake61 02-01-2018 11:39 AM

Just got in from work. Sober and want to stay that way for 24 more.

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by scottynz (Post 6769626)
Just found this thread. It’s 8am Friday morning in New Zealand, looking forward to another 24 hours.

Welcome aboard, Scottynz! Keep coming back, friend!

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6769637)
Kris.... ♥♥♥

Lil cat................ (((Suze)))

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by jsm273 (Post 6769641)
I’m here, Leigh, just got an OTC sleeping pill hangover going on today.

Congrats to the celebrants!

It’s good to see Tink again!

Yay, Jsm... :)

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:43 AM

Hi Awake............... :)

Kris47 02-01-2018 11:54 AM

Celebration time!!

What a Wonderful Show of Sobriety!

Celebrating are QuitNow 1week!, Donnie and Juliet 1 month!!!!, Angie 8 months, Jeni 2 Amazing Years!!, Bandi and Dels with 2 years and 1 month, Mark 3 years 4 months and Coldy 5 years 3 months!


soberista 02-01-2018 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by scottynz (Post 6769626)
Just found this thread. It’s 8am Friday morning in New Zealand, looking forward to another 24 hours.

Hi scottynz.... welcome on board.:herewego

Neoo 02-01-2018 12:38 PM

Goodnight Guys :grouphug:

Kaneda8888 02-01-2018 12:42 PM

Checking in for 24.

PhoenixJ 02-01-2018 12:49 PM

Kenton, perhaps my experiences with family may help. Nothing like yours- but do I too, not bleed? My family OO- I have one bro alive, all the rest are dead (2 booze related) he does not talk to me and has not responded to numerous emails. I thought I needed these people. Well- I am alive without them..sigh. I cannot control the attitudes of others. My lot are not willing to let go of my past, the drinking past. I do not even really know why, as they do not talk to me. This is despite them knowing I am nearly 2 years booze free and doing well. I have to let go of my past and sort out wants from needs. I am worth the respect and support I have worked so hard to get. So have you.

I cannot compete with memories. I am learning to let go and accept.

Support to you.

Delilah1 02-01-2018 01:01 PM

1:00 and. Quick check in as I grab some lunch. I was at a meeting this morning with other leaders, and listened to an inspirational story shared by one of the leaders that reinforced why I love the work I do. Ready for the second half of my day after a quick and hea,thy bite to eat!

Delilah1 02-01-2018 01:05 PM


Congratulations on two years my beautiful friend!! I am so honored to be in this journey with you. Onward into year three for you!!


Delilah1 02-01-2018 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by BarbieKen (Post 6768889)
Hey Delilah,
Can you park your inside your garage? Brother! I guess that's why the Gasoline gods made gas caps that lock....
Keep us posted...

My car has not lost any gas today, which is a good thing. I am definitely locking my car door from now on, you can't access the tank without opening it. Thankfully my garage remote was not visible, and nobody tried to enter our house.

I can't think of any other scenario to have that much gas gone, but I'm surprised our dogs didn't bark.

badgerden 02-01-2018 01:25 PM

afternoon all, here for 25. Need to make a grocery run, and the girls are telling me I need to take them to the park to play. I see a trend developing in my eating habits that I need to slam to a stop and that is eat eat eat eat, boredom food shoveling when I am no way hungry. I think I now have a AV for food,,,,,,,


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