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Dee74 06-06-2014 03:46 PM

LOL I didn't play PacMan but several people have said that :lmao

This is the story:



Dee74 06-06-2014 03:47 PM

I hope everyone's doing ok this weekend so far - feed the right wolf guys :)


Cowgirlie 06-06-2014 03:50 PM

Just dropping in to say goodnight and good luck this weekend everyone!

1am here lol zzzz

End of Day 6 and feeling proud! However Sat/Sun are more AV-ish (is there such a phrase?? There is now!) BUT having said that, I too feel like a switch has flicked and am not actually too worried about temptation. Almost excited to face the challenge - bring it on! I really feel I can do this! My husband is gonna be so impressed when I eventually tell him (for now he just thinks I've not felt great with my cold, and have re-started exercise. He's probably expecting me to drink this weekend and will be pleasantly surprised when I don't!)

Happy sober weekend all! x

ForgetfulKevin 06-06-2014 04:18 PM

Home from the grocery store with stuff I can cook quickly in the microwave. Was going to write more but I think I should make dinner right now.

Minion09 06-06-2014 05:53 PM

Wow, so proud of all of you! Lots of good things happening in June! I pray everyone has a victory filled sober weekend. Celebrate life...get outdoors, smell the grass, trees, the baby wildlife oug and about...I saw duckling today and I thought to myself, we r just like these baby ducklings...learning to walk, swim, live, so live like a new baby duckling...sleep well everybody! Tomorrow is a brand new day! The big 1 month for me tomorrow...crazi!

ForgetfulKevin 06-06-2014 06:34 PM

Had my dinner pretty soon after I got home. Been quietly internetting since then. Drowsy and ready for bed. Will check SR as needed over the weekend.

Wishing everyone a healthy, sober weekend and remember not to trust everything you think. ;)

gracette 06-06-2014 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by Grateful11 (Post 4695907)
I'm in for June. I had a great couple of sober stretches then tried to moderate again despite knowing that is just not possible for me. I always can drink moderately for a few days but always results in a dangerous, blackout inducing binge.

I feel like a failure and was ashamed to post about my relapse but inspired by the brave people on SR who admit to slips and relapses and get right back up. Thank you for your courage and honesty. I already feel so much better just writing about my slip.

I started with the Marchers then the April fools...but did not post much and did not ask for help when I had thoughts of drinking. I know I need to make a lot of changes and at least I have some idea where to start. I'm also going to try to learn more about AVRT.

Hey Grateful, I was also in March '14 and did the exact same thing... I'm really glad we're both back here now.

I'm catching up on posts after a few days but I'm on day 8 now. The past two days have been terrible, feeling so anxious and sick and just bad in a way I can't totally explain. It's hard for me to know how much is related to alcohol withdrawal and how much is other mental health issues. Yesterday, knowing my bf (who's really supportive) would be out of town starting today, I was half-planning to give in and drink alone tonight to make myself feel better from the anxiety, but a trip to the doctor plus the time to think it through mean that I won't be doing that, not tonight, and not this weekend.

doggonecarl 06-06-2014 06:59 PM

Well, long walk with the dogs over. I'm going read, have a cup of decaf tea, and head to bed. So, good night, Juners and have a blessed and sober weekend.

EarlyHours 06-06-2014 07:11 PM

Now that some of the fog has cleared, I realized this was day 4 for me, not 5, but I'm thrilled that I could finally figure out why my math kept telling me there were 8 days between Tuesday and Monday :D

Have a good night all, and stay strong

Grateful11 06-06-2014 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by gracette (Post 4700681)
Hey Grateful, I was also in March '14 and did the exact same thing... I'm really glad we're both back here now.

I'm catching up on posts after a few days but I'm on day 8 now. The past two days have been terrible, feeling so anxious and sick and just bad in a way I can't totally explain. It's hard for me to know how much is related to alcohol withdrawal and how much is other mental health issues. Yesterday, knowing my bf (who's really supportive) would be out of town starting today, I was half-planning to give in and drink alone tonight to make myself feel better from the anxiety, but a trip to the doctor plus the time to think it through mean that I won't be doing that, not tonight, and not this weekend.

Hey Gracette! I'm glad we are both here now also! Your post really helped me tonight.

I am sorry to hear you are anxious. I know for me the alcohol withdrawal makes me really anxious the first few days for sure.

Good for you for not drinking while your bf is out of town. I know how that feels when you know there is nobody around. You should be proud of yourself for not giving in. Hope you are enjoying a peaceful, sober night.

I had a great day in the city with my kids but came home feeling exhausted, in pain and lonely. My AV was telling me that I may as well drink because I've been sober all week and I still feel awful anyway. Well...I know that isn't true. I do feel better in other ways...I'm just tired. I recognized that I am just frustrated, exhausted, lonely and impatient. I also thought about my kids, friends who support and believe in me, and how I would feel about myself if I drank tonight.

