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Ladybug2 06-01-2014 08:53 AM

Hi all,

Croissant -LOVE that monster spray!!! Really need to get some of that, where can I find it?! My daughter won't even sleep in her own bed/room because she thinks there are monsters in there too, ugh! Grateful for king sized beds, especially since our 50lb boxer sleeps with us too!!

Another gorgeous day here. Happy Sunday :)

resolute50 06-01-2014 12:27 PM

A beautiful Sunday here in New England.
I went and visited an old friend and ex co-worker for a while.
Talked about the ole days. Now I'm just resting here in my screen house goofing on the internet.
Hope everybody is having a nice day.

SnoozyQ 06-01-2014 06:02 PM

Hi everyone , almost lunchtime Monday here . Holly's off school as she has her ophthalmology appointment today and we have to go into the city.

Shaun brought us pancakes in bed :D <<<< spoilt much ???lol , bless his little cotton socks

Glad to have the day off after an exhausting full on 3days at work .

Xx hugs to you all ,
Much love


Leshar 06-01-2014 07:41 PM

Hi, Croissant,

I just wanted to say that I think the potential employer you posted about has treated you very shabbily indeed, and I admire and respect you for your decision to with grace, decline their "offer". I imagine this isn't easy for you to do, what with possible money matters pressing, but you're right, their behaviour reflects poorly on them as a potential employer. You don't need that kind of grief. I do hope you land happily somewhere far, far better soon.
Fingers crossed for you!
Very tired. It's going to be a busy week. I hope I can manage this play.

Croissant 06-01-2014 11:24 PM

Thanks for your kind words, Leshar. Yeah, me too. So much more to tell, but I'll reserve my energy for after this whole job seeking time is over.

I'm really glad your weekend was a happy and victorious one! Has to feel good, no doubt!

Ladybug, you can make your own monster spray. Little bit of vanilla essence in water, or anything non sticky or poisonous really! Spray bottle, printer (right click on the pics i posted, copy and paste into a word doc and print)...sticky tape the label on...put a pretty bow on it. You could even wrap it up as a little gift for her! ...Or, you could just go have a nap....cos you must be getting tired!

Glad everyone had a nice weekend.

resolute50 06-02-2014 05:15 PM

Typical Monday here,boring and looooooooooooong.
Just kicking back relaxing now. There's not much on TV Monday nights.
Oh well, just have to give new folks encouragement here on SR. :)

Leshar 06-02-2014 07:01 PM

I'm tired and unsettled. Lonely getting off the bus from the city. My husband always used to meet me off the bus.
I'm quite upset to read one of our long term members who posted of his relapse. Guess I'm mad at this addiction we share. Scared a bit too, weepy. Yeah, feel down, heading to bed want to get this day over.

Dee74 06-02-2014 07:02 PM



Croissant 06-02-2014 11:41 PM

Originally Posted by Leshar (Post 4690894)
I'm tired and unsettled. Lonely getting off the bus from the city. My husband always used to meet me off the bus.
I'm quite upset to read one of our long term members who posted of his relapse. Guess I'm mad at this addiction we share. Scared a bit too, weepy. Yeah, feel down, heading to bed want to get this day over.

Aww Leshar. Yes, I understand. I think we all saw the post. I went down the library and got (yet another) book on alcoholism. I think I have to journal about it, talk to my future self somehow. But yes, it is confronting.

I'm sorry you are missing Larry even more at certain times. It's hard to shake memories you wished you could relive or cherished more when they were happening.

I had my weepy day yesterday which I didn't mention....we must be in that cycle again, Leshar!....Another dream about my ex. I guess all this new sober time means I have to mourn what I never did, but the dreams can be exceptionally depressing. I didn't do much yesterday because of it - that's never happened before. I never did any of this mourning when it happened. None. Zero. Thanks alcohol for repressing my memory, making me feel like I was so right and justified. Thanks a million.

Dee74 06-02-2014 11:43 PM

I'm sorry yesterday sucked Crois.

