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PeacefulRain 05-29-2017 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by Bobbieka (Post 6476824)
42, 43. It's your year.

Yes it is!!!! 😁

Purplrks3647 05-29-2017 11:20 AM

CaseyW 05-29-2017 01:19 PM

Grocery store was chaos. Everyone shopping for Memorial Day barbecues, I guess. Steered way clear of the poison aisle so no Casey salute today. (Though a few of the other shoppers deserved it. Looking at you, jerk ahead of me in the 15 items or less line with at least 25 items.) Didn't see any ribs I liked so, taking a cue from Phoenix, I decided to make some chili. No chicken. No beans. The real stuff--Texas style, spicy. Still has an hour to cook but my house smells wonderful.

How's everyone doing?

Purplrks3647 05-29-2017 03:06 PM

CaseyW 05-29-2017 05:19 PM

Chili was amazing, if I may be so humble. Took a short late afternoon nap. Just watched a really dumb documentary about a 1980s horror movie convention. Think I'm going to go race some Mario Karts now.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Purplrks3647 05-29-2017 05:26 PM

Got some unexpected eye candy ~ my boy is pitching tonight vs the Marlins & it's televised here!!! I haven't seen him in forever!!! :ValB002:

PeacefulRain 05-29-2017 06:11 PM

⚠️ Warning I'm going to rant for a minute! ⚠️

I am truely amazed how many people don't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Sooooo many people thanking their alive and well fathers, brothers, uncles and sons for their service on Facebook today. When you bury a family member who was killed in the line of service that's just insulting. You know who is truely insulted by it, my husband, a disabled vet! Ok rant over!

Purplrks3647 05-29-2017 06:22 PM

PR I saw something similar on Twitter - someone thanked one of our radio guys for his service and he replied "Thanks, but get back to me on Veterans Day...I'm not dead yet!"

I hope you're having a fabulous birthday! :)

CaseyW 05-29-2017 07:19 PM

Goodnight Marchers. Thanks for keeping me sober one more day.

samantha14 05-30-2017 03:25 AM

Morning! We had some thunderstorms through the night but waking up to a pretty beautiful morning. Consumed some startin' fluid and heading to work. Should be a normal day.

Doctors appointment yesterday went well. Possible cause of a lot of my dark headspace could potentially be caused by a recent change in my meds. It's a wait and see at this point but he was kind and caring which meant a lot.

Purplrks - I am most definitely a caninetrovert. I prefer Charlie over most anyone (shhhhh.....don't tell my kids)

PR - if I'm honest I didn't know the difference. :( We only have Remembrance Day here and we honour both the alive and the fallen on that one day.

Bobbie - hope you had fun at your BBQ

Casey - your chili does sound amazing!

BBG - good morning!!

PJ - good night!!

Well I really should head out now. I have a "social gathering" with our management team after work. Going to remember that "no" is a complete sentence.

Love you guys

PhoenixJ 05-30-2017 04:23 AM

hey sam, 2053 here on the second to last day of Autumn.
Hope all are doing okay.
Just remember orang-utans and sheep have very little in common.

Bobbieka 05-30-2017 04:28 AM

Good morning. Good night. 2 days of work, then a vacation. Pretty excited girl right here.

Have an awesome, sober day, guys!!

Sam - glad you found out. Hugs.

Go have a great day, people!!!

PhoenixJ 05-30-2017 04:42 AM

Sam- you got me reflecting. I changed A-D's last year. The effects in brain-space were not profound BUT I did notice a change in how I felt. The sort of feeling which could be ignored for 'oh well, having a bad day', or it just creeps up so slowly, the change is not that obvious. Hope all okay. So pay attention to brain.

CaseyW 05-30-2017 06:42 AM

Good morning, class. Didn't sleep well last night, kept waking up every couple of hours. That stinks because today is my long day at work. Gotta be there an hour and a half early to run a training class and then working both lunch and dinner shifts. Oh well, I'm off tomorrow.

Sam, good luck with your social gathering tonight. Check back in afterwards please!

Sleep well, Phoenix, whenever it does come.

Whatcha doin' for vacation, Bobbie?

Coffee is brewed. Bacon is cooking. Time to start the eggs. I'm not gonna take that first drink today no matter what.

Bobbieka 05-30-2017 07:06 AM

Going to run a half marathon at Niagara Falls. lol

I've never been there - seemed like a good way to knock off a bucket list destination and fill goals at the same time.

Have a great day, Casey. Hope the coffee helps.

CaseyW 05-30-2017 07:07 AM

I've been there. It's beautiful. But very people-y. And wet.

Bobbieka 05-30-2017 08:24 AM

May 30, 2017

PeacefulRain 05-30-2017 10:22 AM

Sam you don't live here, I wouldn't expect you too. The people I speak of leaned the difference in elementary school just like I did. When you bury your 19 year old cousin who was killed in Iraq, it's insulting. I didn't hold my tongue about it on FB this year either. A whole lot of people got schooled yesterday!!!

PeacefulRain 05-30-2017 10:31 AM

Hole in my bucket...aka my bucket is in the trash because it doesn't work anymore? 😂 Who the heck comes up with these?

I will participate in water a flower day since I got some flowers yesterday.

PeacefulRain 05-30-2017 11:24 AM

Does anyone follow sobriety blogs? If so what are your favorites? Bobbie did you ever start yours?

Bobbieka 05-30-2017 11:32 AM

No. I'm still in the research stage. I think Applekat does.....

PeacefulRain 05-30-2017 12:55 PM

Where is applekat??? Come out come out wherever you are!!! 😉

Bobbieka 05-30-2017 01:03 PM

I feel like we should start a chant....

Applekat (please don't kill me)


CaseyW 05-30-2017 01:54 PM

Emoticon for Applekat: :hyper

CaseyW 05-30-2017 03:28 PM

And for the much-missed immri:

CaseyW 05-30-2017 03:32 PM

And the vacationing Ladybug2:

PeacefulRain 05-30-2017 04:13 PM


^^like summonsing beatlejuice! 😂

PhoenixJ 05-30-2017 04:19 PM

Ra, ra- ra!

Applekat 05-30-2017 04:41 PM

I'm baaaaaack! Hi friends! Haha, love it. Well my family and I had a great Mexico trip but I did cave and drank too much one night. I wasn't prepared enough for an all-inclusive trip where they thrust drinks into your hand. Or didn't WANT to prepare adequately is more like it. Then I had a glorious month of full sobriety. Ah, the peace. But took steps backward this weekend. Here I am though! Ready again. Thanks for having me.

I will get back to you on the sober blogs! But I did start following Glennon Doyle on FB and she has a blog called Momastery. I can't remember if I am allowed to link those but if so I can post a couple sometime. She has been sober since her son was born.

Missed you all!

Purplrks3647 05-30-2017 04:44 PM

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