I stayed sober and right now I am so grateful. Actually...I was still feeling a little like "ok i stayed sober....big deal...nothing else has changed..." until I read some posts here on SR. Just reading a few notes here quickly reminded me that I am extremely grateful that I didn't cave in to my AV tonight.I'm still tired but now I can read a book and go to bed early...knowing I can look forward to a delicious night of restful sober sleep!

Hope everyone has a sober, fun weekend! I'm planning on posting here a lot this weekend...and telling on my AV to smash it asap....:a043:

Grateful11 06-06-2014 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by doggonecarl (Post 4700721)
Well, long walk with the dogs over. I'm going read, have a cup of decaf tea, and head to bed. So, good night, Juners and have a blessed and sober weekend.

How many dogs do you have?

Your night sounds peaceful. I plan to have some passionfruit herbal tea and read before bed tonight also.

So glad you are with us Juners doggonecarl! Happy sober weekend to you too!


janeeb 06-07-2014 02:59 AM

Morning I did post somewhere else but can't copy and paste it !!! I am joining my third thread now ... I need to sort myself out I am so fed up of having no energy my brain being in a fog my weight escalating more and more finally I have to try again :( I have recently also had to distance myself from my adoptive parents as they were a constant source of stress to me which has been upsetting but I need to get well. So, here I am day one !! X

doggonecarl 06-07-2014 04:16 AM

Originally Posted by Grateful11 (Post 4700765)
How many dogs do you have?

Six. Five are ours and one we foster for a canine rescue group until it's adopted. It's early AM and I am getting ready to take two to the groomers. Back when I drank, I would have had to make the appt. for the afternoon.

nmd 06-07-2014 04:50 AM

Good morning all! Welcome janeeb!

I started out in March as well, I think many people quitting take a few tries before discovering they can't go back. My moderation lasts a day or two and ends in a binge/blackout/whatever. The important thing for us is we didnt give up! Im making 6/4 stick. It feels like learning to ride a bike and i don't enjoy falling.

We took our dog out for a walk and had dinner at a clam shack last night, a really beautiful night.

janeeb 06-07-2014 04:53 AM

Wow clam shack I'm jealous :) I broke my foot in April so my poor doggies are suffering on the walk front !! Hoping I get the all clear to walk on it again next week give me a chance to get out and about again :)

ForgiveMeAll 06-07-2014 04:53 AM

Originally Posted by theupsides92 (Post 4695526)
This isn't a sob story This isn't a reach for glory This is me saying I've had enough Enough of the looks people give me when I know they're wondering what the hell is wrong with me Enough of the sleepless nights when all I would wish for would be the ability to rid myself of this malady Enough of the shaking hands and the terrifying prospect of never waking up Enough of the endless fear I'm not as weak as I was before For me there is no one day at a time I simply am a straight edge individual now I do not drink anymore I will not drink anymore The last four years of my life have led me to this point. A crossroads, at which I either turn back down the road I've been stumbling down for four years Or I leave all of this behind. I leave behind the nausea, the stomach pains, the headaches, the sweats, the remorse, the self-loathing, and the fear. I leave this dark place that I have put myself in, and start a new journey. One that will be full of great opportunities and experiences. One that will make me truly happy. I want you all to know that I appreciate all of the kind words that I have received so far on this site, and to wish you all a wonderful evening! I flunked out of the class of May, but I'm finally realizing slowly what I have to do to get rid of all of this. I'm with you (for real this time), class of June.

I feel the same way you do! We can do this! It's been a hard 7 days for me but keeping busy has been the key to override the wolf thoughts. You can can do it this time just believe in yourself!

Django 06-07-2014 05:15 AM

Man down,first hurdle and fell I'm afraid.

whatcouldbe 06-07-2014 05:21 AM

The upsides92- your sentiments are spot on!!

It's Saturday, AND I AM SOBER! Not hungover, feeling great!! Let's get this day7 started!
Honestly cannot remember the last Saturday morning I felt this way. My kids woke me up at 7 and I giggled and laughed versus yelling to go downstairs and basically " go take care of yourselves (code for mama is hungover).
Last night was a huge struggle for me, how did everyone else do? Hope to hear all is well, but regardless just hope to hear from my "Juners"! Happy Saturday!!

jimmyjjohn 06-07-2014 05:22 AM

Welcome to the thread Sean

whatcouldbe 06-07-2014 05:23 AM

Originally Posted by Django (Post 4701359)
Man down,first hurdle and fell I'm afraid.

Just be here django, what happened? You can do this!

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