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Emkay 01-10-2014 06:29 AM

24 more for me, please, at 8:29 am

desertsweetpea 01-10-2014 06:35 AM

Another 24 hours please. 7:35am in AZ

youngcatlady 01-10-2014 06:39 AM

24 more please 8:39 chicago.

Babs1234 01-10-2014 06:56 AM

Happy Friday everyone !!!! 24 more please.

huntingtontx 01-10-2014 06:56 AM

It is an overcast day here in the Piney Woods of East Texas. 8:56 in the morning and I am ready for another 24 hours please.

Avra 01-10-2014 07:10 AM

7:00 am here. Weekends are tough right now but Inam going to push through. 24 more pls.

Gingerale4me 01-10-2014 07:22 AM

another 24 please :)

BigShoe 01-10-2014 08:29 AM

24 more PNW

MB8 01-10-2014 08:35 AM

24 more grateful sober hours. MB8.

Carlotta 01-10-2014 08:47 AM

8:46 am and I am in for another 24 hours.
Wishing everyone a good sober week end.

James18 01-10-2014 09:02 AM

17:02 on day one here, signing up for another 24.

deeker 01-10-2014 09:13 AM

24 Hour Club Sign Up sheet, Part 33, All Are Welcome!

Hi There Everyone! Another weekend upon us! Today we do have choices!
The question is will we make the right one?

A good choice would be to join us in a simple commitment to stay clean
and sober for the next 24 Hours. It's just 24 hours and you can do it!

Just post your local time and commit, come back everyday. Please post
only once daily on this thread as this is mainly a sign up sheet.. ty

Welcome To Our Newest Members-

Stomper -theboysmama - newhope01 -Zoe12- Pacci- Swaps- PaulinePolitely -
Dan Dare - Kevin78 -goodface - koko - shane35x - ArticSA - BoatDaddy -


Grindilow 1 week!
Peacehappyness 1 week!
rochele 2 weeks!
MariahGayle 2 weeks!
Beanie25 4 weeks!
BoatDaddy 4 weeks!
zeppodog 2 months!
George3334 5 months!
erfra7 8 months!

If I missed your special day, my apologies. Please send me a pm with your
clean/sober date.

Roster will be posted 11 hr 47 min from now at 10 pm EST USA 1/10.

The New Me

You know at some point in this journey of our recovery we discover that there are
going to be some things we are really need to change about ourselves.

We may be thinking about trying to change our behavior, but we haven't yet found the
will to do anything about it.

We may recognize some of the hurdles and difficulties of changing our behavior,
and we may be thinking about making some changes at some point in the future,
but are just not ready to act in the immediate future.

It takes Courage to change.

What really helps for me is to think about what the new me would be like, the me without
the behavior that I want to change. It gives me something to aspire to.

The New Me not drink and drugging

The New will be able to hold a job,

The New Me will gain back the respect of my children.

The New Me will gain back the love and respect of my hubby.

The New Me will wake up feeling good and rested.

The New Me will be eligible for a raise or promotion at work.

The New Me will enjoy birthdays and Holidays with no regrets.

The New Me will make new friends.

The New Me will be able to take vacations and actually enjoy the scenery, the attractions
and not just be sitting on the beach or in a lounge getting drunk all day.

The New Me will earn money and actually be able to save money.

The New Me will not have anything to feel guilty about.

The New Me will be healthier.

The New Me will be able to be of service to others.

The New Me will be at peace.

The New Me will be happy.

How do I attempt to become the New me?

By taking Baby steps, one day at a time beginning with things like learning to pray, reading
recovery literature, attending support meetings, setting short term goals, doing service.

Acknowledging when I am wrong. Accepting the things I cannot change and lowering
my expectations.

Being God centered and not self centered.

Ask yourself "Am I ready for the New Me?"

If we can see it we can be it!

*Song For The Day - Kid Rock - Born Free

If unable to find this 24 hour Thread in the future, Click on Search near top of page and
type in Newcomer Daily Support Threads and click on Go. This is Part 33

Blueyesgrn 01-10-2014 09:26 AM

Checking in for another strong 24hrs sober! 0930 in CA.

newhope01 01-10-2014 09:48 AM

Checking in for another 24 hours here in cali at 9:45AM. Admittedly I am concerned about getting through this weekend.

George3334 01-10-2014 09:58 AM

Celebrating 5-months of sobriety!

24 hours please.
12:58 p.m. EST

Kizzer49 01-10-2014 10:03 AM

Day 40, 12:58pm looking for 24 more.

Going strong. Trying not to look back.
Loving life without hangovers. Hope
everyone has a great day!!!

Swaps 01-10-2014 10:24 AM

24 more for me - I am asking myself to please think about how good my weekend will be if I stay the course, got to keep repeating it in my mind. It does take a lot of energy, doesn't it?

MeSoSober 01-10-2014 10:32 AM

No alcohol for me for the next twenty-four hours no matter what!

Signing in from dreary Virginia at 1:32 PM EST.

TrickyDave 01-10-2014 10:47 AM

10:46 PST in for 24 hours. Happy Friday!

Cara39 01-10-2014 11:05 AM

I'll take 24hrs at 7.04PM please

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 09:47 AM.