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erfra7 05-04-2016 06:59 PM

Venus love and hugs your way.

I being struggling lately, may be because my cake is coming up. I made amends to my ex. She took it graciously and forgive me. Broke up with the girl I was dating for the past 8 months. I forgive myself for the past, now I'm trying to accept it.
Here is a poem that I found and I like it ( no my).
Changing The Past

The past is the past for a reason
That is where it is supposed to stay
But some cannot let it go
In their heads it eats away

Until all their focus becomes
The person that they used to be
The mistakes they made in their life
Oh, if only they could see

That you cannot change what happened*
No matter how hard you try
No matter how much you think about it
No matter how much you cry

What happens in your lifetime*
Happens for reasons unknown*
So you have to let the cards unfold*
Let your story be shown

Don't get wrapped up in the negative
Be happy with what you have been given
Live for today not tomorrow
Get up, get out and start living

Because the past is the past for a reason
It's been and now it is gone
So stop trying to think of ways to fix it
It's done, it's unchangeable, move on

venuscat 05-04-2016 07:04 PM

(((erfra))) ♥

Thank you for that poem love ~ it is WONDERFUL!!! :hug:

And you are moving mountains man!! So maybe you can stop saying that you are an inactive alcoholic (said with love).
You are an incredible power of example. :) :hug: ♥

Mish 05-04-2016 07:15 PM

Checking in for another 24hrs. Day 11....10.15am here in Western Australia. xxx

Purplrks3647 05-04-2016 07:17 PM

24! 24! 24! Twenty Four! :c031:

BarbieKen 05-04-2016 07:20 PM

Here to check in for the next 24. Always grateful to my HP, AA, and each of you here on SR.
:grouphug: Bobbi

Goat 05-04-2016 07:38 PM

Right now alcohol is the furthest thing from my mind. I truly cannot imagine drinking.

That's when it's time to make sure I am sticking to my program, even though my life has gotten so much better and the promises are coming true.

I was reminded today of how bad it could be if I cross any of my "yets". I'm happy that I was reminded the easy way rather than living through it and learning the hard way... again.

venuscat 05-04-2016 07:46 PM

(((Goat))) ♥

So glad you are here with us. :hug:

Goat 05-04-2016 07:47 PM

Me too :) This is the right place to be.

LillianGish 05-04-2016 07:59 PM

This IS the right place to be. I feel so much better after I come to this thread and renew my commitment.

Checking in and signing up for another 24 hours of sobriety.

It's 8:00 pm here in San Diego, California....where it may be grey and cloudy, but not here in my heart.

Love to all,

Coldfusion 05-04-2016 08:00 PM

Happy to be here and happy to be sober!

8:00 PM in the San Juan Islands.

1newcreation 05-04-2016 08:00 PM

Dear CH-A gratitude list is a great start then add a guided meditation(insight timer is app i use), pray & if shoulder not hurting too much fellowship @ a mtg. Hope this helps. Kris, I can identify w/ insomnia coz mine is so bad, my sleep aid is considered a narcotic but end up sleeping. V-thx sooo much for that post coz I needed it esp today! 24 pls of thankfulness

Goat 05-04-2016 08:07 PM

Originally Posted by LillianGish (Post 5938803)
This IS the right place to be. I feel so much better after I come to this thread and renew my commitment.

Checking in and signing up for another 24 hours of sobriety.

It's 8:00 pm here in San Diego, California....where it may be grey and cloudy, but not here in my heart.

Love to all,

I enjoyed your post about leadership training yesterday. :) Been to many things like that, myself. Seems like they could be more direct and to the point and at the same time provide something actually useful by instead providing "Dealing With Corporate BS 101".

LillianGish 05-04-2016 08:29 PM

^^^^^ EGG-xactly Goat!!!

Thank you and it sounds like we do live in similar environments. I remember your story about presenting to the C-suite and that still gives me chills because it could have easily been me.

mystified 05-04-2016 08:40 PM

Awesome nights sleep. Poorly boy is all better.
But I woke up at 4.20am.
Can't have it both ways I guess.
24 more please 4.40am

venuscat 05-04-2016 08:51 PM

That's good news Mysti love... :hug: :)

Steely 05-04-2016 08:56 PM

Applaud all of everyone's comments about the magnificent job Venus does but maybe the milestone anniversaries need to be cut back a bit?

This with all of the personal comments she scatters throughout this thread makes for no easy task. Maybe go a month, with people lighting their own candles to let us know. It would be a big task. Just an idea I had.

LillianGish 05-04-2016 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by Mark1014 (Post 5938717)
I wonder who first thought of putting zucchini in a cake?! Must've been a bumper crop that year.

Lol! Good question!

I picture a desperate parent trying anything to get vegatables into their kid. The airplane trick wasn't working any more.

venuscat 05-04-2016 09:05 PM

We love celebrating everyone's milestones Steely. :hug: ♥

ReneM 05-04-2016 09:21 PM

6:20 am. Another 24 hour commitment

tgirl 05-04-2016 10:05 PM

another 24 please

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