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TXAlchy 09-16-2014 02:52 PM

Thanks penkins and 1step.

Zozo, sorry to hear of your loss. I have been there before.

penkins 09-16-2014 02:53 PM

Good luck blackbird! Plus the experience will look great on A resume when u finish school.

Dee74 09-16-2014 02:54 PM

I'm sorry for your loss Zozo.
Glad the Drs went well Sth.

Knb - by Christmas I think you'll be a lot more resilient and used to being sober. You'll be ok :)

welcome back TXAlchy :)

nest wishes BBF :)


penkins 09-16-2014 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by zozotxiki (Post 4902355)
Just said goodbye to my little fur baby. I'm absolutely heartbroken; I feel like part of me has been torn out. I won't blather on here though. That's what Tumblr is for. AV is understandably very bad. I'm keeping strong and drinking a lot of tea. Also I have a really bad headache so that helps keep me in check. I know that with alcohol I would feel ten times worse. Dave spent last night at home with us and seemed to perk up. He was eating, pottering around and purring in my lap. When I took him back to the vets today he just deteriorated. We were on our way to pick him up for the night and the vet was waiting for us at the door. He had crashed in the last few minutes. Poor baby could barely hold his head up. He responded to our presence and was looking at me. He was given the injection and passed on peacefully in my arms. Goodnight baby boy... You can eat all the spiders you want now. Trying to be strong. Will head to bed in a bit after a bath. Tomorrow is a new day in a very different world for me. But still a sober one. Love xx

This breaks my heart. Our animals are truly our children. Ive lost 3 and my heart still cries when i think of them. I still miss them soo much. Im very sorry for your loss AV will be strong for the next few days. Remember you have the power to be stronger! Praying for peace amidst your sorrow.

rah555 09-16-2014 03:53 PM do I turn off the option getting an email notification when posts are posted? I prefer to login and check the posts.

Ultramarathoner 09-16-2014 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by pinklinzangel (Post 4902191)
nice to meet you TX!

evening guys
driving home tonight after a busy but good day at work.....halfway home and out of nowhere suddenly I can taste wine clear as crystal and think, I NEED a glass of wine now. I was almost drooling. even had a fleeting thought about which shop to go to. then very quickly took a deep breath, and turned the car round and went back to work to start my journey over, to erase the bad journey, went a different long way through the country with nickelback blasting out. I feel fine now, but that was like being completely taken over, really scary. my psych is messing with me in ways I didn't imagine possible. however, a successful day 19 thus far. hope you've all had a great day xx

What a powerful way to reframe and overcome!

TXAlchy 09-16-2014 04:30 PM

I am feeling pretty hopeless this evening. Not a threat to drink, but I'm so tired of being stuck in what feels like a spiral.

Just wanted to share. I'm sure it will seem better tomorrow

penkins 09-16-2014 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by rah555 (Post 4902528) do I turn off the option getting an email notification when posts are posted? I prefer to login and check the posts.

hi rah... I think I found it under the subscribed thread portion. When you first subscribe you can choose 'no email notification'. and there is another spot where you can edit your options under USER CP.

TX ALCHY. I know that feeling.. I slipped 3 times in August. Today is my day 9 and in the back of my mind I wonder if I really can ever get past this and do it... when I focus on it - I get super depressed....

Ice Cream works well for a quick happy pick me up :)

penkins 09-16-2014 05:14 PM

Well - day 9 today folks - I finally got off my rump and tried to exercise... So don't laugh - but I walked in place while watching tv and talking to my mom on the phone for 30 minutes. Then I did 25 squats while waiting for my evening tea to heat up....

it's a start... now I'm happy to be back on my rump, enjoying my tea and SR..

ScooterBoo 09-16-2014 05:25 PM

I got back from NH late this afternoon and was suprised at the number of posts!

Ultra - - I am impressed! I think I am something when I walk three miles in less than an hour.

Pink - - I laughed out loud at you vs. AV !

knb - - very smart move to hold off on your son's ex. I agree that this is about what is best for your son and you. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

TX - Welcome back!

Good luck to all looking for a job.

STL - - I am sure you are relieved after your MD visit.

To everyon else - - I read all posts, and hope you are all doing well

I am finishing up Day 32. I still cannot believe it.

Take care, and remember my grandfather's saying, "Your health is your wealth!"

Ultramarathoner 09-16-2014 05:37 PM

Scooter- I will be running the Loon Mountain Race in NH in July. I found out about it on an article about the top 10 "Bucket List" trial runs.

