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wood357 06-04-2014 05:22 AM

Found this App last night. I'm in desperate need of other people to talk to about my addiction! I've tried to stop b4 only to pop another and another. That's the easy way right!!??

doggonecarl 06-04-2014 05:26 AM

Hello Juners. I have been a member of Sober Recovery for a while, but a recent relapse has brought me back to day one...that is, if I get through tonight. Then I will have one day clean.

There are a lot of pitfalls in recovery. Even after four years. Though I had drug issues in my past, I came to SR for drinking. My recovery was alcohol-centered. So I was blindsided by the opportunity and urge to get high.

I have got to work on that.

wood357 06-04-2014 06:19 AM

I'm new here. So not sure how all this works. But if your reading this than I guess I'm doing something right. Hello everyone I look forward to talking and getting support from you all with my problem!!

Django 06-04-2014 06:50 AM

Went to physio for the 1st time thinking my legs heeling,how wrong I was.Didnt even get any physio as he said there's not much he can do as I've torn my acl and looks like an operation :-(

Minion09 06-04-2014 07:26 AM

Thanks Gentle! Most of my family is in the UK or Abu Dhabi. My dad is here in the US, but we dont talk...lot o family baggage which slowly I am working on. Anyway, nuff about that, on to day 25 with only positive thoughts.

welcome to those who are new, congrats on 1 day or more...everyday is a day closer to freedom from our chains. We hook arms together and we march forward and if one falls we help pick them up, dust them off, and hold their hands as they learn to walk forward again. May everyone here and those not here yet have a peace filled day! Drown out the AV get up and start living!

whatcouldbe 06-04-2014 09:17 AM

Have accomplished so much today...feeling motivated day four!

sweetenuff 06-04-2014 11:10 AM

Hi everyone. Welcome to all newbies.

Exhausted, got my points across and went through the evidence in meeting, looks like they are admitting culpability and we will reach a settlement but not in the bag yet. Very stressful. Of course usually I would drink last night to disguise the stress and drink tonight in premature celebration, although of course I will still be out of a job. Still sober and very early night for me shortly.

Not sure if its on Netflix but the new series of Hannibal is great, Vikings, Greys Anatomy, Grimm, Supernatural, American Horror...yes I love the weird stuff lol

Stay sober everyone, have a good day etc etc

gracette 06-04-2014 12:16 PM

Welcome wood - your posts look just right to me!

And welcome doggonecarl - thanks for your point about drugs, I also have in abuse in my past but it was a long time ago and I can see how it could catch me off guard since I'm so focused on alcohol now.

Sorry about your aunt Minion. Everyone else congrats on staying sober, I'm feeling good about my day 6

tigerswithellie 06-04-2014 12:32 PM

me! me! me! :tyou

NYCfitnessgirl 06-04-2014 12:58 PM

29 days today:) looking forward to celebrating one month tomorrow... by going to the gym bright and early!;) I feel so much better today than a month ago. I know I can keep going now. The first 3 weeks suck! The mental part is the worst. I hear it gets better and better. Excited for what the future holds now. Good luck to everyone else dealing with this disease.

Avra 06-04-2014 01:03 PM

Day two and already the regret of the morning after is wearing off and the feeling its not so bad to drink starts to creep in. It speaks nothing of my resolve, i dont believe, its just the drink addled part of my brain that always tries to get one last hurrah. Feeling it and doing it are two different things. The beast may rattle the cage but its nit getting out.

Carlygirl 06-04-2014 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by Avra (Post 4694955)
Day two and already the regret of the morning after is wearing off and the feeling its not so bad to drink starts to creep in. It speaks nothing of my resolve, i dont believe, its just the drink addled part of my brain that always tries to get one last hurrah. Feeling it and doing it are two different things. The beast may rattle the cage but its nit getting out.

Ah yes, the early morning resolve of 'never again' which only hours later turns into 'I want beer/ I need wine'. My habits and addiction have formed over the course of 25 years and I need more than early morning resolve to form new habits and find a different way of living. However, when those thoughts appear I can find it useful to follow a suggestion from a fellow SR member which goes ' I will not drink today. I can choose to drink tomorrow, but will not drink today'. Next day- repeat.

nmd 06-04-2014 01:36 PM

I guess it is June then... I'll be honest, I don't want to quit drinking. I want to drink and I want it to be ok, but it often enough leads to a bad place - passed out, black outs, etc. My life is full of binge drinkers who don't want to see their own problem, and that probably won't change in the near future.

