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OneLessLonely 05-26-2015 05:23 AM

Itchy, so scary! I hope everything settles down for good and no more damage is done. I saw some info on the news and it looks awful.
Grats Rusty Zipper on 12 years of sobriety! Awesome!
Have a good day everyone!

Gilmer 05-26-2015 05:36 AM

I think I noted it that way in March, but somebody corrected me that it was actually in May! Oh, well! Maybe RZ will set the record straight!

IWLSAST 05-26-2015 05:52 AM

Good Morning,

Dedicated to my friend, CML......

I was at my home group AA mtg last night and this young girl, new to the program sitting next to me shared an interesting observation. She said that she does a gratitude list each morning and tries to focus on the little things. Things so easily taken for granted in her active her morning coffee. Further saying that her primary morning focus in the past was simply wondering what factors were at play for securing the necessary drugs and alcohol for that day.

After I got home I shared this story with another recovering friend and she told me that coffee was such a wonderful part of her life, having established a relationship with it as early as a child. Then, the funny thing was that she stopped drinking it in active addiction all together. No desire to enjoy that, or any simple fun pleasure for that matter.

I too had stopped drinking and enjoying my morning coffee in active addiction. If I did make or buy it, I did it strictly for the potential caffeine buzz it offered.

I am on a second Whole 30 in an attempt to reestablish my relationship with healthy, nutritious, organic real food. It excludes at least 90% of a grocery stores offerings. The bonus is that I can shop in like 25% of the time it once took me. Anyway, there is no sugar or dairy permitted on this plan.

I might not have been able to make it through without my morning Coconut Milk Latte, or CML as we so fondly refer to it. It is like having a coffee milk shake every morning...yum! This morning ritual is now a big part of my life. It satisfies my cravings for a sweet, without any sweetener, and tastes better than any creamer I ever fact, blows away any Starbucks latte I have ever had.

So, in conclusion, I am very grateful for this simple pleasure in my life. Thank you, CML!!


PS: Congrats, RZ...past, present, or perhaps future!

Mags1 05-26-2015 10:56 AM

Itchy I'm pleased you and your family are doing ok, we're thinking of you and we'd lend a hand in the clear up if we were nearer.

Zippy, wow, 12 years sober, this is daft but I can't comprehend it at this moment. 12 years, congratulations, that's brilliant.

We've been to Bempton Cliffs today, I wanted to see a puffin in real life and wow, I wasn't disappointed , it was lovely there, walking on the cliffs watching all the birds making homes, catching food for their young. I felt at home there. I saw puffins, kittiwakes, gannets (they fly like a glider ) and gulls. The weather was good, too.

Soberwolf 05-26-2015 11:59 AM

Hello Overs

12 years is a beautiful thing Rusty congrats my friend

OneLessLonely 05-26-2015 12:17 PM

Mags, that sounds fantastic! It is so amazing seeing wildlife doing what they do. And their babies! Love it!!

least 05-26-2015 12:36 PM

Itchy, glad you survived the storms. :hug:

On June 8th I will have five and a half years sober! :) There was a time when I could barely scrape together five and a half days, so this is big for me. :)

feeling-good 05-26-2015 12:40 PM

Itchy - I think I'm a little ahead of you time-wise as it was evening Gotham - lol - for example, it is 8.40pm here just now :)

Dee74 05-26-2015 04:14 PM

It was March for Zip - I thought that year went fast :lmao

glad you're ok Itchy :)


DrakeCKC 05-26-2015 07:41 PM

Well, congrats on 12 and 2 Zip! (any excuse for fireworks)

:nyc :nyc

Mags1 05-26-2015 08:22 PM

Morning overs.

Back to work for me today. Oh well, if I want money, I have to work.

Least, you've come so far.

Treerat66 05-27-2015 12:20 AM

Good morning Overs.

Congratulations Zip :c011:

And congratulations Least :c011:

Have a good day everyone.

tootsl1 05-27-2015 02:01 AM

Least that is indeed an amazing achievement. I sometimes have to stop and grin at the fact I have 2+ years under my belt when I couldn't even make the first week of the month of Dry January in 2013. That was what made me finally realise that my drinking was not under my control at all and I was fooling myself if I thought it wasn't a problem that I had to deal with.

Itchy, perhaps you ought to trade the RV for a Boat? An Ark perhaps??? I'm glad you are all ok if a trifle distressed.

Yeah that whole work/wage thing is a total bummer. If only we could get paid to sit on our asses, oh, wait, I mostly do!!! Hahaha

Itchy I have been mostly distracted over the weekend so haven't had chance to really look iinto that website thingy yet. ( well, I have allowed myself to get distracted because I don't want to have to deal with the website thingy! My bad .

Hugs all and Happy Hump Day

FBL 05-27-2015 05:00 AM

WTG, Least! You're an inspiration:)

Have a great hump-day, overs!

DrakeCKC 05-27-2015 06:24 AM

Congrats Least! you are all inspirations!


:nyc :nyc :nyc

DG0409 05-27-2015 06:41 AM

Hi Overs.

My company is gone and now I can return to my normal routine. We had a nice visit though. I am up early as my visitor is an early riser and frankly, I'm not quite sure what 7 in the morning is actually for! But since I am up, I suppose I will find something to do, maybe a bit of work. Then a nap may be in order for later today.

Mags1 05-27-2015 09:02 AM

DG best part of the day, the mornings, especially now it's light at 4 am, listening to nothing but the birds morning chorus. Wonderful!

Soberwolf 05-27-2015 09:47 AM

Congrats Least on your upcoming 5 & a half years of sobriety that is amazing

OneLessLonely 05-27-2015 01:48 PM

Yay Least!
I am not a morning person but I really wish I was. That's been one of the toughest parts of having a small child. The 530 wakeups are killers. Luckily they're not all that early.
Had a nice visit with some family today. Getting a little angsty about a family function coming up this weekend. Lots of old wounds and recent hurt feelings all over the place. Just trying to accept how things are and that I can only control how I deal with it. Some have joked they're gonna deal with it by being at the bar, but that won't be me.
Hope everyone is doing well.

feeling-good 05-27-2015 02:18 PM

Evening Overs - My day has been mixed but has ended up good and thus I am feeling quite happy now :D

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 12:20 AM.