Great stuff as always team! So inspiring from so many angles. I feel completely humbled and blessed to be a part of the team.

determined99 09-16-2014 06:17 PM

Just catching up today. Knb, I am sooo glad you stuck to your sober plan despite being so upset. Freakin not easy to do! I agree with your approach. You are in control and being assertive like you are will also keep you away from drinking.

London, great inspiration. I am so terrified to do what you did. I know I need to do it though.

TX, welcome back, I know I have been on the cycle so many times I couldn't count. I honestly think everyone goes through many of them before we finally realize we are done. We just get sick of the AV lies. It is a lot like a bad relationship where you keep trying to make it work and then realize you cannot stand the person and that's it.

Zozo, I am so sorry... That is not an easy thing to go through. It just hurts.. Please reach out to us to share your feelings. We are here for you.

Pink, way to kick some serious AV butt!

Exhausted and off to sober sleep. I feel like I am getting to know everyone here, pretty cool indeed.

Choobie 09-16-2014 08:40 PM

Great job, London, both in getting to the doc, being honest, and getting good results!

Zozo, I'm sorry about Dave. He was blessed to have a loving parent!

Pink, nice move!

Knb, caution is good, but fear not. There is a reason why he's contacting you now and not yesterday. You have a lot of time to figure out what to do. You are doing great! Your son will definitely need you sober!

Welcome back, TX! We missed you! We've all been where you are.

Bbf-funny! Boulder. Ha.

Scooter, I think you made great progress today!

Glandon, welcome back and wow. GC, of whom we will now call 50k, another wow.

If I missed your anniversary and other cool stuff the past few days, I'm sorry. I've been preoccupied. I really had to work on boundaries at home so that I have a safe place to heal. Once I got to a place where I have a bit of self respect, my AV popped in to ask if I was wrong about my own addiction. And then showed me a picture of an easier job and nightly drinking. Um, no. I'm pretty sure only an alcoholic would pre-plan losing a career and family chaos so that I could drink. Nice to know that my addiction has a nice road map to rock bottom already mapped out!

I finally feel as though I can do something, like I can truly recover instead of just remove alcohol and I'm really excited about it! Nothing can happen, though, unless I stay sober. And I'm doing it. We're doing it!

fifth 09-16-2014 11:20 PM

well as I find no September 2014 class I might as well join your club....I've been sober only 1 day (today is my 2nd). In the past I have been here and I must confess it helped me a lot. I am a heavy beer alcoholic, I am willing to quit for good.

pinklinzangel 09-16-2014 11:56 PM

Great post choobie! London you are very brave and I'm glad you got the support. I had my liver tests last week and liver is fine, but levels of liver Fat are too hight, thus is reversible if I stop alcohol. I was terrified of finding out, but when I find out came a strength too, knowing that I can rectify a little bit of what iv done to myself has helped me take control, I wish you luck.

Great thread over the last day, really enjoyed laying in bed reading through, I think we're all getting a little bit closer and that's great!

Proud to be part of team august xxx

1stepup 09-17-2014 12:34 AM

Welcome to the team fifth, think I remember you from another class, Ive been in few!

Glad results came back ok Pink and that you can reverse any damage done.

ANOTHER beautiful sunny day here in beautiful North Wales, back pain has subsided a bit and I feel more positive- always seem to in the mornings. Got a lunchtime meeting planned and aiming to do some more on step 4.

Trying to eat healthily now and aim to get some exercise routine started to strengthen back muscles and hopefully feel better.

I do some weights at home but feel self conscious in a public gym need to overcome that in the future also got a bike in the garage that Ive never used apart from once when I fell over into a bush in the back garden- and yes I had been drinking at the time!!!

Have a great day team!

pinklinzangel 09-17-2014 12:47 AM

Welcome fifth!!!! Well done on the start of your journey xx

Dee74 09-17-2014 12:55 AM

well as I find no September 2014 class I might as well join your club
current month is always in the main Newcomers forum, Fifth :)

Good to see you. Glad you're willing to make the final break :)


opalblue 09-17-2014 01:06 AM

Good morning class august. Off to the doctors. Will catch up later.

TXAlchy 09-17-2014 05:23 AM

Welcome fifth. I just relapsed, so I'm only on day 2 as well unfortunately. I'm going to hope to use others success here as an example.

Good luck at the doc, knb.

I was surprisingly able to sleep some last night. Can't say things look a whole lot brighter this morning but I'm pretty confident I won't drink today.

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