I'm still here though because I know I'm walking a tightrope and might fall off at any time. I've been unbelievably lucky. The struggle sucks. I wish I didn't have to struggle to quit or control drinking, and it will be a lifetime struggle either way. Drinking without thought isn't a struggle but I know I can't keep continuing to do that.

I'm not hung over or in deep regrets at the moment, though I drank a lot over the entire weekend with a partial blackout on Sunday. I'm just tired of the grind of drinking and afraid of where it leads. I need to remember that.

sober date: 6/4/2014

Carlygirl 06-04-2014 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by nmd (Post 4695020)
I guess it is June then... I'll be honest, I don't want to quit drinking. I want to drink and I want it to be ok, but it often enough leads to a bad place - passed out, black outs, etc. My life is full of binge drinkers who don't want to see their own problem, and that probably won't change in the near future.

I'm still here though because I know I'm walking a tightrope and might fall off at any time. I've been unbelievably lucky. The struggle sucks. I wish I didn't have to struggle to quit or control drinking, and it will be a lifetime struggle either way. Drinking without thought isn't a struggle but I know I can't keep continuing to do that.

I'm not hung over or in deep regrets at the moment, though I drank a lot over the entire weekend with a partial blackout on Sunday. I'm just tired of the grind of drinking and afraid of where it leads. I need to remember that.

sober date: 6/4/2014

Hi Nmd.

I am trusting the members with long term sobriety on here who say that it does get easier. That it will require work and vigilance but long term or daily struggles are not inevitable for us. I believe that.

Scottydog 06-04-2014 01:58 PM

Welcome to the newcomers to June. When I read these posts, I see so many common denominators among us. I too have slowly developed drinking associations over the years. This will not be easy but I'm committed. Every time I've stopped for a few days I think it will be different and I can control myself. Fast forward one week and it's back to the daily drinking. Today is day two and it felt so good to wake up with a clear head. Now, out to mow the lawn and stay busy, no booze tonight, just lots of water.

Everyone keep up the good work.

Dee74 06-04-2014 02:16 PM

Welcome Carl, Wood357 and TigersforEllie :)

Originally Posted by nmd (Post 4695020)
I guess it is June then... I'll be honest, I don't want to quit drinking. I want to drink and I want it to be ok, but it often enough leads to a bad place - passed out, black outs, etc. My life is full of binge drinkers who don't want to see their own problem, and that probably won't change in the near future.

That was me for a lot of years...and every year things got a little worse....and worse...and worse...

I didn't want to change my life - but in the end I had to, cos if I kept drinking like I was, I'd be dead now.

I'm glad you're not drinking right now anyway nmd :)

Congrats to everyone hitting a milestone today whether it's day one or day 29 (way to go NYCfitnessgirl!)


IslaGirl31 06-04-2014 03:03 PM

Day 2 for me...
Wondering when the anxiety and jumpiness will stop.
I'm trying to find something in my day that makes me happy that I do just for me.
SR is a great resource - I honestly don't feel like I'm alone in this... And I find a lot if comfort in that

sweetenuff 06-04-2014 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Django (Post 4694205)
Went to physio for the 1st time thinking my legs heeling,how wrong I was.Didnt even get any physio as he said there's not much he can do as I've torn my acl and looks like an operation :-(

Hi Django, sorry to hear that. Hopefully the operation will fix it for good. Hope you are OK.

sweetenuff 06-04-2014 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by Minion09 (Post 4691605)
Would like to ask for prayer for my aunt who is battling breast cancer and the battle is going to the enemy... she has been so strong for so long, but it doesnt look good at this point.

Done, hope things turn around. My sister in law is battling liver cancer sadly.

Minion09 06-04-2014 03:24 PM

I am fighting the AV myself tonight... one drink wont matter... it will taste good and u will sleep good if you just do it. You will never achieve 30 days who are you fooling... ughhhh. Stupid head need to stop...also really irritated today...brain is saying come on u know u will feel better! NO I won't... no I won't! It needs to go away! Help! Gotta curb this come too far. I think this is the worst out of all the days so far.

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