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1stepup 12-04-2014 06:15 AM

Welcome Eric! Well done on those 6months, can relate on the letting your guard down bit, I 'forget' how I cant control my drinking and just think of the 'warm glow' feeling at the start. Hope we can all get through these tough early days.

Mainza 12-04-2014 06:51 AM

I will not drink today. No matter what happens, drinking will not benefit me in any way. We are all making the right decision by being sober. As an addict, there has NOT been a time when I wake up with a massive hangover and say to myself, "I am glad that I drank so much last night."

CaseyW 12-04-2014 06:54 AM

Day Four
Starting day four now.

Yesterday was a good day for the most part. I got very upset at work for a few minutes about something but was able to take a minute to reflect and remind myself that what I was upset about was out of my control and I needed to just accept it and move on.

I had one small thought of drinking after I got home from work but I tried to think the drink through, remind myself of all the consequences that could and probably would result from that first drink and was the urge quickly went away.

Went to a kind of blah AA meeting last night. It was a "Big Book" study and the reading was from the "To Employers" chapter. I wasn't really inspired by anything anyone said but it was still nice to just get out of my own head for an hour. I did do some good writing when I got home on all the ways that drinking has screwed up jobs in my past.

Welcome to all the newcomers! I'm drawing strength and inspiration from each and every person who has posted so far in this thread. Thank you for that!

lilsmum 12-04-2014 08:40 AM

Day 4
Ok today is going to be rough I already know it! My lils went to their dads till Sunday. I am angry today just angry at what I can't really tell you, maybe life, work, stress. I just feel so icky! Now to make it through work and try my darndest not to go drink after work! Ugh did anyone else go through an angry period? It's only day four and I already feel like my inner demons are working against me! :( I just want to go to sleep! :c004:

forabetterlife 12-04-2014 09:48 AM

So glad to read through your posts on my lunch break. Makes me feel so much less alone in this. Seems like there are a bunch of us who have gone through this before - many times maybe like myself. I really want this to be the time my AV doesn't call me back in a few days, weeks or months.
I think there is a part of me that insanely believes that as good as I feel sober, if I drink (just a little) I'll feel even better. Duh. But I swear I think that's a thought that crosses my mind.
Today I feel strong even though I'm having some relationship issues. Worried about what will happen with us, I don't want to lose him, but I have to accept that there are some things in life you can't control- especially other people. Just trying to step back, give it time, and hope it all works out. Drinking certainly won't help a single bit.

FacingFuture 12-04-2014 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by forabetterlife (Post 5055788)
Facing future.. I don't know about you, but I think I just needed to get to that point of misery again. I want out of this vicious cycle. Good for you for dumping the wine. We can do this

We absolutely can!

On Day 2 after a good Day 1. I'm convinced that I can quit for real this time. I need to come up with a full plan.

Good luck to everyone today!:ring

Peter_819 12-04-2014 10:46 AM

--Day 5-- I'm starting to have a little more energy and noticing the beauty in everyday things. Teared up a bit while in line for the cashier at the pharmacy. I don't really know why, I was looking outside at the time and there was fresh snow on the ground and the world seemed so pure and clean and so did I. I have a few niggling fears about a life without alcohol, but for the first time ever in my life I can picture it. A big thanks to everyone on this forum! Up the Decemberists!

charlieinthebox 12-04-2014 11:13 AM

Reasons I am so glad I didn't drink last night:
1. I woke up (not dead).
2. I woke up not feeling sick and exhausted
3. I went into work without worrying about how crappy I look or if my boss, coworkers, or staff will smell alcohol on my breath.
4. I wasn't cranky to my two young children this morning as I got them off to school
5. I didn't spend a dime last night.
6. I didn't wonder how much fast food I binge ate after a night of binge drinking.
7. I didn't have to apologize to ANYONE for anything I did last night.
8. I didn't wake up embarrassed about not remembering the end of the night, how I got home, or how I left it with anyone.

feel free to add to my list if you like. It's the first time I put a list like this in writing. There's a lot there for a beginning - and all from one night of sobriety. I'll have to re-read my post when the AV acts up in the evening.

whatismyname 12-04-2014 12:37 PM

I want to join the Dec 2014 group. Today is day 3 of my sobriety. Looking forward to reading all the posts.

FacingFuture 12-04-2014 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by charlieinthebox (Post 5057015)
Reasons I am so glad I didn't drink last night:
1. I woke up (not dead).
2. I woke up not feeling sick and exhausted
3. I went into work without worrying about how crappy I look or if my boss, coworkers, or staff will smell alcohol on my breath.
4. I wasn't cranky to my two young children this morning as I got them off to school
5. I didn't spend a dime last night.
6. I didn't wonder how much fast food I binge ate after a night of binge drinking.
7. I didn't have to apologize to ANYONE for anything I did last night.
8. I didn't wake up embarrassed about not remembering the end of the night, how I got home, or how I left it with anyone.

feel free to add to my list if you like. It's the first time I put a list like this in writing. There's a lot there for a beginning - and all from one night of sobriety. I'll have to re-read my post when the AV acts up in the evening.

9. I didn't wake up at 2:00am with anxiety attacks
10. I woke up and immediately started on my daily tasks rather than feeling terrible and procrastinating

Midwest1981 12-04-2014 02:26 PM

I want to join the Dec. 2014 group!! First day sober!

Dee74 12-04-2014 02:35 PM

Welcome aboard Wilson!


Dee74 12-04-2014 02:36 PM

Welcome to you too MnEman and whatismyname :)


JayEl 12-04-2014 03:00 PM

Day 3 is winding down for me. I feel a thousand times better than day 1.

I need to start thinking about more of a plan. I can easily see how this 'feel good' only carries you so far. But for now...

I will not drink today.

FacingFuture 12-04-2014 03:59 PM

phew... I'm quickly wearing down from a hard day at work. I'd usually drink to "Make it more fun." Not today. I know that would just make it worse.

JL2014 12-04-2014 05:04 PM

Day 5 for me, joined a yr ago. Stopped drinking for 4-5 months, been sporadic since then. I'm NOT a moderate drinker(not many are, I dont think).
If it'd be ok I'd like to post on here with ppl who are where I am; wanting to stop and fight the fight to do it. It's HARD for me, so I feel everyone's troubles !
Beat down from work. Tired. Hello, and goodnight everyone!

Dee74 12-04-2014 05:33 PM

Welcome JL :)


forabetterlife 12-04-2014 05:55 PM

Welcome whatismyname, JL, and Wilson:)

Jl2014, seems there are quite a few of us in this group that have had sober time and are trying to get back there permanently. Sporadic is a good word for my drinking too. Few days/weeks on and the a few off. It always starts with me saying it will just be "one day", but what I do is feed my addiction and the next day I'm at it again. Until I get sick of feeling like garbage and Pull it together again. It's really getting old.

Only day 2 for me but I only had one beer on Tuesday so my body and mind have really been recovering for 3 days, so I feel pretty good. Work Christmas party is this Saturday but I'm not at all worried because drinking around my coworkers is not appealing to me at all. My friend is driving there which will ensure that I won't stop and buy alcohol on the way home which would be much more a thing Id do than actually drink at the party. Isn't that weird?

Midwest1981 12-04-2014 06:03 PM

I am glad you have a plan for Saturday. Good job!!

MsSola 12-04-2014 06:34 PM

This is probably my 12th day 1, but I'm still trying!

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