Hope both you guys feel a little better now :)


SnoozyQ 06-03-2014 12:17 AM

Crois:kiss: Leshar :kiss:

I'm so sorry you 2 lovely girls are having a down time at the moment . You tend to both be in sync with other re your emotions etc .

Leshar , missing Larry must leave a huge hold in your heart , not just for your sad times, but probably more for your good times. That bursting feeling of wanting to share new adventures etc . It's kinda like when we drink , when we are feeling on top of the world ( well for me anyhow ) that's actually a danger time cost i sorta feel over confident.

Still , it makes me happy you come to share with us , your friends here . We love you and are truly interested in your tales .

Crois i felt for you too . Having those dreams are torturous . We don't choose to think of our past significant others , it just happens and those kinda dreams , especially if just before you wake , tend to stay with us alllllll day long :/

Don't mourn about what you never did , love. You have your whole life ahead of you . When you start work again and have less time to think and over analyse ( as all us women do ) you will feel much better .

Meantime lovelies , just keep posting here , we love you lots and we honestly do care . I mean that . Xxxxxx

Is there anything we can do to help xxxx

Massively huge hugs today .


resolute50 06-03-2014 05:34 AM

It's not all that uncommon,even for me,to have a day or two here and there where I am down. PAWS maybe,could also just be normal feelings,memories flooding back or just the"I feel old" stuff.
I plan to use up some vacation time soon so I can get away from this depressing job.
No matter what happens I still have that little nugget I can pull out of my pocket and polish called "sobriety".
And that right there is going to make this summer so much better than summers past. :)

Leshar 06-03-2014 06:20 AM

Hello everyone,

Dee, you're an angel (as well as a saint) thanks so much for the hugs! You are a kind and generous man.

Croissant, yes, I totally get the failed mourning, due to alcohol, it's very draining, but perhaps something we just have to work through, now that we see more clearly?
And please do share when you are feeling down and weepy, or just sad for whatever reason. I don't know what I would do without you lovely, caring people.
Snoozy, you are so warm and generous, thank you, dear one.

I'm still thinking, as I'm sure so many of us are, about Carl and hoping he will come back, I guess I worry about him, hope he's not terribly ill.

Dreary weather today doesn't help one's mood! Dreamed a lot about Larry, he was alive and came to see the play. Guess good things happening somehow unearth the proper mourning I didn't do, just drowned it all in alcohol. We must go forward, even though it's painful at times.

Bob, thanks, I love this and will add it to my recovery book, hope you don't mind.

No matter what happens I still have that little nugget I can pull out of my pocket and polish called "sobriety"
Hope you get some much needed down time soon!

SnoozyQ 06-03-2014 06:40 AM

****Dreary weather today doesn't help one's mood! Dreamed a lot about Larry, he was alive and came to see the play. Guess good things happening somehow unearth the proper mourning I didn't do, just drowned it all in alcohol. We must go forward, even though it's painful at times.******

I'm sure he has been with you in spirit Leshar :hug: , hence the dreams etc. I have no doubt he is following your journey , my love xxx

I agree with Bob , i still get the down days too and feel sad teary etc . Life can be like that even normally and without booze and PAWS.

this surely is a topsy turvy state of mind , this sobriety thing !

It can only get better for all of us though as long as we have each other . Words are powerful and your words have helped me so very much since i joined this July class.

Crois i have been thinking about you too , i really hope you feel better and it's nothing a good choccie or 10 cant fix sweetie xxx

I don't know what I'd do without you all

I love you guys xxx

Croissant 06-03-2014 07:01 AM

Yeah I don't know what to post. All your posts made me cry for different reasons.

Painful memories coming back. I don't like them. Alcohol changed every part of who I was, yet it's very trick is it makes you believe you are right, you are invincible, you don't have a problem.

I don't even know who that person was back there.

SnoozyQ 06-03-2014 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by Croissant (Post 4691297)

I had my weepy day yesterday which I didn't mention....we must be in that cycle again, Leshar!....Another dream about my ex. I guess all this new sober time means I have to mourn what I never did, but the dreams can be exceptionally depressing. I didn't do much yesterday because of it - that's never happened before. I never did any of this mourning when it happened. None. Zero. Thanks alcohol for repressing my memory, making me feel like I was so right and justified. Thanks a million.

You can always mention your weepy days Crois , it's ok . It's a release , that's all your pent up emotions . Your body is expelling the negatives through salty tears and that's ok .

I absolutely understand your lack of mourning . My darling Nanna and favourite Auntie died within a year of each other . I had been extremely close to them all my life . "Checked out" when they both got so sick , so i didn't have to feel.

I was drunk the last 3 times i visited my Nanna and cant remember a lot and I'm ashamed . I want those memories but I'm denied them forever due to memory loss .

The one thing i remember was her beautiful beaming face whenever i entered the room . OOOH Wen , she would say and put out her arms for a hug.

I loved her so very much and now I'm crying writing this .

Lol good lot we are hey !

But i cant get those days back and she never judged me .

I realise now , i wasn't me back then , not the real me . I'm me now and i haven't felt that for at least 10 years. Alcohol changes who we are how we act , what we say , how we feel , but it wasn't the real us and it's not our fault .

I have come to realise that now.

We were sick back then guys :( we had a disease , we are still recovering from it. You are the only ones who truly understand what i mean tho , cos you are just like me . We aren't bad people , we've made mistakes , but geez we've paid the price , so now we have to start being kinder to ourselves .

Tomorrow's a new day we cant get back our yesterday's . But today , you , my friends are here for me and i am so grateful.

We always have to be vigilant after what's happened with Carl , it shows us how precarious sobriety is . He will bounce back from this . He's a good man .


Humbug 06-03-2014 04:28 PM

Sorry to hear that Leshar, the grind of everyday life can take a toll on you. I've been busy busy haven't been able to keep up with everyone and their post so sorry about that.
I'm just checking in soon it will be a year of being sober what a long journey that is. I'm still busy working two jobs only getting 5 hours sleep everyday I becoming such a grumpy person now. But there might be light at the end of the tunnel. I was offered a job with higher pay and it is only 32 hours a week starting so I will quit two jobs and work one job. What will I do will all my free time I worry this, hopefully I will get before the end of the month so excited to put in my two week notice. I also bought a car a 2000 honda civic LX it is in great condition love my car. I've been sleeping in the passenger seat in between jobs. I drove to the beach the other day looked at it then drove to work lol.
Soon we will make it to a year yeah take care everyone and god bless.

resolute50 06-03-2014 04:42 PM

Hey Humbug, glad you stopped in and said hello.
Maybe when you have more time with just the one job you can visit more.

I'm sitting here relaxing, watching the Red Sox game.
We just took the pup for a walk. It's a warm humid night.
Hope everybody is having a nice night and can check in and say hello.

Humbug 06-03-2014 04:46 PM

Hey resolute,
I'm a tiger fan myself, enjoy the game.

SnoozyQ 06-03-2014 05:34 PM

Hello Humbug :-) so glad you dropped by . Yep we are looking looking down one year soon ye hah ! I couldn't imagine doing 2 jobs and sleeping in your car in between ! Wow . Don't you feel even more tired ? That couldn't be comfortable ...i need the solitude and sanctuary of my nice warm waterbed . It's like getting into a nice warm hot water bottle each night .

The 32 hour job with more pay sounds perfect, congrats xxxx

Bob , i love your Maya Angelou quote . Also , i cant stop looking at the AV of your gorgeous dog , i know you've had it a while but I'm drawn to it . Stunning blue eyes

Hope you girls are ok today , big hugs to you both :hug:

Shaun has the day off and Holly tried to pull a swift one this morn . She so did NOT want to go to school today .

Big hi to all you Julyers ;-) not gonna try to remember you all lol as sergeant Crois will surely know if i forget someone:drillserg :buttkick:


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